U校园新标准大学英语(第二版)综合2Unit 3 Sporting life Unit test.pptx

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1、学 海 无 涯,选词填空-填单词 20 题,Directions: Complete each sentence using the words given below. Each word can be used only once. Change the form where necessary. fatigue strain boost inner clue illustration precision priority strategy mystery professional interpretation responsible punch moan massage suspense

2、 chorus exh austion tournament,1,学 海 无 涯,2,学 海 无 涯,16) boost,17) chorus,18) precision,19) mystery,20) responsib,le 收起答案,单词填空 10 题,Directions: Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition or adverb. 21) The baseball player wants to play for a different team, but he decided to wait and holdfor a

3、 better offer. 参考答案: 21) out 收起答案,22) I once met Michael Jordan,chance, in a hotel lobby.,参考答案: 22) by 收起答案,23) At the Olympics, we were lost in a sea,spectators trying to watch,the event. 参考答案: 23) of 收起答案,24) Patty decided to do the right thing and blow the whistle,the,students who were cheating.

4、参考答案: 24) on,3,学 海 无 涯, 收起答案,25) About halfway through the race, my adrenaline took,and helped,me keep going. 参考答案: 25) over 收起答案,26) He was so sweaty after the game that he literally had to peel,his,shirt. 参考答案: 26) off 收起答案,27) Youve got to bear,mind that hes been training for three years for,this

5、 moment. 参考答案: 27) in 收起答案,28) The basketball player had to shut,all the surrounding lights and,noise if he wanted to win the game. 参考答案: 28) out 收起答案,29) Nina, as Richards coach and trainer, took the credit,his victory.,参考答案: 29) for,4,学 海 无 涯, 收起答案,30) Even though shes twice my age, I find it diff

6、icult to keep,with her.,参考答案: 30) up 收起答案 选词填空(15 选 10)10 题 Directions: Read the following passage, and select a suitable word for each blank from the word bank. Write down the corresponding letter for each item in the blank. Each word can be used only once.,5,A) illuminate B) incur C) vocal D) roar

7、 E) collided F) reminiscent G) random H) aloft I) soaring J) deem K) referee L) madly M) writhe,学 海 无 涯,N) accidentally O) teammates,Heres a good example of why ice hockey is such a dangerous sport. Hockey,is one of the few team sports where fighting is literally part of the game. Indeed,During an i

8、ce hockey match last year, one of the players hit the puck very hard,watching the puck fly through the air to see what happened next, but I sure,but these two players were fighting very seriously! Both players 39),continued to play and stayed away from the fight. They didnt also,want to get a penalt

9、y.,6, 收起答案,仔细阅读 5 题,Directions:,7,学 海 无 涯 Read the passage and answer the following questions. In this age of increased academic pressure and decreased institutional budgets, do high-profile, big-budget college athletics programs still make sense? In order to make an informed decision, you must weig

10、h the advantages and disadvantages. In other words, what are the positive things that college sports offer and what are the associated negative things? First of all, college athletics offer excellent public relations with the college community, increase the colleges national and international exposu

11、re, and provide wonderful fundraising opportunities. At the same time, sports programs provide education and training to potential future professional athletes many of whom might not have received a quality education without the benefit of a sports scholarship. For a long time, college athletes atte

12、nded school on a full or partial sports scholarship. This meant that things like tuition, room, and board were paid by the college in return for that student agreeing to attend the school and play on its team. However, in recent years, it has become common for these students to receive additional pa

13、y. This has become considerably controversial since many people view this as an unfair situation where certain students, because of their athletic ability, receive benefits that other students do not. Does financial compensation compromise academic and institutional integrity? I dont think so. For o

14、ne thing, without these college athletes, the schools would not enjoy a majority of the revenue they receive from athletic departments. Student athletes are entitled to some form of compensation, and, since the demands of the sport often occupy most of their time, they are unable to keep other jobs.

15、 In addition, if college athletes are paid, it might stop many of them from going pro before they graduate. It would encourage students to complete their education before joining a professional team.,学 海 无 涯 What are the opposing arguments? Many people claim that schools with wealthy and successful sports departments devalue the academic environment in favor of athletic competition. The claim has also been made that certain sports, by sheer nature of their popularity, receive less attention and mo



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