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1、Unit2LookingDifferent Topic 1I have a small nose. Section B .Materialanalysis 本节课主要活动是1a 和 4,将继续学习由实义动词have/ has 引导的表示所属关系 的表达方式; 通过康康和迈克尔之间关于猜测明星的对话,进一步拓展询问姓名以及询 问和回应姓名和外貌特征的表达“Who is your favorite actor?” , “It s” , “Doeshe /she have ?” ,“Yes,he/shedoes.” , “No, he/shedoesn t.”同时将学习同义句: “My face i

2、s round. = I have a round face. His hair is short. = He hasshort hair.”由形容词性物主代词转 化为 have/has引导的同义句;还将复习相关的形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her 的用 法;此外,学生还将学习元音字母u 辅音字母 r,y 及组合 ng 的读音规则。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够掌握并应用新学习的单词:actor, Chinese,does,arm, hand,leg, foot, short 等; 能够用英语熟练表达询问人物外貌、体格特征及所属关系的表达

3、方法: She/He/It has Doeshe/shehave ? 能够掌握元音字母u,辅音字母r, y 及组合 ng 的读音规则。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式; 能运用表示询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写和使用新学习的单词。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真,规范书写单词; 能够培养学生善于观察周围人或物的能力。 .The key points and difficultpoints Key points 正确使用表示描述和询问

4、人物外貌特征的表达方法:She/He/It has Does he/she have ? 正确使用实义动词:have /has; 正确使用助动词do/does:Do you have?Does hehave ? 能够掌握元音字母u 辅音字母 r,y 及组合 ng 的读音规则。 Difficult points 正确使用使役动词have /has; 助动词 do/does的应用; 能够掌握由形容词性物主代词转化为have/has引导的同义句; .Learning strategies: 做游戏能增强学生学习英语的兴趣。 . Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。 .Teach

5、ing procedures Step Interaction patterns Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (8minutes) 1.Thewhole classwork. 2.Individual work. 3.Individual work. 4.Thewhole classwork. 1.Students follow theteacherand review the words. 2.Students say the word one by one quickly. 3.Onestudent answers, “ Ye

6、s,I do./ No, I don t ”; Thenoneby one. 4.Studentsguess who it is together. 1.Draw a picture of a girl on theblackboard,andthen describeit,usingthe sentences: “ Thisis a nose. This is a mouth. These are eyes” Let students follow the teacherand review thenew words they have learnt. 2.Pointout any part

7、 of the picture and let studentssay the word one by onequickly. 3.Walk to one student and ask, “ Do you have ?”Let student answers, “ Yes, I do. / No, I don t ”;Then one by one. 4.Check studentshomework (Draw a picture of themselves, and then write a short passage aboutthemselves);Select three pictu

8、res and read the passages;Finally, let students guesswho it is. Presentation (12minutes) 1.Thewhole class work. 1.Do 1a. Students follow the teacher for severaltime. 1.Show an actorspicture and say, “ He is an actor.”(老师解 释:actor 意为 演员尤其指男 演员,一位男演员: an actor.) 2.Pair work. 3.Thewhole class work. 4.T

9、hewhole class workandindividual work. 2.Studentstalk about the question in pairs, “ is my favorite actor. Whoisyour favoriteactor? My favorite actor is ”Two pairs showtheir conversations. 3.Students answer thequestions together; 4.Studentslisten to the tape and try to get the answer; One studentansw

10、er the question:“ He is Jackie Chan ”. Then allstudents follow the tape. Let student read the word for several times. 2.Then say,“ He is my favorite actor. Whoisyourfavorite actor?”(老师解释: favorite 意 为最喜爱的) Give students 1 minutetotalkaboutthe question in pairs; Then choose twopairstoshowtheir conver

11、sationstothewhole class. 3.Showa pictureof Jackie Chan and ask the questions: “ Who ishe?Doeshe have ?” Letstudenttryto answerthequestionsin English. 4.Play the tape. Let students listen to the tape and answer the question: “Who is it?”; Then choose one student to answer the question(老师可 补 充 另 一 种 答

12、 案 It sJackie Chan); At last, play the tape again and let studentsfollow thetape. Consolidation (12minutes) 1.Pair work.1.Two pairsact out the dialogue. 1.Let students practice and act 1a out the dialogue in pairs, 2.Thewhole classwork. 3.Individual work. 4. Pair work. 5.Individual work. 2.The stude

13、nt answersthe teachersquestion. Ss:Doeshe/she have ? T: Yes,he/she does. /No, he/she doesn t. 3.Do 1b. Students listen and fillin the blanks in 1b; One student check the answer; 4. Do 1c. Two pairs showtheirnew Conversations. 5.Do 2. Students look at the picture carefully, and then listenand check t

14、he number; Some students tell their answer. and then choose two pairs to act out the dialogue. 2.Walk to any student and ask the other studentsquestion. 3.Play the tape for the third time and let students listen and fill in the blanks in 1b; Choose one student to check the answer of 1b. 4.Give stude

15、nts 2 minutes to talkabouttheirfavorite people, thenmake upnew conversations in pairs. 5.Letstudents lookatthe picture of 2carefullyand guess “ Whois Mr.Wang? ” Play the tape and check the number; Letsome students tell their answer. Practice (10minutes) 1.Individual workandthe wholeclass work. 2.The

16、whole classwork. 1.Do3.All students write the name of each part bythemselves; Thenreadthe wordsby themselves; Some students try to readthe words; Then all students follow the teacher for severaltimes. 2.Do4.Students look attheflashcard and read after the teacherfortwo times; Thenstudents changethe sentence to “ You have along face”. 1.Show a pictureof 3. Let students writethe name of eachpart first; Point out some cardswith new words “ arm, hand, leg, foot” and their pronunciati



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