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1、新概念英语第四册第13单元同步翻译练习(教学用) 作者: 日期:新概念英语4第13单元同步翻译练习1. 没有采取措施的球果(cone-crops)被损毁的多达40(As much as) As much as 40 of the unprotected cone-crops has been destroyed. 2. 光这一项开支就节约五万元。 (As much as)So far as this expense is concerned, we save as much as 50,000 yuan. Expenditure 3. 人们要求玛丽小姐在聚会上表演一个节目。 (使用it is

2、required that Mary (should) give a performance at the party 4. 我们应该相信这条原理,并按这条原理去做。(使用介词共用宾语)We should believe in and act on this principle5. 记者开始密切注意发生在他身上和身边的事情。(使用介词共用宾语)pay close attention towhat happened to and around him 6. 约翰从珊栏底下爬过去,比尔从珊栏上面翻过去。(使用介词共用宾语)John crawled under and Bill jumped ove

3、r the fence7. 在亚洲其他地区的广泛经历帮助他克服了文化障碍。 (experience in)his rich/extensive experience in other parts of Asia enabled him to overcome cultural barriers. remove8. 他有些生气, 但当着大家的面不好发作。(under control)he was somewhat angry but with everybody present he kept it under controlin the face ofin the presence of 9.

4、 它是直径约2厘米的不锈钢管。(in diameter)it is a stainless steal about 2 cm in diameter.The well is 20 m in depth width length 10. 晚上露宿的人搭起帐篷,次日清晨把它拆掉。 (put up)campers put up tents in the evening and take them down the next morning 11. 常有检查员来查看机器是否运转正常。(Every so often)Every so often inspectors come to see that t

5、he machine is in working order /condition Make sure 12. 这个地方治安很乱, 时常发生枪击事件。(Every so often)public order here is poor and there are shooting incidents Every so oftensecrecydo sth _in_ secrecycommercial secrecyofficial secrecy maintain secrecy let outassess effectiveness monitor effectivenessevaluate

6、effectivenessenhance effectiveness improve maximize effectivenessimpair effectiveness destroy The agreement will be effective from Nov. 1Come into action ForceInquiry office station bear Inquiry sampling Inquiryfraction I am positive that he is comingA positive manner Negative side battery ProcessDue process proper Lengthy process Constant processAccelerate, speed up, stimulate the processPatent Grant sb a patentIssue sb a patentHold a patent A letting AgentHouse to let lease hire rent


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