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1、九年级英语复习连词人教四年制版知识精讲 1 / 11 九年级英语九年级英语复习连词复习连词人教四年制版人教四年制版 【同步教育信息同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容 复习连词 二. 重点、难点 连词的分类 1. 根据连词本身的形式分类:根据其构成的形式,连词可分为 4 类。 (1)简单连词:如 and(和),but(但是),or(或者),if(如果),before(在 以前),since(自从,既然)等。 (2)关联连词:如 bothand(既又),eitheror(或者或者), neithernor(既不又不),not only but also(不但而且),asas(和一样) 等。 (3)

2、短语连词:如 as if / as though(仿佛),as soon as(一就),as well as(也, 又),so that(以便;结果),in case(万一;以免),in order that(为了)等。 (4)分词连词:它们由动词的分词转变而来。 如:supposing(假如),considering(考虑到),provided(只要)等。 2. 根据连词的句法功能分类:可分为并列连词和从属连词两类。 (1)并列连词:它用来连接并列的句子或句子成份。按其作用可分为并列、转折、选 择和因果等四大类。 并列关系:用来连接两个概念,常见的连词有:and 和,以及,both 既 又,

3、not onlybut also 不但而且。neithernor 既不又不,as well as 也,又。 A. and eg. My tall friend is handsome , intelligent and strong . 我那高个子朋友英俊、聪明、身体又强壮。 She sings and dances very well . 她唱歌跳舞都很好。 注意:注意:“祈使句+and+祈使句”用于代替条件从句。如: Work hard and you will pass the exam . 你若是用功读书,就会考及格。 Go ahead and you will see the hos

4、pital . 向前走你就会看见医院。 B. bothand eg. Both Tom and John came to see me . 汤姆和约翰两个都来看我。 Mary can both sing and dance . 玛丽既会唱歌又会跳舞。 注意:注意:连接两个主语、谓语动词要用复数。如: Both you and I enjoy music . 你和我都喜欢音乐。 C. not onlybut also Beijing has not only a lot of old houses but also many new buildings . 北京不仅有许许多多古建筑,而且还有很多

5、很多的新楼房。 This girl is not only pretty but also clever . 这女孩不仅漂亮而且聪明。 注意:注意:当连接两个主语时,谓语动词应与最近的主语在数上保持一致。如: Not only he but also I am a teacher . 不仅他,我也是个老师。 由 not onlybut also引导的句子可转换成 as well as。如: 九年级英语复习连词人教四年制版知识精讲 2 / 11 She is not only kind but also beautiful . She is kind as well as beautiful .

6、 她不但漂亮,而且为人很好。 D. neithernor:Neither animals nor plants can live without air or water . 没有空气和 水,动植物都不能活。 He neither wrote nor telephoned . 他既没写信,也没打电话。 注意:注意:当此词组作主语时,谓语动词的用法由 nor 后面的词而定。如: Neither you nor I am right . 你和我都不对。 E. as well as:She is beautiful as well as clever . 她漂亮也聪明。 I entered for

7、100-metre-race as well as high jump . 我报名参加百米赛跑和跳高。 注意:注意:如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有 as well as 引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。 如: He as well as I is going to the concert . 不仅他我也要去听音乐会。 as well as 侧重前者,而 not onlybut also侧重后者。 转折关系:表示两个概念彼此有转折关系,常见的连词有:but 但是,yet 然而, while 而,however 可是,然而。如: She is not my girlfriend , but my

8、sister . 她不是我的女朋友,而是我妹妹。 She cut her hand badly , but didnt cry . 她伤了手,但并没有哭。 She isnt tall , yet she is strong . 她不高,但她结实。 The problem is difficult , however , many of us have solved it . 题是难一些,但我们很多人都做出来了。 However , on his arrival in Paris he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison . 可是,他

9、一到巴黎就被认出是贵族,被关进了监狱。 选择关系:表示两者之间选择其一,常见的连词有 eitheror 或者或者,不 是就是,or 否则,otherwise 否则,or else 否则。 eg. Do you speak either English or French ? 你说英语还是说法语? Either you or she is wrong . 不是你错就是她错。 注意:注意:eitheror连接主语时,谓语动词同后一个主语一致。如: Either you or I am wrong . 不是你错就是我错。 Either you or we do the housework . 不是你

10、们就是我们做家务。 因果关系:说明原因或产生的结果,常见的连词有:for 因为,so 所以,因此 therefore 所以,因而。如: Youd better put on your sweater , for its rather cold outside . 你最好把毛衣穿上,因为外面相当冷。 These buildings were over 50 years old , so they were not strong enough . 这些建筑物已有 50 多年的寿命,因此不够坚固。 He broke the rules of the school , therefore he had

11、 to leave . 他违反了校规,因此只得退学。 (2)从属连词:用来连接主句和名词性从句或状语从句的连词叫从属连词。 引导名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句或表语从句)的从属连词,有:that(无词 义),whether / if。如: He said(that)he had bought a new bike . 他说他买了一辆新自行车。 Ask her if she will come with me . 请问她是否愿意跟我一起来。 He asked whether they needed some more tea . 他问他们是否还需要茶。 九年级英语复习连词人教四年制版知识精讲 3

12、 / 11 引导状语从句的从属连词: A. 连接时间状语从句的从属连词有:since , until , after , before , when , while , as , as soon as 如: My father died before I was born . 家父在我出生之前就去世了。 As I left the house , I remembered the key . 正要离开住所时,我想起了钥匙。 Ill go with you as soon as I finish my work . 我一完成工作就和你一起去。 Lets play football after s

13、chool is over . 放学后,咱们踢球吧。 He has lived in Beijing since he came to China . 他来华以来,一直住在北京。 Tom watched TV while he ate his supper . 汤姆边吃晚饭边看电视。 While she was listening to the radio , she fell asleep . 她听收音机时睡着了。 He could swim very well when he was young . 他年轻的时候,游泳游得很好。 Wait here until I come back .

14、在这儿等到我回来。 Go on till you see a tall building on your right . 往前走,直到在你的右侧看到一所高楼。 I didnt go home until I cleaned the classroom yesterday afternoon . 昨天下午我直到打扫完教室才回家。 B. 引导条件状语从句,如 if , even if , unless , in case , provided that , suppose(supposing), as long as , on condition that 如: If it doesnt rain

15、 tomorrow , Ill go to the Great Wall . 如果明天不下雨,我就去长城。 Even if you fail again you , shouldnt lose heart . 就是再次失败你也不该灰心。 Hell go there unless it rains . 如果天不下雨,他将到那儿去。 Youd better take an umbrella in case it rains . 你最好把雨伞带去以防下雨。 Ill go with you provided that everyones going . 如果人人都去,我就跟你去。 Suppose yo

16、u are right , are you happy ? 假定你对,你高兴吗? As long as he is alive , hell work . 只要他活着,他就要工作。 Im permitted to go out on condition that my homework is done . 我被允许出去的条件是必须做完作业。 C. 引导原因状语从句,如:because , as , since , now that , seeing that , for 如: I must hurry because its time for me for class . 我必须快点,因为我该上课了。 We had to walk all the way as we had no money for fares . 由于我们没钱买车票,就不得不徒步而行。 Since he is very busy , I wont trouble him . 既然他很忙,我就不打扰他了。 Now that we are alone , we can speak freely . 既然没


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