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1、. . 电子系统综合创新设计 综合报告 题目:节 能 灯 设 计课 程:电子系统综合创新设计学 号:姓 名:学 院: 电子与电气工程学院专 业:电子信息工程班 级学 期:2015 2016 学年 第一学期摘要常言道“眼睛是心灵的窗户。”我认为灯则是指引心灵的方向标。在生活中,我们无时不在地使用着灯,诸如台灯、路灯、日光灯、探照灯、彩灯等等,但不管是什么样式的灯,它们的作用都是一致的照明。因此,设计一个既实用又方便的照明灯则是我们人类共同的愿望。而生活中我们用的最为平常的灯则是楼道里的照明灯,住过居民楼的人都应该知道,楼道很窄,晚上行走很不方便,如果让楼道的照明灯一直亮着,则难免会浪费国家资源,

2、因此设计一种既不浪费国家电力又很方便实用的照明灯系统是很有实用价值意义的一件事。 在学校、机关、厂矿企业等单位的公共场所以及居民区的公共楼道,长明灯现象十分普遍,这造成了能源的极大浪费。另外,由于频繁开关或者人为因素,墙壁开关的损坏率很高,增大了维修量、浪费了资金。同时,为了加强我们对模拟电子技术,数字电子技术,电子工艺的理解和巩固,我花了一个月的时间进行毕业设计,而我设计的课题是声光控制节能灯的设计,我设计了一种电路新颖、安全节电、结构简单、安装方便、使用寿命长的声光双控白炽灯节能照明灯。 本论文主要阐述了多种声光控路灯控制器的组成、性能,适用围及工作原理,给出各电路原理图及元件参数选择,节

3、电效果十分明显,同时也大大减少了维修量、节约了资金,使用效果良好。白天光照好,不管过路者发出多大声音,都不会是灯泡发亮。夜晚光暗,电路的拾音器只要检测到有碎发声响,就会自动亮为行人照明,过数十秒后又自动熄灭,节能节电。 关键词:与非门放大;光敏二极管;可控开关;延迟电路。Abstract As the eyes are the Windows of the soul. I think lamp is the direction of mind. Guide In life, we use the ever-present lamp, table lamp, street lamp, fluor

4、escent lamp, such as, lights, searchlights, but no matter what style, the lamp, they are consistent, lighting. Therefore, the design of a practical and convenient floodlight is our human common wishes. But life we use the most ordinary lamp is haunting floodlight, lived everyone should know 52-store

5、y block, the corridor is very narrow, the evening walk very inconvenient, if corridor lights have floodlight, unavoidably will waste the countrys resources, design a kind of state power and not waste is very convenient and practical lighting system is very practical significance of a thing. In schoo

6、ls, offices, factories and enterprises etc public and residential building, the public, it is common ever-buring lamps and caused a tremendous waste of energy. In addition, because of frequent switch or man-made factors, the walls of the damage rate is very high, switch to increase the quantity, was

7、ted money maintenance. At the same time, in order to strengthen our analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology and electronic technology, the understanding and strengthen it took me a months time, but my graduation design, the design of the subject is energy-saving light control des

8、ign, I design a circuit novel, safety, simple structure, convenient installation, long-life energy-saving lighting incandescent light dual control. This paper mainly discusses the various acoustic electric lamp, the composition, properties of controller scope and work principle, the parameters of th

9、e circuit principle diagram and component selection, energy-economizing effect obviously, but also reduce the maintenance, save money, good effect. During the day, whether passers-by shine out much is not sound, light shine. The dark night light, if detection circuit to have broken pick-up, will aut

10、omatically send sound and light for pedestrians lighting for several seconds later and automatic extinguished, energy saving. Keywords: cross-coupled nand gates amplifier, Photosensitive diode; Controllable switching; Latency circuits. 目录 1前言 . 1 1.1课题研究的目的和意义 . 1 1.2国外概况 . 1 1.3 设计思路及优缺点 . 2 2设计方案论证 . 3 2.1题目分析 . 3 2.2设计方案 . 3 2.3方案比较 . 5 3声光双控节能灯设计 . 6 3.1方案二电路原理框图 . 6 3.2声控电路 . 6 3.3整流电路 . 7 3.4光控电路.7 3.5延时电子开关电路 . 8 3. 6元件清单表 .9 3.7声光控制灯的常见故障与检修 . 10 4主要元器件介绍. 11 4.1 驻极体话筒 .



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