冀教版英语七上《Unit5 Family and Home》(lesson38)ppt课件之二

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《冀教版英语七上《Unit5 Family and Home》(lesson38)ppt课件之二》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语七上《Unit5 Family and Home》(lesson38)ppt课件之二(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小月,学 习 目 标,1. 学习并掌握一些生活电器的英文名称,一些日常行为短语。 2. 以议论“习惯行为”为语言素材,复习巩固一般现在时。 3. 复习巩固现在进行时。,你能行!,TV=television,computer,Telephone=phone,radio,Jenny comes home.,Jenny,time for supper!,I talk on the phone with my friend.,Jenny,do your homework!,After supper,I watch TV.,Later, I play on the computer.,Jenny, ti

2、me for bed!,Time to go to sleep, Jenny! Good night! We love you.,I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio.,Jenny, _!,I _my friend.,time for supper,talk on the phone with,Jenny, _!,_supper,I _.,do your homework,After,watch TV,Later, I_.,Jenny,! _,play on the computer,time for bed,_, Jenny! Good night!

3、We love you.,I _on my bed. I _the radio.,lie,listen to,Time to go to sleep,Jenny,time for supper!,Time to go to sleep, Jenny!,你能总结出哪些语言点?,Jenny, time for bed!,这句话让你联想到了什么?,Jenny,do your homework!,I watch TV.,I listen to the radio.,你想到look了吗?,迁移 拓展,选择填空: Its time for _. A. have lunchB. schoolC. get u

4、pD. go home 2. My mother _ at 9:30 every day, but she usually(通常) _ at 10:00. A. go to bed, go to sleep B. go to sleep, go to bed C. go bed, go sleep 3. _ the blackboard, and _ the teacher. A. Look at, listen B. Look, listen C. Look at, listen to,B,A,C,用适当的词填空 Jenny comes _ Li Mings home _ supper. M

5、y father is talking _ his friend _ the phone. Look _ the picture. Li Ming is playing _ basketball.Jenny is playing _ the computer. Lily is playing _ piano(钢琴).Danny is playing _ a doll(玩具娃娃). _ school, I go home and do my homework.,迁移 拓展,to,for,with,on,at,/,on,the,with,After,做一做,原形 第三人称单数 现在分词,talk

6、watch play lie,talks,talking,watches,watching,plays,playing,lies,lying,看看老师怎么做,Student A: Jenny talks on the phone with her friend. Student B: Now Jenny is talking on the phone with her friend.,Jenny: I am talking on the phone with my friend. Jennys father: Jenny,time for supper!,Lets have a try!,Think about: What do you often do at home? What will you do this weekend? Write a short passage.,Homework:,Goodbye!,


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