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1、消费者行为的全球趋同研究global convergence和global divergencePart 1 Theoretical FoundationsDavid Mayer-Foulkes. Global Divergence. Centro de Investigacin y Docencia Econmicas (CIDE) - Division of Economics, Vol. 9, 2002.They used the sample of non-mainly-petroleum-exporting countries having market economies duri

2、ng the period 1960-1997 and divided them into five clusters of countries by a regression clustering algorithm according to the levels and rates of change of income and life expectancy. The five clusters correspond to advanced countries, especially fast growing countries, and three tiers of less deve

3、loped countries with qualitatively different development paths. They showed that the following properties hold for these clusters. 1) Growth rates across groups of countries are globally divergent; some successive groups converge while most diverge. 2) Income inequality between these groups of count

4、ries has increased while income inequality within the groups has remained almost unchanged. 3) The five groups of countries exhibit beta and sigma income divergence between groups and convergence within groups. Besides, the implied steady state growth rates across groups of countries are globally di

5、vergent, the five-club convergence model is much more significant than the one-club model, and the distributions of country-specific convergence regression coefficients are significantly different across groups of countries. The convergence found within groups is consistent with the relative converg

6、ence (to steady state trajectories) found in the literature. However, relative convergence only means that there are a series of perhaps distinct, local equilibrium processes going on. Indeed, these may themselves be due to economic forces that prevent global convergence. The empirical facts are con

7、sistent only with theories of economic growth explaining divergence and proposing multiple steady states or other explanations for prolonged transitions Such models usually reflect advantages of the rich and disadvantages of the poor. Ulbe Bosma and Roger Knight. Global Factory and Local Field: Conv

8、ergence and Divergence in the International Cane-Sugar Industry, 1850-1940. International Institute voar Social Geschiedenis, 2004They argued that the single most important fact about nineteenth-century sugar industries was the degree of technological convergence that came to characterize their manu

9、facturing sectors, regardless of the type of labour involved. A revisiting of the literature of the past twenty-five years, both in the New and OldWorlds, suggests that historians have yet fully to come to terms with the global character of this convergence and with the question of why convergence i

10、n the factory had no parallel in the field, where there continued to be a striking global divergence between the means and modes by which the industry was supplied with raw material. This problem in the recent historiography of the subject also highlights issues relating to the proletarianization of

11、 labour and the assumption that industrial capitalist modernity was inextricably associated with the development of free labour. More specifically, it draws attention to major flaws in the terms of reference of the now classic debate about the nexus between technological change and the predominant f

12、orms of labour in the Caribbean production area. In so doing, it underlines the need for a global rather than simply regional approach to the dynamics of change in the international sugar industry of the late colonial era.Kath MoserI; Vladimir Shkolnikov; David A. Leon. World mortality 19502000: div

13、ergence replaces convergence from the late 1980s International Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol.83, no.3, 2005.They draw a conclusion that although in one sense the world has become a better place as mortality declines, in another way it has become worse as the distribution of life exp

14、ectancy at birth worldwide has started to diverge; this indicates that global inequality in mortality is increasing. So far this divergence is relatively small and has been of limited duration compared with the earlier convergence. What is not clear is whether the divergence will continue or become

15、larger or whether it will be reversed. Moreover, there are worrying signs that unless action is taken the global divergence in childhood mortality will be seen for the first time (2, 21). It is essential that policy-makers address these serious developments. The direction of future trends depends up

16、on action today. They also put forward that future global progress should be judged not only in terms of whether overall life expectancy continues to improve but also according to whether mortality convergence can be re-established and accelerated. The Dispersion Measure of Mortality offers a simple summary measure that can be used to monitor progress in this direction.J. Janewa OseiTutu. Value Divergence in Global Intellectual Property Law, Vol. 87, no.10,



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