九年级英语上册素材 Module 10 Fitness 外研

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1、2011-2012学年9年级英语( 外研社版)上册素材(含教案和练习)Module 10 Fitness一、学习目标:知识目标:能正确使用Module 10中的单词和短语;能力目标:能够询问有关健康的信息,表达态度,提供建议;能够谈论保持身体健康的话题。情感目标:通过了解Tony的经历,培养体谅和关爱的态度。二、重点、难点:重点:1. 应用本模块交际用语,如:Dont talk to me about that! Good luck! 等。2. 掌握下列短语give up, bump into, persuade sb. to do sth.,a bit的用法;3. 能掌握whose引导的定语

2、从句。 难点:1. hurt, ache和pain的区别;2. 掌握agree with sb., agree to sth, agree on sth, 与agree to do sth的用法;3. 掌握whose引导的定语从句。三、知能提升:(一)重点单词 单词学习 1. exercise 【用法】n. 锻炼,运动(不可数名词);练习题,操练(可数名词)take exercise = do sports “进行运动;做锻炼”【例句】(1) He takes exercise every day. 他每天都运动。 (2) We do morning exercises every day.

3、我们每天都做早操。 (3) There are five exercises for you to do. 你要做5道练习题。【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】不会区分是可数名词还是不可数名词。【考题链接】Youd better do morning _ every day. Its good to take lots of _.A. exercise, exercise B exercises, exercise C. exercise, exercisesD. exercises, exercises答案:B解题思路:此题考查exercise的运用,“做早操”是“do morning exer

4、cises”,要用复数;“做锻炼”是“take exercise”,exercise是不可数名词,故选B。2. ache【用法】v. 疼痛(表示局部的持续的疼痛)【考查点】ache, pain, hurt 的区别。辨析:ache, pain, hurt:三者都有“疼痛”之意。ache:指“身体长时间、持续的疼痛”,是不及物动词,主语可以是人、身体某部位或某器官;还可用作名词,指“身体方面的隐隐作痛”。如:I ache all over. 我浑身痛。The ache in her head was terrible. 她头痛得厉害。此外,ache还可以和表示身体部位的名词构成复合词,如:head

5、ache(头痛),toothache(牙痛)pain:常用作不可数名词,指“身体上的或精神上的痛苦”,用于比喻义,指心灵的伤痛,也可指付出努力,常用短语是“have a pain in”, 意为“(身体某部位)疼”。如:He has a pain in the head. 他头疼。hurt:普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上,感情上的伤害,表示“疼”时前面加身体部位。如:Do your arms still hurt? 你的胳膊还疼吗?Yes, they hurt quite a lot. 是的,疼得厉害。【易错点】ache, pain, hurt 的意思易混淆。【考题链接】Sudde

6、nly Mr. Li began to _ after the snake bit him.A. ache B. pain C. hurt答案:A解题思路:此题考查ache, pain, hurt 的辨析,由于主语是人,可先排除C,而pain作动词解时,意为“使疼痛”,主语一般是身体某部位,故选A。3. interest【用法1】v. 使产生兴趣【例句】English interests him. 英语使他产生兴趣。He interested me in math. 他使我对数学感兴趣。【用法2】n. 兴趣,爱好 (表示“某一方面的爱好”,其后可接介词in.)固定短语:place of int

7、erest 名胜【例句】She has an interest in art. 她喜好艺术。There are many places of interest in China. 中国有许多名胜。此外,interest后面加后缀可以构成形容词interesting和interested。interesting修饰物或主语是物,表示某物使人很感兴趣;interested修饰人或主语是人,表示某人对某物感兴趣。相关短语:be interested in 对感兴趣【例句】It is an interesting book for children. 那是一本有趣的儿童读物。Im not intere

8、sted in politics. 我对政治不感兴趣。【考查点】由interest构成的短语。【易错点】后缀-ing或-ed的用法易混淆。【考题链接】我对别人的秘密毫无兴趣。I _ others secrets at all.答案:am not interested in解题思路:此题考查interest后面加后缀构成形容词的用法。由于主语是人,应加后缀-ed, 后面已有at all,故前面在be动词后加not即可,故填写am not interested in。4. behave【用法】v. 行为,表现常用副词修饰,表示以某种特殊的方式行事,如无副词修饰,则表示以一种适宜的方式行事。Beha

9、ve yourself! 是口语中常用的表达,表示“规矩点!”。【例句】The boy behaved very well last night. 那个男孩昨晚表现很好。I told the child to behave. 我告诉那孩子要规矩。【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】拼写错误。【考题链接】The children dont know how to b_ decently(高雅地).答案:behave解题思路:此句意为“孩子们不知道怎样举止高雅”,故填写behave。5. persuade【用法】v. 说服,劝服一般指以道理、请求等“说服,劝服”,最后结果是成功的。常用于persuade

10、 sb. to do sth.persuade sb. into doing sth.“说服某人做某事”结构中。与动词advise“建议,劝告”同义,但advise并未提及结果成功与否。【例句】He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.即使她不想去上学,他还是说服她去。【考查点】persuade sb. to do sth.这一短语。【易错点】persuade与advise混淆不清。【考题链接】I _ him to learn some French, but he didnt think it was

11、a good idea.A. persuaded B. hoped C. advised答案:C解题思路:此题考查persuade与advise的区别,首先排除B, 因为“希望某人做某事”应用wish而不是用hope; 由于后面提到“他认为这不是一个好主意”,说明结果没有成功,故选C。6. ban【用法】v. 禁止(指从法律上禁止)ban sth. 禁止某事ban sb. from doing sth. 明令禁止某人做某事【例句】Smoking is banned in public. 公共场所禁止吸烟。They banned him from attending the meeting. 他

12、们不准他出席会议。【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】ban的词形变化易写错。【考题链接】他已被禁止开车半年了。He has _ for six months.答案:been banned from driving解题思路:此题考查ban sb. from doing sth.的被动结构,由于前面有has,要用现在完成时,故填写been banned from driving。即学即练 Bob takes _ every day and it makes him stronger than before.A. exercise B. exercises C. medicine How can I _

13、 you to accept the offer? A. persuade B. advise C. refuse The story is so _ that I have read it for several times.A. interest B. interested C. interesting They want to_ junk food _ schools.A. ban, to B. ban, from C. prevent, fromHe _ badly in the accident last night.A. ached B. pain C. hurt The teac

14、her said that Tom behaved _ at school.A. good B. bad C. badly 我说服了她去参加晚会。I _ her _ to the party.(二)重点短语 短语学习1. give up【用法】放弃(后面接名词,动名词,代词要放在中间) 【例句】Smoking is bad. He has given it up. You mustnt give up studying foreign languages for even a day. 【考查点】短语本意。 【易错点】give up后的动词及give 的过去式和过去分词。【考题链接】医生建议我戒烟。The doctor advised me _.答案:to give up smoking. 解题思路:此题考查give up doing sth.这个短语,由于“建议某人做某事”是“advise sb. to do sth.”,故填写to give up smoking。2. bump into 【用法】“碰见,遇见”【例句】I dont bump into you much these days.



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