七级英语上册 Module 5 Healthy food配套课件 外研版

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1、,. 看图选单词 onions, juice, pork, chicken, melon, apples, potatoes,答案:1. apples 2. juice 3. onions 4. melon 5. chicken 6. pork 7. potatoes,. 句型展示 1. 我们有一些果汁。 We _ _ _ juice. 2. 我们没有牛奶。 We _ _ _ milk. 答案:1. have got some 2. havent got any,3. 她们有一些甜瓜吗? _ they got _ melons? 是的,她们有。 Yes, _ _ . 答案:Have; any;

2、 they have,orange n. 橘子 I have got an orange. 我有一个橘子。 They have got some oranges. 他们有一些橘子。 (1)我非常喜欢橘子汁。 I like _ juice very much. (2)我妈妈有一件橘色的外套。 My mother has got _ _ _ .,【点拨】(1)orange (2)an orange coat,. 用a, an, some 或any填空 (5分钟,10分) 1. There arent _ oranges in the box. 2. They have got _ apples b

3、ut they havent got _ bananas. 答案:1. any 2. some;any,3. Have you got _ English books? Yes. I have got _ . 4. Lin Tao is _ boy. He has got _ apple. 5. Is there _ onion on the table? 答案:3. any;some 4. a;an 5. an,. 句型转换 (5分钟,10分) 1. We have got some juice. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ juice? 2. Have they got any

4、 carrots? (作否定回答) _ , they _ . 答案:1. Have;got any 2. No;havent,3. Weve got some melons. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _? 4. My sister likes apples. (就划线部分提问) _ _ apples? 5. have, not, melons, They, got, any (. ) (连词成句) _ 答案:3. What have;got 4. Who likes 5. They have not got any melons.,句型展示 1. 肉和鱼是健康食品。 Meat an

5、d fish are _ _ . 2. 水果和蔬菜是健康食品但是汉堡和糖不是健康食品。 Fruit and vegetables are healthy food _ hamburgers and candy _ healthy food. 答案: 1. healthy food 2. but; arent,3. 水和牛奶是健康饮料。 Water and milk _ healthy _ . 4. 你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么? Whats your favourite _ _ _ ? 答案:3. are; drinks 4. food and drink,选词配图 A. hamburger B

6、. Coke C. candy D. noodles E. ice cream 答案: 15. BDAEC,Juice, water and milk are healthy drinks but Coke isnt a healthy drink. 果汁,水和牛奶是健康饮料,但可乐不是健康饮料。 but是并列连词,意思是“但是”,表示转折关系,连接并列分句。,用and, but, or 和so填空 (1)He likes meat _ fish. (2)Is he a doctor _ a teacher? (3)He eats healthy food every day, _ he is

7、 in good health. 【点拨】(1)and (2)or (3)so,. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. Noodles and rice are _ (health) food. 2. Are they healthy food and _ (drink)? 3. There are many _ (tomato) on the table. 4. How many _ (potato) are there in your basket? 5. Peter likes _ (eat) candy very much. 答案:1. healthy 2. drinks

8、3. tomatoes 4. potatoes 5. eating,. 单项选择 (5分钟,10分) ( )1. Tea and Coke are different (不同的) _. A. food B. foods C. drink D. drinks ( )2. _ some beef in the fridge. A. Theres B. There are C. There isnt D. There arent,( )3. Betty hasnt got _ . A. some chicken B. any chicken C. many chicken D. many chick

9、ens ( )4. The boy is _ , and he is always in good _ . A. healthy; healthy B. health; health C. healthy; health D. health; healthy,( )5. Ive got some _ juice, but my sister has got some _ . A. orange;oranges B. oranges;orange C. oranges;oranges D. orange;orange,. 用some或any填空(5分钟,10分) 1. I have got _

10、carrots. 2. They havent got _ rice. 3. Has she got _ apples in the fridge? 4. My brother hasnt got _ milk. 5. Can I ask you _ questions? Yes, please. 答案:1. some 2. any 3. any 4. any 5. some,. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) ( )1. She wants to eat some _ food. A. China B. Chinese C. England D. America ( )2. Whats in t

11、he fridge? _ some meat in it. A. There is B. There are C. We has D. We got,( )3. _ healthy, we should eat more (更多的) healthy food. A. Being B. To be C. Be D. Are ( )4. There _ any glasses of milk in the fridge. A. is B. are C. isnt D. arent,( )5. Have we got _ milk? Yes, weve got _ milk. But we have

12、nt got _ water. A. some; some; any B. any; some; some C. any; some; any D. some; any; any,可数名词与不可数名词 . 将下列方框内的单词按要求归类 noodle, rice, juice, milk, apple, tomato, chicken, melon, onion, beef, carrot, pork, hamburger, Coke, potato 1. 可数名词:_ 2. 不可数名词:_ 答案:1. noodle, apple, tomato, melon, onion, carrot, h

13、amburger, potato 2. rice, juice, milk, chicken, beef, pork, Coke,名词是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词。可以用数目来计算的名词叫 ;一般无法用数目来计算的名词叫 。 答案:可数名词 不可数名词,. 写出下列单词的复数形式 1. orange _ 2. vegetable _ 3. carrot _ 4. piano _ 5. bus _ 答案:1. oranges 2. vegetables 3. carrots 4. pianos 5. buses,6. box _ 7. potato _ 8. tomato _ 9.

14、baby _ 10. city _ 11. knife _ 12. life _ 答案:6. boxes 7. potatoes 8. tomatoes 9. babies 10. cities 11. knives 12. lives,可数名词变复数的规则 1. 一般情况下在词尾加 ; 2. 以s, x, ch,sh等结尾的名词,加 ; 3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,变y为 , 再加 ; 4. 以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为 . 再加 ; 5. 以o结尾的名词,若是表示有生命的动植物则要加 . 表示无生命的则加 答案:s es i es v es es s,【温馨提示】 不规则变化的词 1. 单词内部变化 ma



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