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1、一、听力测试 (每小题 1分,县 30 分) (2018 广西桂林) (一)听句子,选图画。读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) (2018 广西桂林) (二)听句子,选择单词。读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 6.A. five B. six C. four 7.A. uncle B. mother C. father 8.A. New York B. Hong Kong C. London 9.A. food B. drink C. vegetables 10.A.big B. tall C. small (2018 广西桂林) (三) 对话理解,读两遍。 (每小题1 分,共 10

2、 分) A.听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。 11. What will the weather be like today? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy, 12. What time does Tom usually have breakfast? A. At 8 o clock. B. At 7 o clock C. At 6 o clock. 13. What is Tinas phone number? A. It is 189773265. B. It is 189772356. C. It is 189773256. 14. What is the gi

3、rls name? A. Tina. B. Bob. C. Amy. 15. Which team finally won the football match last night? A. The team of Class 6. B. The team of Class 7. C. The team of Class 9. B. 听第一段长对话,根据对话内容回答第16-17 小题。 16. How much will the man pay for the strawberries? A Seven yuan. B. Twelve yuan. C. Twenty-four yuan, 17

4、. How much will the man pay for the lemons? A. Sevenyuan. B. Twelve yuan. C. Fourteen yuan. C. 听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第1820 小题。 18. What kind of meat are they going to ge? A Beef. B. Chicken. C. Fish, 19. What kind of fruit have they got? A Apples. B. Oranges. C. Bananas. 20. What kind of drink will they g

5、et ? A Coffee. B. Tea. C. Cola and orange juice. (2018 广西桂林) (四)短文理解。读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听一篇短文,根据短文内容,回答第2125 小题。 21. Which chub did the speaker join first? A. The running club. B. The swimming club. C. The walking club. 22 Which club was popular according to the speaker? A. The walking club. B. Th

6、e running club. C. The swimming club. 23. Which club was expensive according to the speaker? A. The swimming club. B. The walking chub. C. The running club. 24. What did the speaker think of walking? A. Relaxing. B. Boring. C. Dangerous. 25. What happened when the speaker walked in the mountain once

7、? A He hurt his head. B. He hurt his eye. C. He hurt his leg. (2018 广西桂林) (五)听短文,填信息,每空填一调。读两迦。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Summer camps for children are very popular in many countries. In. 26 and the USA, some of the summer camps are in the countryside. Children stay there for 27 weeks and sleep in crafts. They

8、 do arts and crafts, and play sports or 28 . Sometimes they go hiking in forests or on rivers. They can take part in different 29 to go close to nature. Children have the 30 to live away from their parents. Summer camps are good to help them grow up. (2018. 贵州安顺) . 听力理解 (本大题共30 分,110 题每小题1 分,1120 题每

9、小题2 分) (2018. 贵州安顺) A.听五段对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑, 听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间回答和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 1. Which novel is Li Ming going to read for the coming summer holiday? A. B. C. 2. What Chinese traditional festival does Tom like most? A. B. C. 3. Which attraction( 景区 ) in Anshun does Mrs Smith think

10、is the most beautiful? A. B. C. 4. What does Li Mei want to be in the future? A B C 5. When does Peter usually go out for a trip? A B C (2018. 贵州安顺) B.听五个问题或句子,分别选择其适当的答语,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。听 完每个问题或句子后,你将有10 秒钟的时间回答和阅读下一小题,每个句子读两遍。(5 分) 6. A. It s raining now. B. It s June 24 now. C. It s summer now. 7. A.

11、 He is a strong man. B. He is a village teacher. C. He is from Dalian. 8. A. Last October. B. By air. C. From Kunming. 9. A. Not at all. B. And you, too. C. Thank you. 10. A. You are right. B. Good news. C. Sounds good. (2018. 贵州安顺) C. 听五段对话,根据对话内容及各题的问题选择正确选项, 并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。 听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间回答和阅读

12、下一小题,每段对话读两遍。 (10 分) 11.What time will the train leave? A. At 6: 45. B. At 7: 00. C. At 7: 15. 12.How will the speakers go to Guiyang? A. By train. B. By plane. C. By car. 13.What did Linda use to do on weekends? A. Stay at home. B. Get up early. C. Hang out with friends. 14.What s the woman s telep

13、hone number? A.7142096. B.7140269. C.7142069. 15.Which subject does the boy dislike? A. Geography. B. Music. C. Science. (2018. 贵州安顺) D听一篇短文,根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,并将答题卡上该选 项涂黑。短文读三遍。 ( 10 分) 16. What day is it today? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Friday. 17.How did they get to the Peoples Park? A. By bus.

14、B. On foot. C. By bike. 18.What were some boys doing when the writer got there ? A.They were climbing the trees. B.They were planting the trees. C.They were watering the tree. 19. What did the writer do in the park? A.He was playing under the trees. B.He picked up the rubbish. C.He made the public w

15、alls dirty. 20.What will the world be like if everyone protects the environment? A.It will become much dirtier. B.It will become more and more crowded. C.It will become more and more beautiful. (2018. 贵州安顺) 英语科听力材料 A. 听五段对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑,听完每段对话后,你将 有 10 秒钟的时间回答和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。 1. W: Which

16、 novel would you like to read in the coming vocation, Li Ming? M: I am planning to read Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. 2. W: Of Drangon-boat Festival, Tomb-sweeping Festival and Lantern Festival, which one do you like best, Tom? M: Actually, I like the three Chinese traditional festivals, but Lantern Festival is my favorite. 3. M: Mrs. Smith,you have visited some attractions in An sun, which one do you think is the most beautiful? W: We


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