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1、今日热词与阅读精选今日热词【1】 Meteorological monitoring in areas prone to flood and geological disasters need to be strengthened.在易受洪水和地质灾害侵袭的地区,(我们)需要加强气象监测。上面报道中的 meteorological monitoring 就是“气象监测” ,是指通过 weather satellite(气象卫星)对天气情况实行监测。气象监控的关键技术是 remote sensing(遥感)。Meteorological 意为“与气象学有关的, 气象的” ,类似表达还有 mete

2、orological instrumentation(气象测量仪表)、meteorological observation(气象观测)、meteorological conditions(天气情况)等。Monitor 可做动词表示“ 监控” ,也可作名词表示“监控器”,例如读取胎儿心脏信号的 fetal monitor (胎儿检测器)、用来灭火的 fire monitor(消防炮)和用来测量血压的 blood pressure monitor (血压监测仪)。【2】An increasing number of Chinas rich are snapping up properties ov

3、erseas in the expectation that domestic inflation will continue to rise after the consumer price index reached a 34-month high in May.五月份 CPI(居民消费价格指数)创下 34 个月来新高,预期国内通货膨胀还将持续,因此越来越多的中国富人奔向海外抢房。文中的 snap up properties overseas 就是指“海外抢房” 。Snap up 意为“抢购” ,比如 The cheapest articles at the sale were quick

4、ly snapped up.(大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快被抢购一空。)除此之外,panic buying(恐慌购买)也有“抢购”的意思。据称,在温哥华,mainland immigrants(大陆移民)的购房需求量已占到 29%。越来越多的 homebuyer(购房者)把资金交给 property trust unit(不动产信托机构),以规避 VAT(value-added tax,增值税)、heritage tax(遗产税),以及再交易时的 capital gains tax(资本收益税)。投资海外房产需要注意风险,因为有时并没有太大的 room for price appreciati

5、on(增值空间)。【3】Youth, self-reliance and brand loyalty are the defining characteristics of luxury outbound travelers in China.我国豪华出境游游客的定义性特征为年轻、自主、品牌忠诚度高。文中的 brand loyalty 就是指 “品牌忠诚度”,指的是对某一品牌的信赖和热衷。对品牌来说,好的brand name(品牌名称,商标名称)可以起到极佳的宣传效果,因此不少公司设立了 Chief Brand Officer(首席品牌官; 品牌总监)来扩大 brand awareness(品

6、牌知名度),还从事一些 brand extension(品牌延伸,借名牌之名宣传新产品)的活动。Luxury outbound traveler 就是“奢华出境游客” ,多数属于 high-net-worth individuals(高资产人士)。类似于 luxury travel 的还有 high-end travel(高端旅游)。某些 VIP 旅游者还可以享受room upgrades(房间升级)、late checkout time(退房时间延后)以及 airport security fast-tracking(快速安检)的优待服务。【4】Thousands of yoga enthu

7、siasts participate in an all-day yoga session to greet the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, at Times Square in New York.数千名瑜伽爱好者聚集在美国时报广场,参加瑜伽日盛会,庆祝全年最长的一天“夏至” 的到来。文中的 summer solstice 就是“夏至”,与之相对的则是 winter solstice(冬至),分别是一年中白昼最长、最短的两天。过了 summer solstice,很快就开始“数伏”了,三伏天出现在小暑与大暑之间,是一年中气温最

8、高且又潮湿、闷热的日子。“伏” 就是天气太热了,宜伏不宜动,“ 三伏天” 也被形象地称为 dog days。古罗马人认为每年七八月份的酷热是太阳加上天狼星的热能造成的,加之天狼星在英语里叫“the dog star”,“dog days”由此而来。例如:Dog days are the hottest days in summer.(三伏天是夏季最热的时候。)到了 dog days,我们要谨防 heat-stroke /sunstroke(中暑)。如果只是 heat exhaustion(轻度中暑),可以适当服用一些药物。【5】High school graduates, dressed in

9、 the traditional Han costumes, take part in a coming-of-age ceremony in Jinan, East Chinas Shandong province on June 19, 2011.2011 年 6 月 19 日,身穿汉服的高中毕业生在山东省济南市参加了成人礼。上文报道中的 coming-of-age ceremony 就是“成人礼” ,是在少男少女年龄满 18 岁时举行的象征迈向成人阶段的仪式。男孩要进行 capping ceremony(冠礼),女孩要进行 hair-pinning ceremony(加笄礼)。举行成人礼

10、表示一个人已经 come of age(成年),在经历了 puberty(青春期)之后,完成了从adolescent(青少年)向 youth(青年)的转变,即将迈向人生的新阶段。【6】Beijing will launch a series of measures to increase employment opportunities for this years college graduates and to fight any illegal job agencies and employment discrimination.北京将采取一系列措施为应届大学毕业生增加就业机会,同时打击

11、一切非法职业介绍机构和就业歧视。上文的 employment discrimination 就是“就业歧视”,多涉及 gender discrimination(性别歧视)、age discrimination(年龄歧视)、place discrimination(地域歧视)等。为促进就业,表示将打击就业歧视,同时也鼓励大学毕业生 set up their own businesses(自主创业),或去做 village officials(村官)。北京今年的大学毕业生面临的另一大难题就是 permanent residency permit(户口)。为了减轻北京的 population pr

12、essure(人口压力),今年北京发放给 non-Beijing native graduates(非京籍毕业生)的户口指标一下子缩减到去年的三分之一。考研阅读精选【1】地震背后的双重文化日本大地震引发了人们对于灾难以及核能的新一轮思考,地震中人们面对灾难时的不同态度,也凸显出东西方文化的差异。A Tale of Two Cultures地震背后的双重文化March 20th, 2011 | From NewsweekRudyard Kipling famously said, “East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall mee

13、t.”Yet since Japans devastating earthquake, the entire world has been riveted by heartbreaking images in the East revealing the horror of a nation whose northern coastline was reduced to rubble. Several nations have rallied behind Japan, sending in badly needed aid and other offers of help. The reso

14、unding support and generosity offered by the world community reveals the common bond, the humanity, that East and West share, contradicting Kipling.But a closer look at the human dimensions of this historic crisis reveals subtle differences of culture, similarities of geography, and lessons for both

15、 sides of the world.The sharpest link connecting East and West is simple geography. Like two Siamese twins joined at the hip, the Pacifics Ring of Fire forges a common destiny between East and West. Ninety percent of all earthquakes take place along this deadly ring, which extends from the Philippin

16、es and Japan to Alaska and South America.But there are also subtle, revealing cultural differences between East and West in their reaction to tragedy.In spite of monumental collapse and ruin, the Japanese politely wait in long lines for hours, without once complaining. Law and order are respected at every step. The Shinto-Buddhist tradition, which stresses social harmony and cohesiveness and looking out for your neighbor, is deeply ingrained in the cult


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