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1、亳州市风华中学学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语 作者: 日期:亳州市学校_班级_姓名_考号_密封线内不要答题风华中学2010学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语听力部分(20分)I关键词语选择。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1.A .plan B. plant C .plane 2. A .bedroom B.bathroom C . living room3. A .road B.rode C .right4 A .keys B.kind C .kids 5. A .took on B.took away C .took offII短对话理解。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)6A.He wil

2、l lend some money to his friend . B.He was hard-working. C.I think he should ask his brother for help 7. A.He was watching TV. B.My brother was in the factory. C.He could speak two languages.8. A.The girl was singing. B.I was thinking C.You are shouting. 9.A.The teacher said she was lazy. B.She was

3、listening to music. C.She went there last month.10.A.Yes,I wrote it. B.I was climbing. C.Thank you.I will .III短对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)11.Why did the scientist go to England? A.Because he had a meeting there. B. Because he wanted to meet his friends there.C. Because he went there for his holidays.12.Ho

4、w did the scientist go to the museum?A.By car B.On foot. C.By boat13. Why did the scientist think the farmer lost three quarters of his life?A.Because the farmer did not study much at school. B. Because the farmer was ill.C. Because the farmer was very old now14.What does”three quarters”mean in the

5、passage?A.45minutes B. 3/4 C.0.2515.Why did the farmer say the scientist would lost his whole life?A.Because the scientist couldnt swim.B. Because the scientist fell into the water.C. Because the river was too deep. IV信息转换(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词,短文读两遍。Erics problemsMood

6、(心情)(16)characternot outgoing and kind of ( 17) languagea little (18) (19) Different from the one in CanadaActivityno time to play (20) 笔试部分(100分)I单项选择(每题1分,共15分)21. There _ any poor people in China in fifty years, I think. A. arent B. dont have C. wont be D. wont have 22There is a blackboard _ our

7、classroom.A. in front of B. in front off C. in the front of D. the front of23We are all here _ Tom, because he is ill at home.A. except B. Beside C. besides D. excepts24. What were you doing when the UFO ? A. arrived B. arrives C. gets D.reached25. The teacher told him again. A. not late B. no be la

8、te for C. to be not late D. not to be late 26Can you tell me _ at that time?A. what were they doing B. what they were doingC. what are they doing D. what they are do27The teacher said light _ much faster than sound.A. traveled B. travelsC. will travel D. had traveled28. You dont like the picture. I

9、dont like it, _ . A. too B. also C. either D. still 29. Maybe you should _. A. call up him B.call him up C. call on him D. call him in 30. My history teacher said that I _ do better.A. can B. couldC. was D. was can31. Davids friends dont want to _ any money to him, because he never returns anything

10、he _ from them. A. lend, lends B. borrow, borrows C. borrow, lends D. lend, borrows32. Lucy called everyone and told them she _ have the party.A. isnt going to B. wasnt going toC. wont D. have 33Nobody knows _ do tomorrow.Awhere toB how to Cwhat toDwhat34At last, Peter made the baby _ and begin to l

11、augh.Astop to cry Bstop crying Cto stop to cryDto stop crying35I think foreign languages are as _ as science subjects.Athe most difficultBmore difficult Cdifficult D.the difficultII完型填空。(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)(A)Many people think the_36_time is spent, the more work will be done.So students have to spend

12、 the whole _37_doing school work except the three meals.Modern students have many_38_.They love sports, computers and music.A_39_holiday can get them away from too much school work, and they can do what they like. But still teachers do not think about it. Because they have too much homework, they have no time to_40_themselves.Students are really tired of(厌倦) their weekend hom


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