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1、Royal Britain,英国皇室,Royal Britain,CONTENTS,Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Constitutional monarchy,The Glorious gl:ris Revolution(光荣革命) in Britain created a constitutional ,knsttjunl monarchymnki (君主

2、立宪) which aimed at limiting the arbitrary:bitrri (专断的) actions and increasing the power of Parliament p:lmnt (议会,国会). In Britain, the Queen is the head of state(国家,政府). But she has very little power and plays no active part in politic. Her role is largely ceremonial ,serimunjl (仪式的).,Royal Britain,C

3、onstitutional monarchy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Trooping the Color(皇室军队庆典游行),The Queen has two birthdays . One is her real birthday which she celebrates with her family. The other is her official birthday, June 14.

4、The Queens official birthday parade preid (游行) is-Trooping tru:p the Color.,Royal Britain,Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Royal Britain,Queen Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II ,full name Elizab

5、eth Alexandra Mary(1926-),queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(1952-),daughter of King George VI, born in London. Elizabeth II married Prince Philip in 1947,and gave birth to 3 sons and a daughter.,Royal Britain,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth succeeded(继承) to the throne run (君主) on the death of her f

6、ather in February 1952. Elizabeths reign rein (统治) has been marked by vast v:st (巨大的) changes and in the power and prestige presti: (声望) of her nation.,Royal Britain,Elizabeth II,The royal ril (皇室的)family has also some changes during Elizabeths reign. Since the 1980s the public has become much more

7、informed(见多识广的) about the lives of the royal. Two of Queen Elizabeths sons, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, separated from their wives in 1992. These separations damaged the reputation(名声) of the royal family.,Royal Britain,Various hats .,So many beautiful hats !,Royal Britain,Constitutional monar

8、chy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Prince Philip,Royal Britain,Prince Philip,Prince Philip was born on June 10,1921,on the Greek island of Corfu(科孚岛). Philip married the then Princess Elizabeth in 1947, and as an active a

9、dvocate dvkit (倡导者) of sports, science, and education, he has made many goodwill(n.y友好) trips throughout the world, both as representative reprizenttiv (代表性的) of, and in company with, Queen Elizabeth.,Royal Britain,Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Phil

10、ip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Windsor Castle,温莎城堡,Royal Britain,Windsor Castle,Windsor Castle, located in city of Windsor in southern England, is the principal prinspl residence rezidns (主要府邸) of the Britain royal family. The dominant dminnt (a.有统治权的) structure of Windsor Castle i

11、s the Round Tower(圆塔). It was used as a prison until 1660 and is still surrounded by a moat mut (护城河).,Royal Britain,Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Prince Charles,Royal Britain,Prince Charles,Charl

12、es(1948-), son of Queen Elizabeth II. He was created(封,授予) Prince of Wales in 1958. In July 1981 he married Diana, a distant relative of the royal family. But after highly publicized pblisaizd (a.宣传的) marital mritl (a.婚姻的) difficulties, Charles and Diana separated in 1992 and were legally divorced(离

13、婚) in 1996.,Royal Britain,VS,Diana,Camilla,HIS two wives,Royal Britain,Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪,Princess Diana,Windsor Castle,Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Elizabeth II,Trooping the Color,Royal Britain,Princess Diana,Royal Britain,Princess Diana,Diana, Princess(1961-1997), Princess of Wales. From

14、 1979 until 1981 Diana worked as a kindergarten teacher in London. On February 24, 1981, her engagement(约会) to Prince Charles was announced. They were married in an internationally televised telivaizd (a.电视播送的) ceremony on July 29, 1981.,Royal Britain,Princess Diana,By the late 1980s the strains str

15、ein (紧张) in the marriage had been widely publicized, and in December 1992 a separation was announced. By that time Diana had adopted charity(慈善) work as her royal duty. She was really active in many charities, especially those involving(贫困) children.,Royal Britain,Princess Diana,She was actively sup

16、ported many charities related to homeless and deprived dipraivd (缺少食物的) children and victims viktim (受害者,牺牲者) of AIDS. In 1987 Diana shocked many people when she shook the hand of an AIDS patient. In August 1996 Diana and Charles were legally divorced, and a year later Diana was killed in an accident in Paris.,Royal Britain,Thats all . Thank you !,Royal Britain,



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