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1、講題 : 永續絕經營的企業 世界級的公司 (World -class),講員 : 劉英芳,Speaker : Y F Liu, 劉 英 芳,Experiences : 1. Technical Director, manufacturing operations, Wyeth Taiwan Corporation 2. Engagement Director- Business Consulting, Unitopia Taiwan 3. Director-Manufacturing Operations, Eli Lilly & Co. Taiwan 4. Manager- engineer

2、ing, human resources, production, GMP Plant design and construction Eli Lilly & Co. Taiwan 5. Section chief of Nuclear Power Project, Taiwan Power Co. Education : M. S., Univ. of Mass. At Lowell, U.S. A. 1977 B. S., Tsing-Hua Univ. , 1972 Contact : Mobil phone:0952-612-831 E-mail:liu_ying_,Business

3、operation excellence卓越的企業經營 品質獎,MBNQA (美國) 1. Leadership, 領導力 2. Information and analysis, 資訊及分析 3. Strategic planning, 策略規劃 4. Human resource development, 人力資源發展 5. Process management, 流程管理 6. Business results, 營運成果 7. Customer satisfaction, 客戶滿意度,European Quality Award (歐洲) 1. Leadership 2. Policy

4、 and strategy 3. People management 4. Resources 5. Processes 6. Customer satisfaction 7. People satisfaction 8. Impact on society 9. Business results,Business operation excellence卓越的企業經營 品質獎,Deming Award (戴明獎) 1. Policies, planning 2. Administration 3. Education 4. Information 5. Analysis 6. Standar

5、dization 7. Control 8. Quality assurance 9. Results 10. Future plan (未來的規劃),Taiwan National Quality Award (台灣國家品質獎) 1. Value, objective, strategy(經營理念, 目標与集策略) 2. Organization and operation(組織与運作) 3. Human resource development(人力發展与運用) 4. Information management(資訊管理与運用) 5. Research and development(研

6、究發展) 6. Quality assurance(品質保証) 7. Customer service quality(客戶服務品質) 8. Social responsibility(社會責任) 9. Total quality performance(全面品管績效),Built to last Collins基業長青,Stable core value system, 穩固的價值体系 Balanced focus, 兼容並蓄 Stretch goals, 高標準 Never give up mentality, 堅持与恒心 Continuous improvement, 精益求精,Orga

7、nization Capability組織的體質,People - skills, knowledge, character, competency 人才 技能, 知識, 品格, 能力 Processes - management, operations & execution (daily job functioning), learning, teaching 流程 管理, 營運作業, 學習, 教導 Product or Technology - innovation, development 產品或技術 創新, 發展 Results - revenues, profits 績效 營收,

8、利潤,Level 5 Hierarchy 五個層級,1,2,3,4,5,Contributing team member 有所貢獻的團隊成員,Competent manager,有能力的經理,Effective leader,有效能的領導者,Executive 執行長,Highly capable individual 有才幹的個人,Technical skills,People skills,Conceptual skills,Quality Workforce卓越的工作團隊,Quality workforce is formed from the quality people who is

9、 a master for all the processes required to generate the results in the job function 由職務上的專才組成 (有能力創造績效) CEO, managers, supervisors, staffs, the first line employees 總裁, 經理, 主管, 幕僚, 第一線員工,Process and result流程与成果,Processes are actions and skills relevant, 与作業及技能相關 Process: equipment, material, proced

10、ure, . 設備, 材料, 作業方法, . Establish processes in every functional department, 每個作業都要建立流程 Standardize all the key processes, 流程標準化,continued,Results focus on what has happened within a function, 成果著重發生的事實 Define the metrics to monitor the results, 設定指標追蹤成果 Use the data from one system, 使用同一系統的資料 Keep it

11、 simple and visible, 簡明 Apply P-D-C-A for continuous improvement, 運用 P-D-C-A 執行持續改善,Business operation processes企業經營流程,Business plan, 營運計劃 Sales and operations planning, 產銷協調計劃 Human resources planning and management, 人力資源規劃与管理 Financial planning, reporting, and measurement, 財務規劃, 報告, 衡量指標 Manufactu

12、ring planning and control, 生產企劃与控管,continued,Demand and supply management, 需求与供貨管理 Distribution resource planning, 配送服務管理 Data management, 資料管理 Education and training, 教育与訓練 Quality management system, 品質管理系統 Performance measurements, 績效衡量,Philosophy of management管理的哲學,Common sense, 一般的常識 Simple meth

13、od, 簡單的方法 Simple process, 簡單的流程 Simple skills, 簡單的技巧 落後,貧窮主要是管理缺乏效率,未能善加利用資源 落後,貧窮的國家都是欠缺適當的管理,About management, 管理的里程碑,The New Business Operations Model 企業經營管理模式,Requirements 需求,Customers 客戶,Satisfaction 滿意,High Quality,Good Services,( ),Less Time,Lower Cost,Additional Value 額外的價值,Customer satisfac

14、tion客戶滿意度的層次,Exceed customer needs satisfy unstated customer needs meet validated customer needs,Customer Partnership 夥伴關係,Customer Confidence 信任,Prevent customer Complaints, 預防客戶報怨,World class business operation世界級的企業經營,Improving the present, 持續改善現況 Creating for the future, 創造未來 Learning/teaching c

15、ontinuously, 持續的學習及教導 working effectively at the same time 同時有效的執行,S - curve concept, 生命曲線,The 1st S - curve current processes, existing products, services, people 現有的流程, 產品, 服務, 人員 The 2nd S - curve future: direction, innovation, new products, new processes, better services, better teams 未來 方向,創新,產

16、品,流程,服務,團隊,時間,成長,Business Excellence Equation卓越企業經營的定律,To Build and Maintain Quality Workforce 建立並維持卓越的工作團隊,品質, 成本, 生產力,1. 驗收, 秤料 2. 混合 充填 3. 化驗 包裝 4. 退貨 客戶抱怨,? !,Measurement-Managed (數据化管理) v.s.Non-measurement-managed (非數據化管理),Quality Workforce卓越的工作團隊,Quality workforce is formed from the quality people who is a master for all the processes required to generate the results in the jo



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