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1、Review Of Tenses,Look!,I am .,listening to the music,Look!,He is flying.,Look!,They are .,dancing,Look!,They are reading a book.,Look! I am listening to the music. Look! He is flying. Look! They are dancing. Look! They are reading a book.,be( am is are)+doing,Summary,Grammar,现在进行时: Present Progressi

2、ve,概念: 表示现在正在发生的动作 结构: be (is, am, are) + doing 标志语: Look! , Listen! , now,smoke,swim,dodoing,ring,ringing,educate,educating,smoking,begin,beginning,enjoy,enjoying,nod,nodding,forget,forgetting,1,swimming,die,dying,7,6,5,4,3,2,8,9,Lucky number,lie,10,lying,一般在动词原形后+ing,以不发音的e结尾的,去e,+ing,重读闭音节以一个辅音字母

3、结尾的,双写这一字母+ing,改ie为y,+ing,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes now.,are washing,is playing,is interviewing,2.Look! He _ (play) basketball over there.,4.A reporter _(interview) Mr. President,and theyre talking about the education problem. (2015,温州),3.Listen! _ Sally _(sing)?,Groupwork,Catch the thi

4、ef,-What were you doing at 12:00 am yesterday? - I was,Grammar,过去进行时: Past Progressive 概念: 表示过去正在发生的动作 结构: be (was,were) + doing 标志语:at 12:00 yesterday , when, while,1. The twins _(wash) the clothesat 6 oclock yesterday evening.,was listening,was walking,Exercise,was raining,was washing,2.When I got

5、 to school yesterday morning, it _ (rain) hard.,3. He heard the bell while he _ (listen) to the music.(2014,绍兴),4.While he_ (walk) along the street, he met his friend Bob.(2015,嘉兴),Pair work,How often do you ? (once a week, twice, never),Grammar,一般现在时: Simple Present tense 概念: 表示习惯、经常性的动作 结构: do、 do

6、es(三单) 标志语:,usually、often、never、 sometimes、once a week、 twice a month、every year ,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes every day.,wash,keeps,2.As the saying goes, an apple a day _ (keep) the doctors away.(2015,金华),3.Tina wants to be a nurse when she _ (grow) up.(2014,杭州),grows,4. He is 70 years ol

7、d, but he still_ (remain) active in sports .(2015,绍兴),remians,Big News,On February 29, 2016, Leonardo the oscar. (win),won,Last year more than 7000 people in the Nepal(尼泊尔)earthquake. (die),died,Big News,On February 29, 2016, Leonardo won the oscar.,Grammar,一般过去时: Simple Past 概念: 表示过去发生的动作 结构: did/d

8、idnt 标志语:yesterday、. ago、 in 1992、 last week/month,动词-ed形式的构成:,moved died,carried cried,stopped planned,answered,在动词后加-ed,以字母e 结尾的动词,只+d,“ 辅音字母+y ”, 变y 为i, 再+ed,重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写+ed,got,drank,took,went,swam,ate,cut,were,had,did,came,said,saw,put,不规则过去式,Exercise,We _(discuss) the differece between B

9、ritain and the US in English class yesterday. (2015,嘉兴),discussed,did,2.But what do you think children_ (do) for fun long ago? (2015,舟山),3.In 1911 the small, peaceful village of Hollywood in California _ (成为) part of Los Angeles.(2015,衢州),became,4. Unluckily, my father_ (失败) to find a job, so I had

10、to help support my family.(2015,绍兴),failed,next week,What is he going to do next week?,He is going to go fishing.,will,Prediction,this evening,What is the mouse going to do this evening?,It is going to do its homework.,will,Prediction,Grammar,一般将来时: Simple Future 概念: 表示将要发生的动作 结构: will(wont)do、 shal

11、l do、 be (is/am/are) going to do 标志语:tomorrow,in,next,Survey,- Have you read yet? - Yes, I have . No, I havent ,Grammar,现在完成时: Present Perfect 概念: 表示已经发生的动作 结构: has done、 have done 标志语:already, yet,ever, never,since,for, so far,since then,不规则过去分词,got gotten,went gone,ate eaten,cut cut,were been,did

12、done,said said,不规则过去分词,took taken,swam swum,drank drunk,put put,had had,came come,saw seen,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes for an hour.,have washed,2.According to BBC , she_ (attend) USAs three world space camps so far.(2015,绍兴),has attended,3.I have made a lot of good friends _I came to this

13、 school.(2015,台州),4.It has _(已经)been a colourful day.(2015,金华),since,already,Summary,1.现在进行时 present progressive 2.过去进行时past progressive 3.一般现在时simple present 4.一般过去时simple past 5.一般将来时simple future 6.现在完成时present perfect,Exercise,Mike,is,comes,is drawing,moved,didnt have,Mike,used,has,studies,will visit,Composition: I,Write,Goodbye!,I came,I saw, I conquered.,I think therefore I am.,我来了!我看见了!我征服了!(凯撒),我思故我在!(笛卡尔),Read,


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