8A_Unit 8 PPT 3.ppt

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《8A_Unit 8 PPT 3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《8A_Unit 8 PPT 3.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Third Period,Section B (1a-1e),Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?,Aims and language points:,制作Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 熟练掌握可数名词和不可数名词和How much/How many引导的特殊疑问句。 2. 熟练使用“First, Then, Next, After that,Finally”学会表述三明治的过程并 表达自己对食物的喜好。 3. 激发学生对于食物制作的兴趣并开发他们的创意。 Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:1)

2、名词 n. cheese,butter, tomato, turkey, onion, slice, condiments, piece 2) 代词 adv. another 3) 副词 adv. finally 4) 词组 cut up, add to, on top, put on, a piece of, what about 2. 句型:How do you make a cheese sandwich? Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? How much butter? First, . Then, . Next, . After that Fin

3、ally, . What else?,How do you make a pizza?,Instructions for making a pizza,First, mix up flour(面粉), butter and milk to make a crust(面包皮). Next, put pizza sauce (调味汁) on the crust. Next, cut up peppers(辣椒), sausage (香肠) and mushrooms, and put them on the pizza. Then, add some cheese to the pizza. Fi

4、nally, put the pizza in the oven (烤箱).,crust,sandwiches,sandwich,turkey,lettuce,condiments,meat slices,butter (黄油),some bread,tomatoes,onions,sandwich,+,+,+,=,butter,+,+,egg,lettuce,meat slices,onion,butter,bread slices,condiment,+,What can we make with these?,In my favorite sandwich, I like _,Whats

5、 in this sandwich?,bread,butter,tomato,onion,turkey,lettuce,How about your favorite sandwich? Whats in it?,Talk about your favorite sandwiches!,Sandwich with ham,Sandwich with lettuce,Sandwich with egg and beef,In my favorite sandwich, I like,E.g: In my favorite sandwich, I like beef, lettuce and bu

6、tter.,Lets talk!,Sandwich with beef,Sandwich with tomato,Make a survey and give a report.,A: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like tomatoes? B: No, I dont.,In our group, _ likes/dislikes_ in a sandwich. . _ and _ both like/dislike_ in sandwiches. And we all like/dislike_ in

7、 sandwiches.,tomatoes,onion,cheese,lettuce,another piece of bread,a piece of bread,Girl: How do you make a cheese sandwich? Boy: Well, first put some butter on a piece of bread. Girl: How much butter? Boy: Oh, about one spoon. Girl: OK, what else? Boy: Next, cut up some tomatoes. Girl: How many toma

8、toes? Boy: Well, maybe one is enough. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Next, cut up an onion. Girl: Sounds good. What about the cheese? Boy: Next, put some cheese on the sandwich. Girl: How much cheese? Boy: Not too much, but you can put more if you like. Girl: OK. Is that all? Boy: Not quite. Then,

9、put some lettuce on the cheese. Girl: Sounds delicious! Boy: Finally, put another piece of bread on top. Girl: Great!,Ingredients:,one tomato,an onion,some lettuce,two pieces,one spoon of butter,some cheese,You can put more if you like,Lets make a cheese sandwich We need _ of bread. As for vegetable

10、s, we need an_, one_ and some _. Of course, _ butter is necessary. Oh, dont forget the _, you can put more if you like. Lets make it now! First, _ the butter _a piece of bread. Next, _ the tomato and the onion. _, put them on the sandwich. After _ , _ some cheese _ the sandwich._, put some lettuce o

11、n the cheese and put _ piece of bread_. Now, its time to _ it!,Fill in the blanks,two pieces,onion,tomato,lettuce,one spoon of,cheese,put on,cut up,Then,that,add to,Finally,another,on top,eat/enjoy,A: First, put some butter on a piece of bread. B: How much butter? A: About one spoon. .,DIY,The Super

12、 Chicken Sandwich is delicious. How do you make it? Try to describe the instructions.,First, put ,Then, cut up Add to ,Next, put Put ,Finally, put ,Crazy sandwich wanted!,Sandwiches are a very popular food. So we want to design (设计) a new kind of crazy sandwich. The person who has the greatest origi

13、nality (创意) can enjoy our sandwiches free for a year! The Crazy Restaurant,How much butter/salt/pepper/etc.? How many tomatoes? About a teaspoon What else? Sounds delicious! How do you make a sandwich? First, Next, Then, After that, Finally, ,Crazy sandwich wanted!,Discuss in groups how to design a Crazy Sandwich,Useful Expressions,Crazy sandwich!,One student describes the sandwich, one student draws the sandwich on the blackboard.,Pairwork Time!,Homework,Oral: 回家向家人描述你所喜欢的三明治并说明 其是如何制作出来的。 Written: 了解一款hamburger的ingredients以及其 制作过程并写下来。,


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