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1、20192020学年度烟台市招远第一学期初二年级 期中考试初中英语 英语试题 本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两部分。测评时刻90分钟,总分值 120分。其中书写质量3分, 卷面安排 2分; 第一卷共 55分 一、语音知识:选出划线部分读音不同于其它三项的选项5分 1Aprogram Bmost Cjoke D hot 2Agroup Bcool Ccloudy D pool 3Aweather Bheavy Chealth D heat 4Ahumid Bjunk Cstudy D sunny 5Avacation Bhappy Ccamera D captain 二、语言基础运用20分 6一 Whe

2、re do people usually _? 一At the pool Aeat dinner Bgo swimming Cplay football D go shopping 7Are you _a bus? Await Bwaiting Cwait for D waiting for 8_,Mary? I m watching the Bering Olympic Games, AHow do you do BWhat are you doing CCan I help you DHow are you 9Here _some of my photos Ais Bbe Cam D ar

3、e 10一 _is the weather like in Zhao Yuan? It s fine AHow BWhat CWhere D When 11Some boys are plying soccer,and _are playing basketball Aother Bthe other Cothers D the others 12一 Shall we go out for a walk? I d love to, but I can t I _my baby Alook at Bam looking at Cam looking after D look after 13Th

4、ank you for _me with my English Ahelping Bhelp Chelpful Dhelps 14We can see a group of _at West Mall Aboy Bgirl Cman D women 15She doesn t tell me _the person _ Athat,look like Bwhat, look like Cthat, looks like Dwhat, looks like 16Stop _,children! Your grandfather is sleeping in the bedroom Ato sin

5、g Bsings Csinging D sing 17Guo Jing-jing likes singing and _very much in her free time Acooks Bcooking Cto cook D cook 18一 Does he have long hair or short hair? 一_ AYes,he has long hairBNo,he has short hair CHe has long hairDHe has short hairs 19 She always finishes her homework on time She _leaves

6、it to tomorrow Anever Balways Cusually D sometimes 20There is little _in the fridge Let s go and buy some Ameat Bpears Cvegetables D cabbages 21She was a quiet girl, but she is very _now Abeautiful Blazy Cfriendly D active 22一 _? 一I usually go to the movies AWhy do you go to the movies BWhen do you

7、go to the movies CWhat do you usually do on weekends DWhere do you go to the movies 23一 _hours do you exercise every day? 一One AHow long BHow far CHow much D How many 24一 Are you_ before the exam? 一YesSo I listen to music and relax myself Arelaxed Bstressed out Cunhealthy D interested 25一 My mother

8、is ill in hospital 一_ AI m sorry to hear that BThat s a good idea CI don t think so DIt doesn t matter 三、完形填空10分 A cold is a common 一般的 illness It often starts with a sore 26 You sneeze打 喷嚏 and your nose runs You usually 27 a headache , too It s not a serious illness, but you can feel very 28 What s

9、hould you do when you have a cold? You should have a good rest It is good 29 a lot of water, too You can 30 and take some medicineMaybe you can try some Chinese medicine Chinese medicine is now very 31 all over the world Where does Chinese medicine 32 ?A long time ago ,when people were not feeling 3

10、3 , they found that some plants could make them feel 34 They ate the leaves, the roots根, the fruits or the seeds种子 of the plants Today people make much Chinese medicine 35 those plants 26Athroat Bhand Cleg Darm 27Agive Bhave Cbring Dfind 28Abad Bhappy Cshy Dclever 29Adrinking Bdrink Cto drink Ddrink

11、s 30Asee a dentist Bgo to a party Cgo to school Dsee a doctor 31Adifficult Bdifferent Cdelicious Dpopular 32Acome to Bcome from Cget up Dget to 33Asad Bwell Ctired Dbusy 34Abetter Bless Cmore Dbusy 35Ato Bin Cfrom Don 四、阅读明白得20分 A Tom is my classmate We have very different eating habits My diet is h

12、ealthier than his For breakfast, I have a glass of milk , some bread and an egg Tom has a cup of coffee , some sausages 香肠and an egg I take a lunchbox午餐盒to school every day In my lunchbox, I have meat or fish ,rice and vegetablesI also have an apple or an orangeBut Tom usually has a hamburger and Fr

13、ench fries,pizza or chicken for lunch If I am hungry between meals ,I have some more fruit ,but Tom eats sweets,chips,chocolate and cakesWhen Im thirsty, I like to drink water, but Tom likes to drink cola if he s thirsty I don t eat much for dinner, but he eats a lot So Im fit , but he is overweight

14、 超重的 36The writer and his classmate _eating habits Aboth have healthy Bboth have unhealthy Chave different Dwant to change their 37The writer and Tom both have _for their breakfast Aan egg Bmilk Cbread Dcoffee 38Tom _for lunch Atakes a lunchbox Beats junk food Chas some fruit Ddoesn t have French fr

15、ies 39The writer _between meals Anever eats anything Balways eats more fruit Coften eats sweets Dsometimes has some fruit 40Tom prefers _to _ Acola,water Bwater,cola Cfruit ,cakes Dbread,chocolate B We often talk about the weather If we want to know about the weather ,we can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report We can also turn on the TV and watch the Weather ShowAnd we can ask other people in two different ways ,What s the weather like today?or How is the weather today? Sometim



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