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1、What do you think of game shows ?,Unit 9,Warm Welcome!,Section A,Warming up exercises: (present past),Did you? What did ? Where did.? Why did ? How did?,学而时习之,不亦乐乎!温故而知新也,Yesterday,What do you think of ?,I love . I like I dont mind I dont like . I cant stand( bear) .,What do you think of game shows

2、?,I love them .,What do you think of sports shows ?,I like them .,Do you know something about Yao Ming?,姓名:姚明(Yao Ming). 生日:1980年09月12日. 身高:2.26米. 体重:125公斤. 籍贯: 上海. 单位:休斯敦火箭队(11号). 位置:中锋. 国家队号码:13号. 奥运会报名项目:男篮. 辉煌战绩. 最好成绩:亚洲男子篮球锦标赛冠军,What do you think of sitcoms ?,I dont mind them .,sitcoms,= situat

3、ion comedies,What do you think of talk shows ?,I dont like them .,艺术人生,What do you think of soap operas ?,I cant stand them .,game shows,soap operas,What is soap opera?,肥皂剧有一个很形象的名字,叫soap opera,它是指“以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧”,主要以家庭妇女为主要观众,以家庭日用品 . 但事实上,最早的肥皂剧指本世纪30年代美国无线电广播中播放的一种长篇广播连续剧,由于当时的赞助商主要是日用清洁剂,news

4、,新闻调查播出过一系列由当事人自揭内幕的节目,如探秘传销大本营、戒毒者自白、药品回扣内幕、艾滋病人小路等等,cartoons,Look and match.,1. talk show _,2. soap opera_,3.sports show_,4.sitcom_,5.game show _,e,a,b,c,d,1a,Pair work,A: What do you think of ?,B : I them .,Do you have these fashionable things? What do you think of them?,I dont like it./I love it

5、./I dont mind it/I cant stand it.,Make your own conversations .,A :What do you think of game shows ?,B :I dont like them .,C : What does he /she think of game shows ?,D :He/She doesnt like them .,b,a,c,e,Listen . What does Mark say about TV shows ?,Write a letter a-e from activity 1a .,1b,1._loves,2

6、._likes,3. _doesnt mind,4._ doesnt like,5._cant stand,d,谁的记忆最棒!,Memory Game,likes,loves,doesnt mind,likes,cant stand,doesnt like,loves,likes,likes,doesnt like,loves,doesnt mind,A: What do you think of Dumpling King? B: I _ it . A: Do you _ Er Bao? B: No,I _him. But I _ his brother, Xiao Bao. How abo

7、ut you? A: I dont like him. In fact, I _like sitcoms.,Listen and fill in the blanks.,2b,love,like,cant stand,dont mind,dont,- What do you think of ?,- I love her .,- I dont mind him .,What do you think of ?,I him / her.,Please tell the peoples like or dislike,1.Diana likes _and _,but she doesnt like

8、_.,2.Alans father cant stand _, but he loves_.,3.My teacher _ soap operas, but he _ talk shows and sports shows.,4.Leos mother _sitcoms snd soap operas, but she _ game shows.,sitcoms,sitcoms,game shows,sports shows,likes,sports shows,doesnt like,soap operas,likes,cant stand,1).-What _ you think of s

9、oap operas? -I _ stand _. 2).-What _ your classmates think of sports shows? -They _ mind _. 3).-What _ she think of my new shirt? - She _ like _. 4).-What_ Tony think of the food? -He likes _. 5).-What _ they think of the cat? -They love _.,1).-What _do_ you think of soap operas? -I _cant_stand _the

10、m_. 2).-What _do_your classmates think of sports shows? -They dont_mind _them_. 3).-What _does_ she think of my new shirt? - She _doesnt_ like _it_. 4).-What_does Tony think of the food? -He likes _it_. 5).-What _do_ they think of the cat? -They love _it_.,中新网6月1日电 据天府早报报道,一女子冒充怀孕老师在成都街头行骗,每天跪两小时,能有

11、几百元的收入。日前,她的把戏被识破。 凄惨“孕妇”跪地要钱 昨日下午2时许,一名30岁左右、戴眼镜的“孕妇”突然跪在四川省医院对面的路边,摆出一张写着身世的白纸,吸引了很多路人同情的眼光。“好可怜哦,怀孕几个月了还这么惨,而且她还是个老师。”看着摆在面前的一大堆证件,有人开始掏腰包。很快,“孕妇”手里就握了一大把钞票。,What do you think of the woman?,Homework :,1. Write your report .,2. 找一些自己喜欢的电视主持人或喜欢的电视演员的图片,Exercise,Complete the letter to Maria.,Dear M

12、aria, I enjoyed reading your “Whats Cool?” article in the school magazine, but you didnt ask me the questions. This is what I think .I 1 the hair clip, I 2 the belt, and I 3 the sunglasses. I 4 the key ring, I 5 the scarf, I 6 the watch, and I 7 the wallet. Can you please put my opinions in next months magazine? Yours, _,Writing a report,I like thrillers. I dont like romance. And I cant stand documentaries because theyre very boring. Tony doesnt like pizza. He loves Chinese food very much. He cant stand rock music,


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