鲁教版英语七下Unit 8《I’ll help to clean up the city parks》(Period3)ppt课件

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《鲁教版英语七下Unit 8《I’ll help to clean up the city parks》(Period3)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《鲁教版英语七下Unit 8《I’ll help to clean up the city parks》(Period3)ppt课件(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit8 Could you please clean your room,Period3,do the laundry,do chores,do the laundry do the dishes take out the trash fold the clothes make the / ones bed sweep the floor make breakfast,区别动词do 和 make,do 与动作及非实质性的事连用, 与词尾是-ing 的动作名词连用。,do the dishes 洗碗 do my homework 做家庭作业 do chores 做家务活 do the lau

2、ndry 洗衣 do some shopping 购物 do some reading 读书,make 表示做,制造、整理 冲、泡 (饮料) 等。,make your bed 铺床 make breakfast 做早餐 make dinner 做晚饭 make tea 泡茶 make myself a cup of coffee 给自己冲一杯咖啡,3a Fill in the blanks with “make” or “do”.,A: I hate to chores. B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores. A:

3、Really? Do you like to the laundry? B: No, I dont. Its boring. A: I agree. Do you like to your bed? B: No, not really. But I like to the dishes, because its relaxing. And I like to breakfast, because I like to cook.,do,do,make,do,make,3b Make a list of the chores you do. Write “like” or “dont like”

4、next to each chore. Tell a partner what chores you like and dont like. Say why.,A: Do you like doing chores ? Why?,B: Yes,I like doing because its interesting,No,I hate doing. because,(No,I dont like doing ),Groupwork,3b Make a list of the chores you do. Write “like” or “dont like” next to each chor

5、e. Tell a partner about your list and say why.,clean the bike-like do the dishes-dont like,A: I like cleaning the bike because I can be outside. B: I dont like doing the dishes because its boring.,4 Sorry, I cant! Write each of these chores on a card and put them face down. Turn one card over and ask your partner to do the chore. Your partner says “no” and gives a reason.,do the dishes wash the car clean your room take out the trash sweep the floor fold your clothes make your bed,Homework,Recite and copy the words on P66&67。 2. 完成作业本(1)第47页和作业本(2)第40页。 3. Recite 2a and 3a.,


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