where 引导从句的用法-

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《where 引导从句的用法-》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《where 引导从句的用法-(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Where引导从句的用法一、 where引导定语从句 where引导定语从句时,其先行词是表示地点的名词,它在定语从句中作地点状语,此时where 相当于at/in/on+which。如:This zoo is not the only place where the animal can be seen. 这个动物园并不是唯一能够看到这种动物的地方。Shes got herself into a dangerous situation where shes likely to lose her life. 她将自己置于了危险的境地,而且很有可能丢掉性命。二、 where引导状语从句 wher

2、e引导状语从句时,它相当于in/at the place where。如:My father grew up where he was born. 我父亲是在他出生的地方长大的。Take him where it is safe. 把他带到安全的地方去。三、 where引导名词性从句where引导的名词性从句主要有宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句以及同位语从句,此时where相当于the place where。如:Can you tell me where you found it? 你能告诉我你是在哪儿找到它的吗?Thats where I was when the accident happ

3、ened. 那就是事故发生时我所在的地方。Where the old man comes from is still a puzzle. 这位老人是从哪里来的还是个谜。I have no idea where we should go for a holiday. 我不知道我们该去哪里度假。【巩固练习】 请用引导词where来补全下列英文句子。 1. 有志者事竟成。_, there is a way. 2. 书在你原来放的地方。The book is _. 3. 她回到了她刚才坐的地方。She is back to _. 4. 请呆在原处。Please stay _. 5. 这就是他曾工作过的

4、农场。This is the farm _. 6. 我很怀念我儿时生活过的地方。I miss the place _ in my childhood. 7. 我希望住在一个空气清新、人们友好的地方。I hope to live _ and people are friendly. 8. 明天我们在哪里见面还没有决定呢。_ has not been decided yet. 9. 她可以想去哪里就去哪里,想做什么就做什么。She was free to _ and do what she liked to do. 10. 到哪儿去过周末,这个问题我们还没有解决。We havent dealt with the question _.参考答案:1. Where there is a will 2. where you left it 3. where she sat just now 4. where you are 5. where he once worked 6. where I lived 7. where the air is fresh 8. Where we shall meet tomorrow 9. go to where she liked to go 10. where we are going to spend the weekend


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