高中英语 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained单元小结教学案 牛津译林版必修2

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1、Unit 1 Tales of the unexplainedYesterday afternoon, a puzzling incidentoccurred near a high building which is underconstruction.A bus which was due to arrive in half an hour arrived earlier. When a dismissedastronomer wanted to go aboard the bus, a detective came to stop him. He tried to convince hi

2、m that if the astronomer could make some statements, he would have the possibility of getting the award belonging to him. However, the astronomer didnt accept his advice. Instead, he attacked the enthusiastic detective, causing him to get seriously injured.As soon as the astronomer got on the bus, a

3、 bright light flashed and then the bus disappeared.A journalist who was making his way home happened to see it.Dozens of other witnesses provided the police with the same evidence. But no one could exactly say where the bus had gone. The police, taken charge of by a Mr Wang, are looking intotheamazi

4、ng incident at present.Many people assume that aliens showed up and took the bus away, together with the astronomer and some other passengers. Whether the mystery can be solved or not, only time can tell.昨天下午,在一幢正在建造的高楼附近,发生了一起令人迷惑不解的事件。一辆预计在半小时以后到站的公共汽车提早到达了车站。当一名被解雇的天文学家要上车时,一名侦探走过来阻止他。这名侦探试图使天文学家相信他有可能拿到属于他的奖金,条件是他做出陈述。但是,天文学家没有接受他的建议,而是攻击了热情的侦探,致使侦探严重受伤。天文学家一上车,一道亮光闪过,然后公车汽车就消失了。一名记者正在回家去,他碰巧看到了这件事。许多其他目击者也为警察提供了同样的证据,但是没有人能确切地说出公共汽车到底去了哪儿。在一位姓王的先生的负责下,警方现在正在调查这一令人惊讶的事件。许多人认为外星人出现并带走了车辆,包括那个天文学家和其他一些乘客。这个谜能否被解开,只有时间能证明这一切。最新K12资料1



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