高中英语 unit4 section ⅱ learning about language课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Section Learning about Language,动词-ing 形式作定语和状语 一、动词-ing 形式作定语,动词-ing 形式(现在分词)既可作前置定语(相当于表状态、 性质或用途的介词短语或定语从句),也可作后置定语,相当于 一个表示动作正在进行的定语从句。一般单个动词-ing 形式放 在名词前,-ing 短语放在名词之后。如:,None is allowed to smoke in the reading room. 没有人可以在阅览室吸烟。,He saw a flying bird in the sky. 他看到天空中有一只飞鸟。,Do you know the man

2、 standing over there in black? 你认识站在那边的穿黑色衣服的人吗?,二、动词-ing 形式作状语,动词-ing 形式作状语表示主语在进行某一动作的同时所进 行的另一动作,其逻辑主语通常与主句的主语一致。现在分词 作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或 伴随状况等。 1表示时间,现在分词短语作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句。如:,Rushing out of the room, he was knocked down by a car.,When he rushed out of the room, he was knocked down by,a c

3、ar.他从房间冲出来的时候被车撞了。,(1)当分词表示的动作正在进行时,主句的动作发生了,此 时用现在分词短语作状语,译作“当的时候”,但它前面 一般加 when 或 while。如:,When leaving the station, he waved again and again to me. 离,开车站的时候,他频频向我挥手。,(2)当分词表示的动作发生在主句所表示的动作之前,要用 现在分词的完成式作状语,放在句子前面,译作“在之 后”,此时可转换为“after动名词”这一结构。如:,Having turned off the TV set, he began to go over h

4、is lessons.,After turning off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons.,关掉电视机以后,他开始复习功课。,2表示原因,现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。当 分词表示的动作与主句的动作同时发生时,分词用一般式;当 分词表示的动作发生在主句的动作之前,分词用完成式。如:,Having won the championship, he was awarded a million,dollars., Because he had won the championship, he was awarded a,mi

5、llion dollars.,因为获得了冠军,他得到了一百万美元的奖金。,3表示结果,现在分词短语作结果状语,通常放在句末,中间用逗号隔,开,表示一种自然的结果。如:,The snow lasted a week, resulting in serious traffic confusion,in the whole city.,雪下了一个星期,造成整个城市交通瘫痪。 4表示条件,现在分词短语作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。如:,Working harder, you will pass the entrance exam.,If you work harder, you will pas

6、s the entrance exam. 如果你再努力一点,你就会通过入学考试。,5表示让步,现在分词短语作让步状语,一般放于句首,相当于一个让 步状语从句,有时也由 although, though 等引导。如:,(Though/Although) having failed many times, he didnt lose,heart., Though/Although he had failed many times, he didnt lose,heart.尽管失败了很多次,他仍没有灰心。,6表示方式或伴随,现在分词短语作方式状语或伴随状语,常用来说明动作发 生时的背景或情况。一般情

7、况下,表伴随的分词的动作和主句 的动作同时发生,它可以转换成用 and 连接的并列句。如:,Please answer the question using another way.,请用另一种方式回答这个问题。(表方式),Throwing their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team,let out loud shouts of victory.,胜利的那一队球迷们把帽子扔到空中,爆发出震耳欲聋的,欢呼声。(表伴随),三、现在分词和过去分词的区别 1与逻辑主语的关系不同,逻辑主语与现在分词之间是主谓关系,与过去分词之间则,是动宾关

8、系。如:,a running machine 一台运转的机器 a moved girl 一个被感动的姑娘 2时间关系上不同,现在分词常表示正在进行的动作,过去分词往往表示已经,完成的动作。如:,a developing country 发展中国家 a developed country 发达国家,一、用所给单词的正确形式填空,1While _ (watch) television, we heard the doorbell,ring.,2_ (gaze) at the star sky, she lost in her memory. 3Daddy didnt mind what we we

9、re doing, as long as we were,together, _ (have ) fun.,4He glanced over at her, _ (note) that she was tiny.,noting,having,Gazing,watching,5The flowers _ (smell) sweet in the botanic garden,attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.,6 The old man, _ (work) abroad for,twenty years, is on the way bac

10、k to his motherland,7_ (know) the truth, he left without any,hesitation.,8The storm left, _ (cause) a lot of damage to,this area.,smelling,having worked,Having known,having caused,二、 用动词-ing 形式改写下列句子 1 As we didnt know what to do, we asked the teacher for advice. _ , we asked the teacher for,advice.

11、,Arriving at the station,2When he arrived at the station, he found the train had left. _,he found the train had left. 3The man who is talking with my teacher is my dad. The man _ is my dad.,Not knowing what to do,talking with my teacher,4 The girls went out of the classroom, and they talked and,laughed.,The girls went out of the classroom, _.,5If you work hard, you will succeed. _, you will succeed.,talking and laughing,Working hard,



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