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1、Unit 8,The life of Samuel Johnson,who is he?,Born 29 October ,1740 Edinburgh, Scotland Died 19 May ,1795 (aged54) London, England Occupations Lawyer, diarist, author Language English Nationality British Ethnicity Scottish Notable works the life of Samuel Johnson,James Boswell,regarded as an importan

2、t stage in the development of the modern genre of biography; Claimed as the greatest biography written in English.,A Brief Introduction of Samuel Johnson,one of Englands best known literary figures of 18C.,A Dictionary of the English Language,18inches (46 cm) tall 20inches (51 cm) wide 42,773 entrie

3、s, to which only a few more were added in subsequent editions sold for the extravagant price of 4 10s, perhaps the rough equivalent of 350 today,4 pounds 10 shillings (20 shillings make pound),Currently selling for $29,500 in New York,The Life of Samuel Johnson,Literary quotation,Useful Expressi-ons

4、,Beautiful sentences,summary,outline,contents,Outline,(para.1) (para.24) (para.57) (para . 8-9),Introduction of the relationship between Johnson and Lord Chesterfield.,Johns reaction to the essays: wrote a letter to criticize Lord Chesterfield .,Description of Lords recommendation to Johnsons dictio

5、nary.,Influence of Johnsons experience of being patronized which is reflected in his works.,1,2,3,4,Literary quotations,1. “The conqueror of the conqueror of the earth”. 2. seven years 3. the shepherd in Virgil,“The conqueror of the conqueror of the earth”.,“吾乃天下征服者之征服者也” ,最早是Georges de Scudery的史诗Al

6、aric开篇第一行,后来评论家布瓦洛在他的诗艺中再次使用。之所以这样使用是,作者希望具有纯正高卢教养的伯爵一眼就能够看出其中的内涵。史诗中的章节一旦拨去上下文马上会产生强烈的讽刺共鸣(mock-epic resonance),强化了反讽的效果,将一个不善言辞的书生和另一具有深厚文化传统的贵族赞助人的形象对立起来比较。原本满怀希望,以为可以成为人上人的“征服者”,一下子落魄到如此地步,使读者也产生了深刻的同情之心,让所谓的“赞助人”承受良心的折磨。,“Seven years have now passed”,当年著名的罗马巨富、罗马皇帝Augustus的亲密朋友、真正的文学赞助人米西纳斯Maec

7、enas(7-8BC),七年来一直默默而无私地赞助文学巨匠Horace,完成他的史诗,而如今Maecenas已经成为慷慨的文学赞助人的代名词。而约翰逊却在七年中忍受着贫困、饥饿和丧偶带来的煎熬。,the shepherd in Virgil,The literary quotation originated from the song of Damon, The 8th Eclogue (田园诗) by Virgil. In the poem, the shepherd Damon sings a sad song of love and heartbreak. Love is a perso

8、nification of the emotion, who, by living among the rocks, is proven to be a cruel and heartless character.,At the very beginning Johnson admired Lord Chesterfield very much but finally he knew what kind of person Chesterfield was. He was cold-hearted, not offering any help to me. 为了表达自己对伯爵“一往情深”的仰慕

9、,约翰逊引用了古罗马诗人维吉尔诗中的牧童“发现爱神只不过是荒山野岭中的野蛮人”的故事,用以喻指伯爵的铁石心肠,是不通情理的人。,普布留斯维吉留斯马罗(拉丁文:Publius Vergilius Maro,常据英文Virgil译为维吉尔,前70年10月15日前19年9月21日),被誉为古罗马最伟大诗人,留下了牧歌集(Eclogues)、农事诗(Georgics)、史诗埃涅阿斯纪(Aeneid)三部杰作,其中的埃涅阿斯纪长达十二册,是代表着罗马帝国的巨著。,Useful expressions,1. repeat with additional circumstances 添油加醋 2. hold

10、 it as a well-known truth 认为。众所周知 3. there is not the least foundation for it 纯属无稽之谈,4. studied compliments 精心推敲的恭维 5.nay more 不仅如此 6. make a total surrender of all my rights and privileges 完全放弃我的权利和特权,7. the republic of letters 文学界 8. the previous perusal of 先睹为快,9. Despise the honeyed words 鄙视这些甜言

11、蜜语 10. Be the dupe of such an artifice 被这样的伎俩所骗 11. Make great professions 信誓旦旦,beautiful sentences,Lord Chesterfield, (to whom Johnson had paid the high compliment of addressing to his Lordship the Plan of his Dictionary,) had behaved to him in such a manner as to excite his contempt and indignatio

12、n. 约翰逊曾非常恭敬地将(词典)的计划书呈给切斯特菲尔德爵士,后者对约翰逊的表现引起了他的蔑视和愤慨。,Aroused his anger and made him to look down upon him,attributive clause 定语从句,express respect or esteem for 恭敬地,Speak to,I remember having mentioned this story to George Lord Lyttelton, who told me, he was very intimate with Lord Chesterfield; and

13、holding it as a well-known truth, defended Lord Chesterfield by saying, that “Cibber, who had been introduced familiarly by the back-stairs, had probably not been there above ten minutes.” 我记得在乔治.洛德.利特尔顿面前提过这个故事,他说他和切斯特菲尔德爵士关系密切,利特尔顿为切斯特菲尔德爵士辩护说,西伯是熟悉从后面楼梯进去的,在那里停留也许不超过十分钟。,(George),It may seem stra

14、nge even to entertain a doubt concerning a story so long and so wildly current, and thus implicitly adopted, if not sanctioned, by the authority which I have mentioned; but Johnson himself assured me, that there was not the least foundation for it.,To hold in mind; harbor: 抱着;怀有: Eg. entertain few i

15、llusions. 几乎不抱幻想,Permitted, approved,Wholly accepted,一个故事如此长久如此广泛地流传,虽然没有我提到的权威人士的认可, 却如此毫无保留地被人们接受。(这样的故事)如若受到怀疑,似乎很奇怪。,summary,Therewasnottheleastfoundationforthewildlyspread,currentaboutJohnson, and Lord Chesterfield. However, Chesterfields continued neglect was the reason why Johnson resolved to

16、 have done with him. Surprisingly, when the Dictionary was upon the eve of publication, Lord Chesterfield had flattered himself with expectations that Johnson would dedicate the great work. Maybe his compliment was to make a compensation for his indifference to the dictionarys learned author. However ornamental or elegant praise he gave, Johnson did not accepted it, and he thought that “all was false and hollow”. Then Johnson wrote him letter t


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