Beijing Happy Valley培训资料

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《Beijing Happy Valley培训资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Beijing Happy Valley培训资料(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Beijing Happy Valley,Introduction Beijing Happy Valley is an amusement park in Beijing built and operated by Beijing OTC, which is part of the Shenzhen OCT Holding Group. The park, which is located in the east of Beijing, opened in 2006. Being tired after making a long journey, you may wonder where

2、else you can have entertainment. Beijing Happy Valley can fully satisfy your desire. Located in the southeast corner of Sifang Bridge, on the fourth ring road, in Chaoyang District in Beijing, it is your happy theme park, another Disneyland in Mainland China. Covering an area of 1,000,000 square kil

3、ometers (386,102 square miles), it has been open to tourists since 2006 and attracted a lot of visitors from home and abroad.,简介 北京欢乐谷是北京游乐园建在北京和场外交易,这是深圳华侨城控股集团的一部分运行。 这个公园,这是在位于北京东部,2006年开业。 作为长途旅行后作出累了,你可能不知道还有什么地方可以有娱乐。 北京欢乐谷可以完全满足你的愿望。 在四方桥东南角的四环路在北京市朝阳区,位于,它是你快乐的主题公园,另外在中国内地的迪士尼乐园。 占地100万平方公里(

4、386102平方英里),它已经向游客开放自2006年以来,吸引了来自国内外的大量游客。,Thematic Park is composed of six parts,峡湾森林 Wild Fjord 失落玛雅 Lost Maya (游乐项目推荐:太阳神车 丛林飞车 ) 爱琴港 Aegean Harbor (游乐项目推荐:特洛伊木马 特色表演:国际水准的滑稽表演,幽默风趣,让您忍俊不禁。 ) 香格里拉 shangri-La (游乐项目推荐:雪域金翅 天地双雄 ) 蚂蚁王国 Ant Kingdom(游乐项目推荐: “飞蚁战队” ) 亚特兰蒂斯 Atlantis (游乐项目推荐:聚能飞船 水晶神翼),

5、The wonderful Beijing Happy Valley trip will start from ” Fiord Forest “. Here you will see colorful glass air trails, sparkling joy square, stylish park gate, beautiful and innocent joy theatre, and green woods. What a perfect combination of fashion and nature! It is an important traffic hub of the

6、 park: buses and private cars all stop here. Enter the park and you can see the transport we offer youthe round mini-train of the 19th century. The long battery car will let you surf the Happy Valley. Fiord Forest will present you romantic springs, silent forest, and fresh ecological experience. Mag

7、ical architecture, simple color lines, and simple glass metals create certain modern feel.,奇妙的北京欢乐谷之旅将从“峡湾森林”。 在这里你会看到五颜六色的玻璃空中步道,波光粼粼的欢乐广场,时尚的公园大门,美丽纯情的欢乐剧场,和绿色的树林。 !什么是时尚与自然的完美结合,是一个重要的交通枢纽园区:巴士和私家车都停在这里。 进入公园,你可以看到我们为您提供运输,圆圆的小火车在19世纪。 长电瓶车将让你畅游欢乐谷。 峡湾森林将为你呈现浪漫的温泉,沉默森林,生态环境和新鲜经验。 神奇的建筑,简单的色彩线条,简单

8、的玻璃金属创建某些现代的感觉。,The moment you step upon the earthen tiles of the Wild Fjord Zone, you will be engulfed in the magical aura of Happy Valley Beijing. By imitating Scandinavias beautiful and natural landscape, Wild Fjord gives you a sense of tranquility that can not be found in the hustle of city life

9、.,美丽纯情的欢乐剧场,环园小火车仿照欧美19世纪末期双轨火车的外形设计,由仿真结构火车头,仿真钢结构煤火车和三节仿真木结构客车车厢及滑动钢轮组成,一次定员共乘坐128位游客。 环园小火车在高空轨道上缓缓前行,带您游览整个乐园,为您讲解各区的文化、介绍各区的主要设备,同时您还可以放眼眺望公园以外广大区域。,峡湾森林区环游小火车,During the hundreds of years, the lost Maya Civilization was covered by new earth and vegetation, under which lots of imaginations are

10、hidden. Mayan is an ancient nation. Since the 20th century BC, they had established splendid civilization in Central America Mexicos Yucatan peninsula. They understood astronomy, geography, mathematics and calendar quite well. But from the 6th century BC to the 8th century, the civilization suddenly

11、 declined, and the magnificent city, temple, and countless treasures were abandoned in the jungle, this reason for which is unknown today. In Beijing Happy Valley “Lost Mayan” theme area, you will have the opportunity to rediscover the ancient Mayan Kingdom and explore the lost Mayan civilization.,在

12、几百岁,失去的玛雅文明是覆盖新土和植被,根据该地段的想像力是隐藏的。 玛雅人是一个古老的民族。 公元前20世纪以来,他们已成立于中美洲墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛的灿烂文明。 他们了解天文,地理,数学,历法相当好。 但是,从6世纪至公元前8世纪,文明突然下降,宏伟的城市,庙宇,和无数珍宝被遗弃在丛林中,这其中的原因是未知的今天。 在北京欢乐谷“失落的玛雅”为主题的区域,您将有机会重新发现古老的玛雅王国,探索玛雅文明的损失。,太阳神车立于公园内湖之中,是亚洲最大的大摆锤,2004年度被美国“娱乐”杂志评为五大最新游乐项目之一。走进乘仓,跟这个120吨的庞然大物一起疯狂吧。一台齿轮电机驱使神车自身旋转。同时

13、,6台大功率的异步驱动电机同时启动,为我们创造4.3G的加速度,瞬时飞跃至15层楼高的高空。自转加过载,天地之间独有一番惊心动魄。,无论在何地,过山车都是一个深受人们喜爱的游乐设备,欢乐谷丛林飞车的特别之处在于它提供了两次提升的大幅度跌宕运动。 列车仿佛完全处于失控状态,无法把握自己的命运,任由轨道的高度变化实现运动,创造跌落、弯转和翻滚的完美感受。体验之后,您将会对物理学意义上的惯性运动有一个更直观、深刻的了解。,丛林飞车 体验指数,Its a story of the ancient Aegean Sea, in the blue sky and water, among the suns

14、hine, flowers, and bird songs. Open the campaign scroll, explore the life essence, and carry forward the Olympic spirit. As early as about 800 years before the rise of ancient Greek civilization, the Aegean region has given birth to the splendid Crete and Mycenaean civilization. Previously, the unde

15、rstanding of this period was mainly from description of “Trojan Horse” and “Odyssey Trip” in “Homer” but later the unearthed cultural relics proved the authenticity of these legends.,这是一个古老的爱琴海的故事,在蓝色的天空和水,在阳光,鲜花,鸟儿的歌唱。 打开滚动运动,探索生命的本质,弘扬奥林匹克精神。 早在800之前,古希腊文明的兴起来,爱琴海地区孕育了灿烂的克里特岛和迈锡尼文明。 在此之前,这一时期的理解,主

16、要是从“特洛伊木马”和“奥德赛之旅”中的“荷马史诗”的描述,但后来出土的文物证明了这些传说的真实性。,想体会一下在六层楼的高空中进行翻滚的感受吗?特洛伊木马就为您创造了这个机会。设备采用全方位气压制动系统,控制座舱的自由摆动与旋臂的转动,在运行制造瞬间提升、瞬间跌落、停止和翻滚的效果,使我们在座舱中感受天旋地转般的刺激,体验极限的挑战,特洛伊木马,奥德赛之旅是目前亚洲提升高度最高的双提升激流勇进。小船分别在10米和26米的高点,顺势下冲,瞬间提升到约74公里/小时的速度,船入水时激起巨大的水幕以及浪花,涌动着漂流的小舟。 水幕不但会像大雨一样倾盆而下,落在刚刚结束惊险之旅的小舟上,还会洒落在以色佳港上围观的人群之中。一时间,湖中岸上欢笑一片,幸运的时候,我们还可以看到水幕反射出来的彩虹。,Shangri-La, a synonym for “paradise”, originates from Tibetan word “Shambala”, meaning dream of the heart. In Tibet, there is sa


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