2011 CS15_3 More and more coronaviruses after the SARS epidemic_ human coronavirus HKU1 and other coronaviruses

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1、Concurrent Session 16: End Stage Liver Disease and ComplicationsS13 Concurrent Session 15: Detection and Clinical Signifi cance of Viral Infection Sunday, July 16, 2011, 11:15 12:45 Meeting Room 310 CS15.1 CMV in transplant recipients B.-H. Tan*. Department of Internal Medicine, Singapore General Ho

2、spital, Singapore CMV has long been described as the Achilles heel of organ transplantation. CMV may produce direct effects such as fever, and end-organ damage, such as retinitis and colitis. CMV is also thought to produce indirect effects such as rejection, diabetes, and perhaps even graft atherosc

3、lerosis (in heart transplant recipients). Advances in viral diagnostics, plus the availabilty of ganciclovir and valganciclovir, however, have made CMV less fearsome than it used to be. In this lecture, we will review the data on both the prophylactic and pre-emptive modes of CMV prevention in organ

4、 transplant recipients, and ask ourselves if the technology that is now enabling us to measure host immunity to CMV has a role in clinical management. CS15.2 Drug design and development against EV71 and other enteroviruses T.W. Lin*. State Key Laboratory on Stress Cell Biology, School of Life Scienc

5、es, Xiamen University, China Enteroviruses are a family of single stranded, positive sense RNA virus of Picornaviridae. Although most of the enterovirus-associated diseases are mild and asymptomatic, some member in the family can cause severe diseases and death, especially in the young and immunocom

6、promised. Enteroviruses are the leading cause of aseptic meningitis whichinturnisthemostcommoncentralnervous system infection. Enterovirus 71 (EV71), for example, is an important pathogen besides polioviruses of the family. It is emerging as the most signifi cant neurotropic enterovirus in some area

7、 of the world in outbreaks and epidemics. This virus circulates in US, and 26% of the adults tested in a study had antibody. EV71 was the leading cause of infectious diseases in China in 2010. The outbreaks of EV71-associated diseases have been reported in the United States, Australia, Sweden, Japan

8、, Bulgaria, Hungary, Malaysia, and other countries. It has been associated with a variety of clinical diseases, including hand, foot and mouth disease, herpangina, aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, poliomyelitis-like paralysis, and even fatal pulmonary edema or hemorrhage. Eneterovirus-associated di

9、sease can be both acute and chronic. The chronic diseases include dermatomyositis, polymyositis, dilated cardiomyopathy, and diabetes mellitus. There is an urgent need to develop therapeutics against EV71 in particular, and enteroviruses in general. Upon infection, a polyprotein is translated from t

10、he single open reading in the genome of an enterovirus, which is processed into mature proteins by virally encoded proteinases. These proteinases are not only vital to the propagation of the virus but important factors in limiting host defense against the virus infection as well. We carry out struct

11、ure-based screening, design, and development of inhibitors against the enterovirus infection using the proteinases as the targets. The lead compounds were generated after hits were identifi ed by virtual screening, structure characterization, and medicinal chemistry. The lead compounds were improved

12、 by iterations of structure- based design, chemical synthesis, and functional assay. The resulting inhibitors are shown to be capable of inhibiting virus replication and restore host functions. CS15.3 More and more coronaviruses after the SARS epidemic: human coronavirus HKU1 and other coronaviruses

13、 P.C.Y. Woo*. Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. The recent SARS epidemic has boosted global interest in the discovery of novel human and animal coronaviruses. The number of coronavirus species with complete genomes available has increased from nine in 2003 to

14、about 30 in 2011, of which nine, including human coronavirus HKU1 (Betacoronavirus subgroup A), SARS-related Rhinolophus bat coronavirus (Betacoronavirus subgroup B), Rhinolophus batcoronavirusHKU2(Alphacoronavirus),threebat coronavirusesoftwonovelsubgroups(CandD)in Betacoronavirus,andthreeaviancoro

15、naviruseswhich constitute a proposed novel genus (Deltacoronavirus) were sequenced by our laboratory. Recently, we have also developed a comprehensive database, CoVDB (http:/ covdb.microbiology.hku.hk), of annotated coronavirus genes and genomes, for rapid and accurate batch sequence retrieval, the

16、cornerstone and bottleneck for comparative gene or genome analysis. With the increasing amount of genomes available and the user-friendly database, easy comparative genome analysis and more specifi c blast search results can be generated for effi cient downstream analysis. Concurrent Session 16: End Stage Liver Disease and Complications Suday, July 16, 2011, 11:15 12:45 Meeting Room 311A CS16.1 Management of the complications of liver cirrhosis H. You*. Liver Research Center, Beijing Friendship



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