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1、Adjust; adapt; adopt,Adjust: vi; vt 调整;调解;使适合 You can adjust the color on the tv by turning this knob. Adjust oneself to sth He adjusted (himself) very quickly to the heat of the country.,Adapt: 使适应;使适合 When we moved to France, the children adapted (to the change) very well. Im afraid he cant adapt

2、to the idea of having a woman as his boss. He adapted an old car engine to fit his boat.,Adopt: 收养;领养;采纳;采用; Hes not my real father; Im adopted. We adopted their production methods. To adopt a tough approach to the terrorist,Bargain + with sb 与某人讨价还价,If you bargain with them they might reduce the pr

3、ice. These shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.,Object + to (介词)反对,Id like to open the window if no one objects. I strongly object to being treated like a child. The only objection to hiring her is that she cant drive. UFO (unidentified flying object),Evaluate: 评价;评估,The school has only bee

4、n open for six months, so its hard to evaluate its success. Evaluation n.,Extent 程度;面积;范围,To some extent; to a certain extent; to a large extent; 表示程度。 I agree with what you say to some extent/to a certain extent/to a large extent. The temperature rose to such an extent that the fireman had to leave

5、 the burning building.,Extensive: (面积)广阔的;(内容)广泛的,Ive reached the extent of my patience. From the moon you can see the full extent of the Sahara desert. The storm caused extensive damage. The story received extensive coverage in the newspaper. (p154 test 7 7),Conference (正式的)会议、协商会、讨论会,Conference: a

6、 formal meeting between people who share the same business interests or belong to the same political party, which is held so that opinions and ideas can be exchanged Press conference; annual conference My boss will attend a conference on plastics this weekend.,Accustom 和accustomed 表示习惯于,Accustom one

7、self to (介词) Be accustomed to (介词) Accustomed已经成为形容词 Im not accustomed to getting up so early. 同义词:be used to,Consume 消耗(时间;金钱;能源;物资),Arguing about details consumed many hours of the committees valuable time. Consumer Time-consuming,encourage sb to do sth: 鼓励某人做某事,make an appointment with sb: 与某人定一个

8、约会,dull: adj. (颜色)不鲜明的;不清晰的;模糊的;隐约的;多云的;无阳光的;乏味的;无聊的;钝的;不锋利的;不景气的;萧条的 a dull gray; a dull pain; a dull knocking sound somewhere in the house an afternoon of dull lectures,a dull day on the stock market a dull knife a dull day with showers of rain,sentence: v. 常用被动语态;宣判;判处 sb be sentenced to + 刑期; he

9、 was sentenced to three years in prison. n. 刑罚 life sentence; death sentence; capital sentence;,grip: vt. 抓紧, 抱住,aboard: adv. prep. 在船(车,飞机)上;上船(车,飞机) the boat is ready to leave. all aboard! the plane crashed killing all 200 people aboard.,abroad: adv. 在国外 are you going abroad for your holiday? prod

10、ucts sold both at home and abroad,ozone layer,fat layer in skin,these seeds must be covered with a layer of earth.,story = storey (Ame) : (建筑物的)层 there are three storeys including the ground floor.,level: n. 水平;层次;标准; sea level;,capture: v. 抓住;捕获;俘虏,absolute: adj. 纯粹的;绝对的;完全的 adequate: adj. 足够的,annu

11、al: adj. 年度的; annual salary; annual report; manual: adj. 手工的;n. (关于如何使用机器的)手册 a car manual; handbook: n. (提供重要信息的)手册 tourist handbook; a handbook of roadsigns,comment: n. 评论;评价; comment on / about sth; v. 评论;评价 comment on sth;,commission: n. 佣金;回扣;手续费 he gets a 10% commission on everything he sells.

12、 (授予的)职责;任务 the commission to build the new theatre was given to a well-known architect.,委员会committee the government has set up a commission to suggest improvements in the educational system. commission: v. 委任;委托; commission sb to do sth; he has been commissioned to paint a picture of the Queen.,bre

13、ed: v. (动物)繁殖;生;下蛋;(不及物动词) some animals will not breed if they are kept in cages. vt. 种植;养殖;培植 (及物动词) he breeds tropical fish.,breed n. (人工养殖,培植的动植物)品种; a breed of + 动物或者植物名称,approve: vi.赞成;同意;支持 (不及物动词) approve of sth; approve of doing sth; i dont approve of smoking in bed. you can join the class i

14、f your mother approves.,approve: vt. 批准;通过;认可;(及物动词) approve sth; the city council approved the building plans.,reward: v. 报酬;奖赏;报答; reward sb with sth: 奖励某人某物 reward sb for sth: 因为.报答、奖励某人 reward sb with sth for sth; they rewarded the boy with $5 for bringing back the lost dog.,reward: n.,trap: v.

15、困住;关住;trapped: 受困的; desert: v. 遗弃;丢弃;deserted: 被遗弃的;被丢弃的;,discipline: n. (大学)学科;科目,absence: n. 不在;缺席 Caroline will be in charge of the office during my absence. she took a years leave of absence from her job. in absence of: 缺乏; in absence of any further evidence, the police were unable to solve the murder.,interval: (时间上或距离上的)间隔; 用法: at + 表示时间;距离的结构 + intervals; at + intervals + of +表示时间;距离的结构;,


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