2013高考英语必备 (句子 语法解析 真题练习)100句搞定高考7000词 第5期.doc

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1、2013高考英语必备 (句子+语法解析+真题练习)100句搞定高考7000词 第5期【句子】In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。【解析】1. remain(1).作系动词,意为保持;仍然是In fact, the work remained unfinished. 实际上,工作还没有完成。

2、(2). 作不及物动词,意为剩下After the fire, very little remained of the house. 火灾过后,寒舍所剩无几。(3). 常与there连用,意为剩下;还有There remains a still more difficult task for us to accomplish. 还有一项更艰巨的任务需要我们完成。(4). remain后也可接被动结构的不定式,意为尚待.。It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。(5). 其形容词形式为remaining,意为剩下的。Th

3、e remaining students will serve the audience. 剩下的学生将为观众们服务。(6). 其名词形式为remains,意为剩余物;(古建筑等的)遗址。The remains of the ancient temple are worth seeing. 那座古庙的遗址值得一看。2. in existence存在, 现存, 现有existence 与subsistence的区别:existence是指一个物种的存在,一份报纸的存在,某东西的存在等。subsistence n. 生存,生活 ,多指人的生活、生计。(1). What did the world

4、come into existence?世界是什么时候产生的?(2).Subsistence is not possible in such condition.在这种条件下维生是不可能的。 只要记住意思差不多能区分!3.a profit-making organization 任何盈利组织(1).bona fide non-profit-making organization 真正非牟利机构(2).non-profit making organization 非牟利机构 ; 非盈利组织(这些是在阅读中会常见到的,要知道意思哦!)4.in the long runv. 1.最终,从长远观点看

5、2.从长远来看,最后 3.长期(重要短语!在以后的四六级,考研中都会遇到,不过不难)5.consider一.consider作“考虑”解,常用于以下句型:1 Consider+n./pron./v-ing。1)Youd better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。2)Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。2 Consider+从句/“疑问词+不定式”。1)Have you considered what he suggested?你们考虑他的建议了吗?2)We must consider what

6、to do next.我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。二Consider作“认为”解时,常用于以下句型:1 Consider sb./sth+.(as)+形容词/名词。其中,as可以省略。1)We consider him honest.我们认为他很诚实。2)At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。2.consider+sb./sth.+不定式。其中,不定式通常是to be(可以省略)或其他动词的完成式。1)We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。2)We all

7、consider him to have stolen the bike.我们都认为他偷了自车。3.consider+it+形容词/名词+不定式短语。1)We consider it hard to study English well.我们认为学好英语很难。2)I consider it my duty to help you with your studies.我认为帮助你学习英语是我的职责。4.consider+宾语从句。We consider that the music is well worth listening to.我们这首音乐很值得一听。5.desirablea. 1.值得向往的;值得拥有的;令人满意的 2.富有魅力的;引起欲望的n. 1.合意的人(或事物)It is desirable that you should be there by two oclock.希望你两点钟前能到那里。【练习】Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains_whether they will enjoy itA.seeing B.seen C.to be seen D.to see3



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