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1、文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 1文档收集于互联网,已整理,word 版本可编辑 . Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 教学目标: 1. 谈论生活习惯,一般现在时 2. 掌握本单元重点单词及短语 3. 掌握本单元重点句型 重难点: 目标 1.2. Guide one . 词汇速记 1. 几乎不 (adv. ) 2. 互联网 (n. ) 3. 节目 (n. ) 4. 大概 (adv. ) 5. 百分之 (n. ) 6. 虽然 ; 尽管 (conj. ) 答案 : 1. hardly 2. Internet 3. progr

2、am 4. maybe 5. hercent 6. although 7. 以; 凭借 (prep. ) 8. 消失 ; 死亡 (v. ) 9. 然而 ; 不过 (adv. ) 10. 几乎 ; 差不多 (adv. ) 11. one (num. ) (adv. )一次 ; 曾经 12. two (num. ) (adv. )两次 13. little (adj. ) (adv. )最小 ; 最少 14. health (n. ) (adj. )健康的 答案 : 7. through 8. die 9. however 10. almost 11. once 12. twice 13. lea

3、st 14. healthy Guide two 一、词组、短语 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 2文档收集于互联网,已整理,word 版本可编辑 . 1、帮助做家务活,help with housework 2、购物, go shopping 3、在周末, on weekends 4、多久一次, how often 5、几乎不, hardly ever 6、每周一次,once a week 7、每月二次, twice a month 8、去看电影, go to the movies 9、每天, every day 10上网 / 用网, use the

4、Internet 11、有空, be free 12、上钢琴课 have piano lessons 13、摇摆舞 swing dance 14、打网球, play tennis 15. 熬夜 stay up late 16、至少 at least, 17、早睡, go to bed early 18、 锻炼身体, play sports 19、对有好处,be good for 20、去野营, go camping 21、在某人的空闲时间in one s free time 22、根本不, not .at all 23、最流行the most popular, 24、例如, such as 2

5、5、去看牙医go to the dentist 26、超过 / 多于, more than 27、. 旧习惯难改Old h abits die hard 28、 困难的 hard=difficult 29、少于 / 不到 less than 二、重要句子(语法) : 1. 你周末通常做什么? What _do_you usually do _on_weekends? 2. 他们经常帮助干家务活。 They often _help_ _with_housework 3. 她周末干什么? What_doesshe _do_on weekends? 4. 她有时购物。 She sometimes _

6、goes_shopping_. 5. 你多久看电影一次? . _How_ often _ do you go to the movies? 6. 可能一个月看一次。 I _go to the movies _once a month. 7. 他多久看电视一次? How _ofte_does he watch TV? 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 3文档收集于互联网,已整理,word 版本可编辑 . 8 他几乎不看电视。 He _hardly ever _watches TV. 三、习惯用法、搭配 1. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth

7、 2. . 怎么样? How about ? =What about ? 3. 想让某人做某事 want sb. to do sth 4. 做某事是 . 的 It s + adj.+ to do sth 5. 和某人一起度过时光 spend time with sb 6. 向某人询问某事ask sb. about sth. 7. 通过做某事 by doing sth 8. 你最喜欢的是什么?Whats your favorite.? 9 开始做某事start doing sth. 10. 做某事的最好方式the best way to do sth. 四、词语辨析 1. 辨析 sometime

8、s ,some times ,sometime , some time sometimes 有时 =at times。提问用how often some times 几次。 time 作可数名词时可作“次数”解; sometime 某个时候。可指过去或将来的某个时候。提问用when some time 一段时间。常与for连用,对它提问用how long 。 Eg:Sometimes I get up very late. 有时我起床很晚。 I will go to shanghai sometime next week. 下周某个时候我要去上海。 He reads the story som

9、e times. 他读这个故事几遍了。 I ll stay here for some time. 我将会在这儿呆一段时间。 2. 辨析: maybe 和 may be maybe (adv): 也许,大概(一般放句首) Maybe he knows it. may + be( 原) 也许 He may know it. 如: Maybe he is at home.= He may be at home. 3.How often,how long,how many/how much (1)how often表示“多久一次” , 是对动作的频率进行提问 always, usually, oft

10、en, sometimes, hardly ever, never once a week once a month every day 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 4文档收集于互联网,已整理,word 版本可编辑 . (2) How long 多久 ( 时间 ) 提问一段时间 for two days, for three hours等 多长(某物的长度) 如: -How long is the river? - 10 kms. ( 3)how many+ 可数名词复数 如: how many programs how much+不可数名词。 如:

11、 how much coffee 4.She says its good for my health. 她说那对我的健康有益。 ( 1)be good for: “对有好处” 。 如: Doing exercise is good for our health. ( 2)be good at: “擅长于”如: He is good at playing football. (3) be good with: “与相处好”如: The teacher is good with his students. 5. Although many students like to watch sports

12、,game shows are the most popular. 尽 管许多学生喜欢看运动类节目,但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。 although 连词。意为“虽然,尽管”。but 意为“但是” 。英语中, although与 but 不能同时 使用。 Eg:Although it rained,the boys still played outside. = It rained,but the boys still played outside. 尽管天下雨了,但男孩们仍在外面玩 耍。 1. My cousin knows a lot about geography,_ he is only

13、four years old. A. because B. so C. although 6.Its good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows. by+doing 通过方式 (1).He learns English by singing English songs. (2).He went home by bus 7such as =like + 名短: 如: such as winning the game. for example + 句子: 如: It s healthy for the mind and th

14、e body. 文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 5文档收集于互联网,已整理,word 版本可编辑 . 当堂训练 一、选词填空,每词限用一次。 ( always ,often ,sometimes , hardly ever,never ) 1It _hardly ever rains this month in Hubei,so people there need water very much. 2 How _often do you play football?Twice a week. 3He usually does his homework a

15、t home,but sometimeshe does it at school. 4I dont like swimming,so I _never go to the swimming pool. 5Lily is a good girl. She is often_ helping other stud 二,选择题 1 _ does he do on weekends? He usually does his homework. AWhat B How CWhen D Who 2 How often were you late for school last term ,James?_I got to school early every day. AAlways B Sometimes CUsually D Never 3 What does your sister do on weekends? Nothing much. She usually _ Ago to movies Bexercise c.goes shoppin



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