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1、江苏省2020高考英语名师原创冲刺复习卷及答案(1)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)略第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.Jim,can you work this Sunday?_?Ive been working for two weeks on end.A.Why meB.Why notC.What ifD.So what22.The number of smokers,_is reported,has dropped by 17 percent i

2、n just one year.A.itB.whichC.whatD.as23.Much time_sitting at a desk,office workers are generally troubled by health problems.A.being spentB.having spentC.spentD.spending24.More expressways_in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.A.are being builtB.will be builtC.have been builtD.had been built2

3、5.Tom had to_the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.A.turn inB.turn downC.turn overD.turn to26.September 30 is the day_which you must pay your bill.A.by B.for C.with D.in27.Good families are much to all their members,but_to none.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

4、28.It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,_bring me food.A.might B.would C.should D.could29.What a mess!You are always so lazy!Im not to blame,mum.I am_you have made me.A.how B.what C.that D.who30.Lessons can be learned to face the future,_history cannot be changed.A.though B.as C.since D.unl

5、ess31.My Dad began to teach me English when I was eight.Wow. You must have studied English for six years, ?A. havent youB. mustnt youC. neednt youD. dont you32.Shall we watch Personal Tailor directed by Feng Xiaogang this weekend? . Isnt it meaningful that we do some voluntary work in the nursing ho

6、use?A. How comeB. Forget itC. Dont mention itD. Couldnt agree more33.Most workers have heard the news that their products, with excellent quality and delicate skill, are enjoying growing _ among the customers abroad.A. favorB. dignityC. response D. profit34.Mom, today I received a message telling me

7、 to send money to the account.Delete it. Its a trick. Many a person _ by such tricks. A. have been cheatedB. were cheated C. has been cheatedD. was cheated35.The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, he remembers starting as early as his childhood.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. whe

8、n第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Even though Danish students have equal access to education, their choice of studies is still influenced by social class. Young people from working class backgrounds are 36 by studies with a clear job profile and high income, 37 presti

9、ge and studies with a strong identity interest young people of parents with university degrees when choosing which studies to 38 . This is what researchers from the University of Copenhagen 39 in a new study. Students who have chosen to study medicine, architecture, economy and sociology often come

10、from homes where the parents have 40 higher education, whereas business studies and pharmacy often 41 young people with a working class background. This is 42 by a research team from the University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University in a new study.“There is a 43 between the studies chosen by young

11、 Danes and their 44 background. Even for the young people who have very good grades in their A-level exams, and who could successfully 45 admission to a large variety of studies, the parents 46 of education and social class play an important role in their choice,” says Education Sociologist Jens Pet

12、er Thomsen, who is one of the researchers behind the study.The study “The Educational Strategies of Danish University Students from Professional and Working-Class Backgrounds” is 47 60 interviews with Danish students from six different university level study programmes: Medicine, architecture, socio

13、logy, economy, pharmacy and business studies.The young people bring with them the 48 they get from their families. If you grow up in a home with parents who are doctors or architects with a strong professional 49 , it is an obvious choice to follow the 50 path as your parents when you grow up.“For y

14、oung people whose parents are university educated, 51 such as fame and mastery of expert knowledge are important. They are 52 by an educational culture in which you are a diligent student, and where leisure activities are 53 to the identity that lies within your studies. These young people have also

15、 grown up with 54 discussions around the dinner table which also prepare them for their lives as students,” says Jens Peter Thomsen.He also added, “Young people who come from a working class background, and have good grades have to 55 the full range of opportunities they have. But the effort to reach this goal must start



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