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1、用心 爱心 专心 1教学内容 8BUnit2 Reading(1)学情分析Students are familiar with the topic of travelling and the number of what they have learnt is relatively large. Their oral speaking is good enough to talk about the places where they have ever been or they want to go in the future. They may be interested in trave

2、lling around the world. However, some of Ss are likely to give up studying English because of the difficult of knowledge. So during the process of the teaching, it is necessary to adopt kinds of teaching methods to arouse their interest such as multi-media and picture etc.By the end of this class, t

3、he students are expected to be able to:知识目标1. learn about the experiences about Kittys journey to Disneyland.2. master the necessary words and important phrases and sentences.3. extend some words that can help Ss to talk about their own travel experiences.能力目标1. have courage to describe Hong Kong Di

4、sneyland correctly.2. understand the whole text through correct reading skills and use what they have learnt to talk about their own travel experiences.教学目标情感目标 1. have a better understanding of Hong Kong Disneyland 2. arouse Ss interest in travelling through activities.教学重点 Teach Ss some reading sk

5、ills to understand the structure of the whole text according to time sequence so that Ss can learn about the experiences about Kittys journey to Disneyland.Strategy: 在最重要的阅读部分,我循序渐进的设置了四个任务,首先是两个简单的问题,让学生对全文有个大致的了解;其次是通过听录音,然后完成一个判断正误的练习,这样对课文进行更进一步的了解;接下来我把课文分成三个部分,分别提出有关课文细节的几个问题,让学生充分阅读课文,然后小组讨论学

6、习,完成回答这些问题;最后,通过一个表格,让学生对整篇课文用心 爱心 专心 2再有一个整体的认识。这样的一种设置符合学生的认知特点:由浅入深,从易到难。而且形式多样,有回答问题,有表格填空,有判断正误,学生读的时候有自己默读,有两人对话,也有小组合作学习,因此学生能够充分阅读,在领略香港迪斯尼的美丽风光的同时学会一些描述旅游见闻的词句。教学难点 Get Ss to understand and encourage Ss to describe the experiences about Kittys journey to Disneyland or their own travelling e

7、xperience.Strategy: 通过角色扮演活动,让学生真正敢于用英语表达,说出自己心中的迪斯尼印象,用这节课所学到的词汇描述旅行见闻,真正学以致用。我为学生准备了各种迪斯尼卡通人物的头像,学生兴趣盎然,都积极的投入角色参与小组活动。教学准备 Recorder; PPT; toys of cartoons head学法指导 Situation-communicative method; task-based approach教学过程教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 言语互动 媒体使用 设计意图Step1: RevisionLead Ss to revise some places of i

8、nterest in ChinaSay the names of places of interest in ChinaPresent the pictures of tourist attractions and ask them what they are and in which country they are. (2min)呈现中国著名景点的图片。运用多媒体形象地展示不同国家的不同名胜景点,既复习了上一课学习的内容,又很自然的引入“旅游”这一话题。而且这些内容是浅显易学的,大部分学生在上一课已经掌握,因此我采用了抢答的方式,让学生在轻松、快乐而又积极主动的氛围中开始这节课的学习。用心

9、 爱心 专心 3Step2 Lead-in Ask some questions about Hong Kong and travelling.Answer questions put forward by teacher.Ask them whether they have ever been to Hong Kong ; What they know about Disney and if they want to go there.(2min)学生熟悉迪斯尼乐园这个话题,询问一些关于这个相关问题,会激起学生的兴趣也能让他们积极思考,从而自然地引入“旅游”这个话题。Step3. Prese

10、ntationIntroduce Hong Kong Disneyland and present new words.Learn sth about Hong Kong and Disneyland learn new words: wave, souvenir, parade, fountain, theme park, whale fountain, etc.1. Present some pictures of Hong Kong Disneyland help Ss learn new words more easily. (1min)2. Present exercise: wor

11、d-matching and complete the words.(2min)3. Ask Ss to do exercises B2 on page28.(3min)呈现迪斯尼乐园各种景点的图片及英文名呈现单词配对练习的幻灯片这个部分我花了近十分钟时间,可能时间了长点,但我在呈现的过程中实际是完成了两个任务,一是运用大量形象生动的图片极大的提高了学生的学习兴趣,让学生尽情的“游览”了香港迪斯尼乐园,快乐地结识了唐老鸭、米老鼠、白雪公主等好朋友;二是我在这个过程中让学生很自然的初步学习了重要的短语、句型,学生之前学过的单词放进短语和句子里,就更容易掌握用心 爱心 专心 4。用心 爱心 专心

12、5Step4: Reading comprehensionTask1:Fast-reading .Task2: “T” or “F”Task3: reading for details.Ask two questions about the text Help Ss to understand the text further.Lead the Ss to have a better understanding of the text.Read and answer the teachers questions. Who visited Disneyland? How long did the

13、y stay in Disneyland?Do exercises part D on page 29.Read and answer some more questions to understand the text.Have student go through the article quickly and ask two easy questions. (5min)Who visited Disneyland?(Kitty and her parents )How long did they stay in Disneyland?(About twelve hours )Ask Ss

14、 to listen to the tape and judge whether the following sentences are correct or not. (2min)Ask Ss to read again and answer somequestions for details. 呈现问题呈现问题两个简单的问题,让学生对全文有个大致的了解.通过听录音,然后完成一个判断正误的练习,这样对课文进行更进一步的了解.把课文分成三部分,分别提出有关课文细节的几个问题,让学生充分阅读课文,然后小组讨论学习,完成回答这些问题.用心 爱心 专心 6Task4:post-readingHelp

15、 the Ss to form the structure of the whole text.Discuss with partners to finish the form of Kittys journey according to time sequence.(5 min)(1)How did Kitty think of Hong Kong Disneyland?(It was fantastic )(2)What did they see at the entrance?(The whale fountain )(3)Why couldnt Kitty stop taking ph

16、otos with Disney characters?(Because they all looked nice and cute )(4)What was the best part of the day?(The parade of Disney characters )(5)What did they buy as souvenirs?(Some stationery, a beautiful purse and a pretty hair clipAsk the Ss to work in groups of four and fill in the form. (8min)呈现课文的时间框架表和表格通过一个表格,让学生对整篇课文再有一个整体的认识。以表格的形式把握细节,活动流程详细,一目了然。小组讨论也培养了学生合作学习的能力。这样的一种设置符合学生的认知特点:由浅入深,从易到难。而且形式多样,有回答问题,有表格填空,有判断正误,学生读的时候有自己默读,有两人



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