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1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻学 案 装 订 线 Book4 unit3 A taste of English humour听力与写作导学案 编写人: 周全 审核人: 审批人: 【学习目标】1.认真听文中的听力材料,抓住每句话中的关键词和全文的大意,锻炼听的能力。2.合作探究,主动质疑,完成写作任务,锻炼写作的能力。3.自信,阳光,激情投入,享受成功的快乐。. Listening text You are going to listen to a funny story about jam. Before you listen, look at exercises below. Try and p

2、redict the story. Tell your partner what you think will happen.1. Listen to Part 1 and write down the main idea?2. Listen to Part 1 again and answer these questions.1) What was Mary going to do with the cooked plums in the pan? _ 2) What did John think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?

3、_3. Before you listen to part 2, try to put these sentences in order. Then listen again and check if you were right.Guess check _ _ Mary got angry with John._ _ Mary saw the chickens behaving strangely._ _ John was sorry._ _ The chickens enjoyed the jam._ _ John said he thought the jam was porridge.

4、_ _ Mary looked at the red mess on the ground._ _ John said the chicken were drunk._ _ Mary came home. . Listening text Before listening, look at the exercise below and predict what you think it will be about.1. Listen to the tape and tick(画勾) the words you hear.thief knife potatoescarrots mushrooms

5、 midnight shirt trousers spread stole whispered shouted2. The story is about a _who tries to _ and _ who successfully prevents the_ 3. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.1) Where did Peter get the potatoes?2) Why did he ask his wife to be quiet when she heard the thief?3) Wh

6、y couldnt the thief take away the potatoes?4) Why was the thief angry? WritingMr. Johnson正在阅读,听到有人按门铃。他开门一看发现时一个小男孩捉弄他,为此他很生气。突然门铃又想起,Mr. Johnson决定给那淘气的小男孩一个教训,于是他走过去开门,手里拿着鸡毛掸子。然而,他却发现门外是来送信的邮递员。以Not the same one为题写一篇作文,不少于100字。参考词汇:鸡毛掸:a feather duster写作指导:1. 要点信息: 正在阅读就在这时_ 匆忙去开门_ 手里拿着鸡毛掸_ 吃惊地发现_ 送信_2. 连词成句 Mr. Johnson在读报纸,这时听到有人按门铃。(用when连接)_ 他发现是个小男孩在捉弄他,为此他很生气。(用强调句型)_ 他走过去开门,手里拿着鸡毛掸。(用with复合结构)_三作文:_- 2 -



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