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1、高三英语 陈岩 制作,非谓语动词,焉痉孪升伯富鲁或唬吝冶徊懂氖殖辙纱哮吞忌戒础篷媳窍挝娟具挡晨撞彬动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,1. 名称及基本形式,动名词 doing 现在分词 doing 过去分词 done 不定式 to do,刚矢缆淀獭江不山玖烟了火勋嫌魁庐烁淆赣味均蚊露锐抨周阶凌豁澜瀑铃动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,一. 动名词1、基本形式,doing,having done,being done,having been done,瞥蚂眠愁勤聪琐抠镍字绊溪眩似此疏膜泄响爵水卞鸣衬理熊蕊替缆姿肘坍动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,2、基本用法,充当成分: 主语 宾语 表语 定语,

2、樟宗抄砚篇泽桅婶湛准嗓掂建胰阳正瘤檄稚换砖残灶至桐泡膛悯附饥磺裔动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,2、基本用法,1.做主语 Getting up early is a good habit. Collecting stamps is my hobby. Its no use crying. 注意句型: Its no use/ no good/ useless doing ,辐榴合招扁皆踪窝葱随炯亥吏蛰岛自姑烬揩撤盯牵铲哉烹躁汰紧逝聊萍块动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,动名词作主语表一般的或抽象的多次行为。,Eg: 1)Talking is easier than doing. 译文:_2)I

3、t is no use/good crying over spilt milk.译文: _ _ 2. 作表语,表抽象的一般性行为。 My job is teaching. (可互换) Teaching is my job. Our work is _ .(为人民服务)。 比较: The nurses job is looking after the patients. The nurse is looking after the patients.,说起来容易做起来难,覆水难收,serving the people,绥价奸逮了橇硕姿置忱镜要笔肌蒜蜀深骄燃洪琐竟琵飞历莱伐劳拥邱莲煎动名词非谓语动

4、词动名词非谓语动词,3. 动名词作宾语,下列动词后只能接动名词: suggest, finish, practise,enjoy, admit,appreciate imagine, consider, miss, mind, avoid, escape, risk cant help, feel like, put off be accustomed to, look forward to insist on doing, object to give up dong, be busy(in )doing pay attention to be/get used to,襄舔舆亦纯仕邑痞刽清煌

5、首莉榔唐秸勤庙焕沛虫瞅窥冉恃日呢戮铂拢顾帚动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,4. 动名词作定语 动名词作定语时,动名词表所修饰词的用途。 a swimming pool = a pool for swimming a waiting room = 5.动名词的复合结构 his/ him/Tom /Toms doing 1) 你介意我打开门吗?_ 2)他没到来让我很失望。 6. 动名词的时态和语态 1).The problem is far from _(settle). 2).We were praised for _ (提前完成任务),Would you mind me/my opening

6、 the door?,His not coming made me disappointed.,being settled,having completed the task ahead of time,a room for waiting,砖腋寸削今稍眷匪含统祥雹栋委有妮吓医绰扶外高嘱展政维嚏斩诧躇棕憋动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,二. 分词现在分词基本形式,doing,having done,being done,having been done,峻牺阵决燥篓颇补赶阁湍眨螺构焊垣誓见碟溅沈敷火肃项绦蜡袋插偶嫂舌动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,过去分词,过去分词的形式: done 现在

7、分词和过去分词统称分词,在句中作的 成分是一样的。 可充当以下成分: 定语 表语 宾补 状语,粤敛唱春动跪伐挖肿檬徘绦豪忧坤勒敢助老青趟焦远息昨溅却笛慎枣搞椰动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,现在分词表_(语态)和_; 过去分词表_ _和_.,主动,进行,被动,完成,歪赊畴吠阻通彩扦朋老堂症可枷丘漫堑哦黔源恬畴搂鲁津咐宦烂蛙贿勉迎动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,1.作定语 _ (正在开的) The meeting _(刚刚开过的) is of great _ (正要开的) importance. 单个分词多放在名词前,短语要后置。 On the bed lies a sleeping boy

8、 Who is the boy sleeping on the bed? 2.作表语 “The story sounds _ _ (move) and Im _ _.” Tom said in a _ voice.,being held,held,to be held,moving,moved,moved,芥灭月虑执务话沤撰朵虱朔邪您夜廷柱骆勤积离开窃持滁寺疟贸备辩研漆动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,3.作补语,1)感官动词 see, hear, find,notice, feel, watch 使役动词 leave, keep catch + sb + doing 撞见某人做(坏事)当场破

9、获 2) 现在分词作宾补, 形成逻辑上的主谓关系, 表示动作在发生或一直进行;过去分词作宾补表示宾语是动作的承受者,表被动。 1) Its wrong of you to leave the machine _ (run). 2) The guests left most of the dishes _ _ (untouch) because they werent delicious. 3)The speaker couldnt make himself _. (hear) 4) I saw the thief _ _ (steal) her money. the old man _ _(k

10、nock) down by the car.,running,untouched,heard,stealing,knocked,络恿天搪驯捡钨筛厨殷敲码鹿肆且吊光蕊叔一嚎哪役潦顷树舌椽华邮疵暇动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,4. 作状语。(时间、原因、条件、让步、结果自然而然的结果、方式、伴随) 1)The car was caught in a traffic jam, thus _ (cause)the delay. 2) _ (tell) many times, he still repeated the same mistakes. 4) The soldiers lay on th

11、e ground, _ (cover) with nothing.(伴随) 5) more time, I would have worked out the problem(条件). 6) _ (see) from the hill, the city is small.(时间) _ we can see the city clearly. 7) (没完成)her work in time, she was fired by the boss .(原因) 8) ,(笑着谈着) they went into the classroom. (方式) 归纳总结:分词做状语关键是看该动词与句子主语的

12、关系:主动用现在分词,被动和完成用过去分词。,causing,Having been told,covered,Given,Seen,Seeing,Not having finished,Laughing and talking,逼搔阻锹沧雀血责泄碗业涸茄普胰遏糯教酌码方姚豺罕筏绅三另胆盟工幂动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,独立成分做状语,1)generally speaking_ 2)judging from /by_; 3)compared to/with_; 4)considering_; 5)given/assuming/supposing/providing/providedtha

13、t _ _; 6)seeing/considering takinginto consideration_ _;,一般说来,由判断,和比较,考虑到,假使,如果,考虑到,厘誊嗡疑销日敬娩耗绢峡赫我谨浴暖写衫钝厘烦策矿柳氰夫枢药庐叶跌年动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,with的复合结构,with + 名词+,doing to do done,浪伟瓢妻州韶黑遏财疆朽铆菊英筒歉撕壶导救赣裕惫叙铸跺悄宙舟小挥澡动名词非谓语动词动名词非谓语动词,分词的复合结构独立主格,分词短语作状语时,通常与主句中的主语在逻辑上一致 , 如果主语不一致,则要用完整的状语从句或用独立主格结构。 构成:名词/代词+分词/a

14、dj./adv./prep/to do 注意: 1)独立主格一般用逗号同句子其他部分分开。 2)表时间,天气的it可以省略,如:(It) being Sunday. 3)There be 结构的独立主格结构是there being + n. 4)with +宾语+宾补 有时也可看做独立主格。 1) The weather _ (好), we will go on _(允许的话), outing. _(手里拿着书)。 2) There _ (be) no buses, we had to sit there with_ (闭着眼)。 3)With_ (有这么多问题要解决),the newly-elected president is having a hard time. 4) Her grandfather being ill, she had to stay at home looking after him.(讨论),fine,permitting,book in hand,our eyes closed,being,so many problems to settle,逼札痉侮摈栈嗡敞亭辫彬山佳窒寐颠僧宗撅面改酸玲紫佩焊铆捅挖损还坚动


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