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1、.,Are you a night owl,小组人员: 张帆,许丹丽,信管三班,2013/04/11,张帆 许丹丽 信管三班,As the continually development of society ,the paces and level standard of life have also changed currently.Very many of young people enjoy night-life ,which is all cakes and ale /eil/, and is full of recreational activities such us onli

2、ne games and movie watching etct str,which leads to the number of hours those guys sleep per day just out 5 or 6 hours a day,or even less. As a matter of fact,There are many serious health hazards associated with staying up late.,.,What are they?,.,1、loss of sleep can make you Feel faint (头昏脑涨)and g

3、et headache.what s worse,you may lose your concentration of memory and immunity(免疫力).,.,2、A person without enough sleep will be easier to feel depressed or in low spirits ,which will be more vulnerable to nerve disorder diseases such as colds, gastrointestinal strontestnl diseases, allergic lrdk dis

4、eases.,.,3、Staying up for a long time may also leads people to experience insomnia insmni ,irritability .iritbiliti (易怒的),forgetfulness, fgetflnis ,anxiety,zaiti, nervousness and other symptoms of subhealth.,.,4、As we know, the best period for people to beauty is 11:00 p.m to 3:00a.m,besides,it is b

5、est for Gallbladder g:l.bld and liver to take enough rest. If not , there will be some symptoms reveal on the skin.,.,But currently,people can not avoid to stay up, so, what can we do to do minimum damage to body after staying up late?,.,The most effective measure is making up for the loss sleep. Ev

6、en take a nap for ten minutes also might play a role.,.,Besides, people can Play badminton, walk outdoors and do other outdoor exercises.,.,And dining on time and making sure the better dinner, drinking more water ,eating more vagetables and more food high in VC.,.,Anyway, all of us should pay attention to our health. So dont be a night owl as much as possiple .,.,Thats all.,Thanks,



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