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1、Lesson 36 Across the Channel,横渡英吉利海峡,record,1. n. 记录,记载 a record of sth 对的记录记载 a record of accidents 交通事故记录 a new world record 新的世界记录 Break the record 破纪录 Set up record=make a record 创纪录 Hold the record= keep the record保持纪录,record,2. n. 唱片 a pop record 通俗歌曲唱片 a hit record 流行歌曲唱片 put on a record of M

2、ozart放莫扎特的唱片 3. n. 成绩,经历,前科 a school record学习成绩 a police record/a criminal record 前科,record,4. v. 记录,写下,录音(影) I recorded his lecture. 我把他的演讲记录了下来。 His speech was recorded on a tape. 他的演讲被录在了磁带上。 Recorder n.录音机,strong,1. 健壮的,结实的,(人)有体力的,强壮的,有力的 (反:weak) Strong wind 大风 heavy rain 大雨 a strong wing 强有力的

3、翅膀 Strong mind 意志坚强 2.能力等优秀的,卓越的,学科等擅长的 strong points 优点 weak points 缺点 a strong swimmer 游泳健将,strong,3.味道,气味等浓的,强烈的 strong tea 浓茶 weak tea 淡茶 a strong smell 浓烈的气味 strong cheese 味道很浓的奶酪,strong,4.议论等有力的,有权威的 a strong argument 有力的论据 strong evidence 有力的证据 相关短语: strong room 保险柜 strong language 骂人的话 be go

4、ing strong 精神十足 strong drink 烈性的酒精饮料,swimmer n. 游泳运动员,swim-swamswum v. 游泳 go swimming in the pool 在池子里游泳 Dogs can swim very well. 狗非常善于游泳。 float 漂浮 dive 跳水 drown 溺水 breaststroke 蛙式游泳 crawl 翻由式游泳 butterfly 蝶式游泳 backstroke 仰式游泳,Swim相关短语,teach fish to swimteach one s grandmother to suck eggs 班门弄斧 swim

5、with the tide/swim with the stream 顺着潮流 swim against the tide/swim against the stream违反潮流,swimmer,Strong swimmer 游泳能手 Athlete n.运动员,泛指运动会上的运动员。 Swimming athlete 游泳运动员,succeed,succeed v. 成功,顺利完成;继之后,接着发生(反义词fail) succeed in sth. /succeed in doing sth. 做某事成功,在某方面成功 We succeed in the negotiation. 我们谈判成

6、功了. Did he succeed in passing the examination? 他考试及格了吗?,Success n.成功,成功的人 Successful adj. 成功的 Be successful in doing sth. 成功地做了某事 反: Fail v.失败 fail to do sth. 做某事失败 failure n.失败,故障,破产 (AmE)不及格,train,1. n. 火车 by train/take a train 乘火车 catch the early train 赶早班火车 underground/tube (Br)/subway(Am) 地铁 2.

7、 v. develop ones skill 训练,养成; 培训,练习, 培养训练 He trained the horse for the next race. 他训练这匹打算下次参加比赛。,train,train sb. to do sth.训练某人做某事(教授,且让人形成某种技能) Teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事(只是教,不强调效果) Trainer n.教练 Trainee n.受训的人 Training center 训练中心,trainer 教练 trainee 受训练的人 employer雇主 employ 雇员 interviewer 记者,面试官 in

8、terviewee 被面试人,被采访人 trainers (Br)运动鞋/sneakers (Am),anxiously adv.焦急地,忧虑地,anxious adj.挂念的,忧虑的 I m anxious about her health. anxious adj. 渴望的,盼望的 be anxious for 渴望某事 We are anxious for your safe return. 我渴望你的平安归来,be anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事 be anxious for sb. to do sth. 渴望某人做某事 She was anxious for the

9、m all to leave the room. 她渴望他们所有人离开这间屋子。 anxiety n. 渴望,忧虑 He caused his parents a lot of anxiety. 她令他的父母非常担心。,nervous 紧张的 worried 焦急的,担心的 annoyed 恼火的 angry 生气的 irritated 愤怒的,暴怒的iriteitid,Intend v.打算,Intend to do sth.(不用将来时,用一般现在时 ) = be going to do sth. 打算做某事 I intend to finish reading the book this

10、 week. 我打算这个星期读完这本书。,Intend, mean, propose的区别,Intend 是正式用语,指心里已有做某事的目的或计划,含有行动坚决之意。 Mean 强调做事的意图,较口语化。可与intend互换。 Propose 指公开明确地提出自己的目的或计划。,solid,1.固体的 The patient can not eat any solid food. 2. 硬的,结实的,坚固的(指家具,建筑物等) The ice is solid. 冰很硬。 n.固体,几种表未来或计划的方式,1.willdosth/shalldosth/begoingto十v.原形(am,is,

11、are)表示明确打算或即将发生 Im going to move home this weekend. 2. be to+动词原形,表示按照计划发生或是命令的口气 We are to meet at the school gate at 10:00. 我们将于10点在学校门口见面。,几种表未来或计划的方式,3. be about to+动词原形,表示即刻发生,居中可省略时间状语。 Im about to flip a coin to decide. 我将抛硬币做决定。,几种表未来或计划的方式,4.趋向性动词,表示要发生的时,用现在进行时表示将来时。 go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start, return, join I am coming to see you 我将要来看你。 The train is leaving 火车马上离开了。,几种表未来或计划的方式,5. set out to do 着手做某事 I set out to knit a sweater but in the end it became a vest. 我着手织一件背心最后织成毛衣了。 He set about his homework right after supper. 他一吃完晚饭就开始做作业了。,


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