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1、南京三中2010-2011学年度第一学期阶段检测高三英语试题 说明:1.本卷分第卷和第卷两部分,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 2.所有答案必须填写到答题卡和答卷纸上,否则无效。第卷(选择题部分 共65分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节。满分35分) 第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. -I was scared silly when _ guy with a bloody mask jumped out from a corner suddenly. - Ah, its O

2、ctober 31st, Halloween, _ day for dressing like witches and ghosts. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a2. -Amy. Im close _ a promotion. - Congratulations. You must be very excited. A. to get B. to getting C. to be getting D. to being getting 3. As the first character of the Chinese expression “S

3、uan Ni Hen” carried the same _ as garlic in Chinese, people used it to satirize(讥讽) the soaring garlic and food prices this winter.A. pronunciation B. parallel C. presentation D. privilege4. What is even worse is the overuse of underground water in Beijing, _ average level will soon drop to 30 meter

4、s underground.A. where B. which C. whose D. that 5. Please ask them _ in front of the driveway, or Ill have to get them _ away. A. not to park; to pull B. dont park; to pull C. to not park; pulled D. not to park; pulled 6.- Ive heard they are going to build a first-class hotel here. - Oh, no. They w

5、ill have to _ all those nice old houses. A. tear down B. cut down C. break down D. crack down7. Now in China, when it is necessary to use foreign phrases or words in publications, _ should be accompanied by a translation or explanation in Chinese. A. it B. one C. they D. that 8.-What do you think of

6、 the sweet corn pancakes? I _ it myself. - Very delicious, indeed. Even my mothers cant match this. A. make B. made C. had made D. was making9.-Do you think learning a new language will worry you? - _ Id love to have the chance to learn a new language. A. No doubt. B. No wonder. C. No way. D. How co

7、me?10. With well-known actors Ge You and Chow Yun-Fat _ in his latest film, Let the Bullet Fly”, Jiang Wen expressed great confidence for its box office earnings.A. involved B. involving C. were involved D. to be involved11.It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in t

8、heir lives, _ the main focus of social psychology. A. that is B. which is C. that are D. which are12. Carol and I used to play on the school volleyball team. Thats _ we got to know each other. A. when B. where C. how D. what 13. Take your time and make sure you put the machine back together correctl

9、y; remember- _.A. No man is wise at all times. B. Easier said than done.C. Truth is the daughter of time. D. More haste, less speed14.Nowadays we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion _ our friends think we are odd. A. now that B. even if C. in case D. in that15.-My neighbour had a par

10、ty and the noise kept me awake all night. I finally had to call the police. - I _the same thing. They shouldnt be allowed to disturb people like that. A. will do B. did C. should have done D. would have done 第二节 完型填空(共20小题:每题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 On S

11、undays my father always wore that dull gray apron - the one with the race cars all over it. The ritual(仪式,惯例)began after breakfast. My mother 16 into the folds of the Sunday paper. Off came the suit coat he had worn to church that morning. 17 went the shirtsleeves . On went that 18 . For the next ho

12、ur Dad did the dishes, singing folk songs like Who Put the Chow in Mrs. Murphys Chowder?I suppose it was 19 for a boys father to wear an apron - 20 one with race cars - but I never thought much of it 21 the day that Dad broke with tradition. It was the last Sunday in August. My father seemed in an e

13、xpansive(广阔的,豪爽的) mood as we walked home from church together.Tommy, he said letting 22 roll off his tongue. My mind raced ahead of his words: A new bike? A part-time job? There comes a time in every boys life when he must take on responsibilities. 23 ? I asked.Yes. Its time you took a greater role

14、in the household. Power tools? Boss my baby brother?Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on 24 so your mother and I can work the crossword puzzle together.The dishes!? Anything 25 with taking over the dishes, son?I didnt taste a bit of breakfast that morning. My sister began to clear the table. My brother was 26 the last of the egg from his plate. And then that ancient



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