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1、Unit 4 Global warming,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写下下列单词。 1 _ rB:f n. 图表; 坐标图。 2 _fi5nCminEnn. 现象。 3_fjuEln. 燃料 4 _5deitE n. 资料; 数据 5 _5klaimit n. 气候 6 _steitvt. 陈述;说明 7 _reindVn. 种类;范围 8 _5waIdspredadj. 分布广的,普遍的。 9_di:5kri:s vi.vt. 减少;使变小,graph,phenomenon,fuel,data,climate,state,range,widespread,decrea

2、se,10 _ 5stediadj. 稳固的;持续的。 11_i5zistEnsn.生存;存在 12_5autEadj. 外部的;外面的。 13_ pE5lu:FEnn. 污染;弄脏 14_ I5lektrIk(E)ladj. 电的;与电有关的 15_ 5mEutE n. 发动机 16_kAnn. 容器;罐头 17 _ 5maikrEuweivn. 微波炉;微波 18 _ 5nju:kliEadj. 原子核的;核胡 19_dIsE5ri:mEntn.分歧;不一致 20_ 5taitln. 标题;题目,title,steady,existence,outer,pollution,electric

3、al,motor,can,microwave,nuclear,disagreement,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,以及中文提示,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。 1 Coal is one of the cheapest types of _. 2 You must drink a large _ of water. 3 She enjoyed w_ fame afer her new film came out. 4You have to take the _ (后果)of the accident. 5The frontier _(延伸)from the northern hills

4、 to the southern coast.,ranges,fuel,quantity,widespread,consequences,6.An eclipse of the moon is one of the rare _(现象) 7 Not everyone can afford journeys to _ space. 8.The little girl drank four _ (罐) of beer, which made us surprised. 9 Students numbers will have_(减少) to 3000 by the end of this term

5、. 10 Although we are burning coal in huge _ every year, we wont run out of it for centuries.,quantities,phenomena,outer,cans,decreased,三、词语派生 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 Prices are rising _(steady) 2. He is old enough to be _of his parents so he wants _ from them.( dependence) 3. The president made a _ (state)of

6、 his aims. 4. Do you believe in the _ (exist)of ghosts? 5. The _(pollute) river should be dealt with by the government.,steadily,independent independence,statement,existence,polluted,6. How did you deal with the _ (disagree) between colleagues(同事) 7. The use of energy is Tims country is low _(compar

7、e to ) the use of energy in the USA. 8. Mother asked little Tom to _(renewable) the water in the goldfish bowl. 9. This machine has an _( electricity) fault. 10. The significant earthquake broken out last night caused a _ (catastrophe) failure.,disagreement,compared to,Renew,electrical,catastrophic,

8、四、词组互译 1 _ 逐步建立;增加 2_ 依赖;依靠 3_ 发生;造成 4 _ 等等 5 _大量的 6_ 有关系;有影响 7 _ 只要 8 _ 在A和B 之间变化,range from A to B,build up,depend on,come about,and so on,quantities of,make a difference,as long as,9_继续 10 _ 把比作; 11 _ 导致 12 _ 大体上;基本上 13 _按平均数计算 14 _忍受;容忍 15_ 一瞥,glance at,keep on,compare to ,result in,on the whole

9、,on average,put up with,五 词组运用 词组填空 从上面的短语中选择恰当的短语填空。 1. Were _ him finishing her job by Friday. 2. He _knowledge _ wings to fly. 3. Tell me how the accident _ 4. _ books were on the desk. 5. The accident _ ten deaths.,resulted in,depending on,compared to,came about,Quantities of,6. You need to _ yo

10、ur strength. 7. Dont _ asking so many questions. 8. He _ the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting. 9. You can go to play _ you stay in the back yard. 10. We cant _ his endless complaint.,put up with,build up,keep on,glanced at,as long as,完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 11. 付款多少取决与你居住的地方。 The amount you

11、 pay _ where you live. 12. 与40年前相比, 卫生保健水平得到了极大提高。 _, standards in health care have improved greatly. 13. 这种情况本不应该发生。 This situation _. 14. 警方发现了大量违禁药品。 Police found _ of illegal drugs. 15. 谈判结果削减了导弹数量。 The talks _ reducing the number of missiles.,resulted in,depends on,Compared with 40 years ago,sh

12、ould never have come about,a large quantities of,句子翻译 16. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。 _ 17. 他们的年龄在25岁到50岁之间。 _ 18. 我不明白她怎么能容忍他没完没了的抱怨。 _ _ 19. 这场雨影响了比赛。 _ 20. 总得来说,我赞成这个建议。 _,On the whole, Im in favor of the proposal.,We fail one student per year on average.,Their ages range from 25 to 50.,I dont know how she puts up with his endless complaint.,The rain made a difference to the game.,1. What do you think green house g



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