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1、一、单项选择(8分)1(1分)She wants _ a sports club.A.joinsB.to joinC.joinD.joining2(1分)Lets _ sports.A.to playB.playsC.playingD.play3(1分)My sister is a clerk (职员). _ works (工作) in a bank (银行).A.IB.SheC.YouD.He4(1分)_ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.A.AlthoughB.BecauseC.UnlessD.However5(1分)Look! Whos _

2、girl in a red skirt over there?Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is _ honest girl.A.that; aB.this; theC.this; aD.that; an6(1分)_?I like tennis and volleyball best.A.Whats your favorite colorB.Whats your favorite sportC.Do you like tennis or volleyballD.Can you play volleyball well7(1分)David is _ boy.A.

3、a 11-year-oldB.an 11-year-oldC.a 11 years oldD.an 11 year old8(1分)Your mother is your cousins_.A.brotherB.auntC.uncleD.son二、完形填空(10分)9(10分) Here is the Lost and Found box. 1 is in it? Its a pencil. Is it Janes pencil? Jane 2her pencil. And her pencil is orange. This one is 3,too. It may (可能) be 4. I

4、 can ask her to come here and have a look (来这里看一看). But my notebook is not in the Lost and Found box. I lost my 5. Where is it? Do you 6 it? Its blue and white. My 7 and my telephone number are on the notebook. My name is Jack Black. My telephone number 8 223-897. If (如果) you 9 my notebook, you can

5、call me. Thanks 10 your help.(1)A.What colorB.HowC.WhatD.Who(2)A.lostB.losesC.foundD.finds(3)A.orangeB.whiteC.blackD.purple(4)A.sheB.herC.hersD.his(5)A.eraserB.notebookC.boxD.book(6)A.askB.seeC.meetD.excuse(7)A.nameB.colorC.numberD.school(8)A.beB.amC.isD.are(9)A.thankB.callC.findD.say(10)A.toB.inC.o

6、fD.for三、阅读理解(22分)10(6分) A recent poll by The New York Times shows that fewer and fewer people in the United States believe in the American dream. The poll asked the question: Do you believe you can start out poor in this country, work hard and become rich? Only 64 percent of Americans said Yes. Trus

7、t in the American dream may be disappearing. _halfway around the world, a new dream has been gaining strengththe Chinese dream. President Xi said, I believe that realizing the great revival (复兴) of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times. The expression Chinese

8、 dream has since become President Xi Jinpings political slogan. But, what is the Chinese dream? And how has President Xi started to make that dream a reality? Xis Chinese dream has three key parts: strengthen China, improve prosperity (繁荣, 昌盛), and increase Chinas military (军事的) power. In recent mon

9、ths, China has taken clear steps toward becoming stronger both domestically and globally. For many Chinese citizens, it is not always easy to believe in the Chinese dream. Mr. Ernst says one major reason for this is the countrys severe pollution problem. What is the most important thing you experien

10、ce? Pollution. When youre a young couple and you have kids, its not so easy to dream. Because you have to deal with very concrete (具体的) health concerns (顾虑). The Chinese dream is not just for a richer and more powerful China, but a cleaner China. President Xi and the Chinese government know this. Pr

11、esident Xi said, Every day we will see a blue sky, green mountains and clear rivers, not just in Beijing, but all across China so that our children will live in an enjoyable environment.(1)You can fill the word _ in the blank place?A.OrB.AndC.ButD.So(2)What does the underlined word slogan mean in Ch

12、inese?A.短语B.口号C.呐喊D.能力(3)Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.Fewer and Fewer people believe in the American dream.B.Chinese dream has three key parts.C.In recent months, China has taken clear steps toward becoming stronger all over the world.D.The Chinese dream is just for

13、a richer and more powerful China.(4)What can we mainly learn from the fifth passage?A.Pollution is a big problem in China.B.Health is important for children.C.It is not easy to realize the Chinese dream.D.We will see a blue sky and clean rivers in the future.(5)Whats the best title of the passage?A.The American DreamB.The Chinese DreamC.Pollution in ChinaD.Health in China11(8分) Wang Xiaojun is 12 years old. He lives in a small village in Hubei. Today is April 24, 2018. Its his birthday. His parents make a nice dinner for him, but the boy s



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