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1、1 / 6 新部编人教 (PEP )版小学六年级英语上册第一单元测试卷(及答案) 班级: _ 姓名: _等级: _ 一、根据汉语意思和图片写单词。(10 分) 1.Is there a (科学博物馆 ) near here? 2.Where is the (邮局)? 3How can I get to the (电影院)? 4. (直行) and then at the (十字 路口) . 5.First you .(向左拐 ) at the hospital. 二、选出不同类的单词(10 分) ( )1.A.post card B.park C.hospital ( )2.A.where B

2、.what C.there ( )3. A.right B.turn C.left ( )4. A.go B.find C.crossing ( )5. A.restaurant B.museum C.near 三、单项选择。( 10分) ( )1.There a pet hospital. A.are B.is C.be ( )2.The park is my home. A.next B.next to C.in front ( )3.Turn left the school. 2 / 6 A.to B.on C.at ( )4. is the post office? A.how B.W

3、here C.How ( )5. a beautiful dress! A.How B.What C. 四、连词成句。 (10 分) 1.want, a, postcard, I, to, buy 2.museum, to, next, its, the 3.an, film, what, interesting 4.there. can, I, get, how 5.see,the,can, supermarket,you 五、判断下列句子表达与图片是(T)否( F)相符。( 10 分) 1.Turn left. ( ) 2.Go straight. ( ) 3.Turn right. (

4、) 3 / 6 4.There is a cinema my city.( ) 5.Where is the post office?( ) 六、将下列句子按正确顺序进行排序。(10 分) ( )1.How can I get to the cinema? ( )2.Go straight.Then turn left at the crossing.You can see it. ( ) 3.Excuse me.Where is the hotel? ( )4.Its next to the cinema. ( )5.Thank you. 七、补全对话。 (10 分) A:Excuse me

5、. 1 B:It s near the science museum. 2 A: 3 B:Go straight and 4 .You can see the science museum. 5 A:Thank you. B:Youre welcome. A. turn left at Renmin Park. B. Where is the bookstore? C. The bookstore is near it. D. How can I get there? E. You can get there on foot. 4 / 6 八、选词填空。( 15分) Robin:Were 1

6、the cinema.Lets go straight and 2 at the bookstore. Mike:Is it 3 ? Robin:No.Now were behind the 4 .Let s turn right and then 5 again. Mike:There is the restaurant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 九、阅读理解。( 10分) Hello,Im JingJing.My home is not far from my school.I usually goto school on foot.I usually turn left at th

7、e first crossing.Then I turn right at the white building and go straight. Sometiems I go to school by bike.I go straight and turn left at a restaurant.Then turn right at a post office and turn left at a cinema. Sometimes I go to school by car.First go straight and then turn left at a bookstore.You c

8、an see my turn right, hospital, in front of, turn left, far 5 / 6 school.Its next to a shop. ( )1.My home is my school. A.far from B.near C.not near ( )2.I usually go to school . A.by bike B.by car C.on foot ( )3.Usually I at the white building. A.go sraight B.turn right C.turn left ( )4.I go to sch

9、ool by car. A.often B.sometimes C.usually ( )5.I go to school bybike.I can see . A. a post office B.a bookstore C.a shop 十、作文。 (5 分) 提示:一个 visitor想去书店,他向王磊问路。下面十他们之间的对 话,请你帮他们在下面的方框里写出来。 要求:对话符合逻辑,语句通顺,条理清晰,不少于6 句话。 Visitor: Wang Lei: Visitor: Wang Lei: Visitor: Wang Lei: 6 / 6 参考答案 一、1.science muse

10、um 2.post office 3.cinema 4.Go straight, crossing 5. turn left 二、A C B C C 三、B B C B B 四、1.I want to buy a postcard. 2.It s next to the museum. 3.What an interesting film! 4.How can I get there、 5.You can see the supermarket. 五、F T F F T 六、3 4 1 2 5 七、B E D A C 八、1.in front of 2.turn left 3.far 4. hospital 5.turn right 九、B C B B A 十、参考范文: Visitor: Excuse me.Where is the bookstore? Wang Lei: It s not far.Youcan go on foot. Visitor: How can I get there? Wang Lei: Turn left at the post office and go straight.You can see it.



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