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1、届上海市杨浦区高三英语三模 作者: 日期:2017届上海市杨浦区高三英语三模英语学科试卷2017.5第 I 卷 (共 100 分)II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section AIn CCTVs annual consumer-protection show earlier this month, the international sportswear giant Nike was accused of false advertising. Commercials (21)_ (promote) the Hyperdunk basketball shoes claim

2、ed the product is equipped with high-tech air cushions. The CCTV program, however, revealed that the product didnt come with the feature. Consumers were apparently misled.This is, in fact, not the first time Nike (22)_ (catch) cheating Chinese consumers. Back in2011, consumers complained that that y

3、ears Hyperdunk sneakers didnt have the (23)_(advertise) air cushions in them, either. Such wrongdoings might not mark the end of Nike (24)_ a respectable and reliable brand among loyal shoppers, but Nike needs to realize that (25)_ one day consumers trust in it vanishes(消失), so will its sales. By th

4、en, it will be impossible for the brand to restore its reputation.China is an important base for Nike (26)_ it accounts for about ten percent of the companys market. Over the past three decades, numerous NBA greats, from Michael Jordan to LeBron James, have been shown wearing Nikes gear, proving its

5、 quality.Placing misleading advertisements once again has dampened some consumers trust in Nike. Fortunately, Nike issued a timely apology last week, offering a 4500-yuan refund, (27)_ is three times the cost of the shoes. These gestures show that the company has somewhat realized its mistake and wa

6、nts to re-establish consumers trust in it.Sportswear companies often push the truth of their products by having famous athletes wearing them. If Usain Bolt is seen in a commercial (28)_ (dash) with Nike, it might be implied that the shoes (29)_ enable you to run faster. However, there are limits to

7、(30)_ can be said to promote a product. With lying comes distrust, and with distrust comes collapse. Thats why Nike, and any other company, needs to be more careful with advertising in the future.Section BA. changingB. availableC. exposureD. worsenE. sensitiveF. densityG. restH. shadedI. reflections

8、J. interruptedK. fightingAre your eyes dry, watery, seeing double or _31_ to light, and do your back and neck ache? If so, you are likely one of many people today who suffer from digital eyestrain (视疲劳), also called computer-vision syndrome.Eyestrain is often related to the amount of _32_ to screens

9、, the distance from eyes to screens and the use of multiple screens at the same time. However, studies have also shown that the blue light produced by digital devices reaches further into the eyes than other kinds of light. This light actually assists attention during the day but can result in _33_

10、sleep patterns at night.Scientists have stated that eyestrain is not a necessary evil, even in a modern world that circles around technology. Sometimes _34_ some simple details about your relative position to screens, such as stayingabout 60 centimeters away, will help. Also, avoid overhead and othe

11、r direct sources of light, and use _35_ lamps and window blinds while looking at digital devices instead.Beyond the ways that you relate to digital screens, there are also ways to change how you view screens that are helpful in _36_ eyestrain. To begin with, your computer screen should be high-resol

12、ution (高分辨率), and may require a screen filter to decrease _37_. Also, be aware that computer glasses, which cut down glare(刺眼的光)and blue light, are _38_ on the market.Finally, many of us fall into bad habits while using digital screens that only _39_ the effects of eyestrain. When viewing digital sc

13、reens, many people blink(眨眼)one third less often than they usually do. Place a reminder on your computer to blink! so that your eyes dont dry out. Also, _40_ your eyes focusing muscles by using the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.There are many other m

14、ethods used to help relieve eyestrain, so find what works for you rather than giving in to tired vision.III. Reading Comprehension Section AUniversity educators largely think highly of the wonders of teaching through technology. However, critics _41_ whether something is lost when professors and lec

15、tures rely too heavily on electronic media or when _42_ with students takes place remotely in cyberspace(网络空间)_43_ the real space of the classroom. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, the Professor of Literature at Stanford University, is one such critic. I think this enthusiastic and sometimes childish and _44_ pushing toward the more technology the better, the more websites the better teacher, is very


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