Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 3 教案 1.doc

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《Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 3 教案 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 3 教案 1.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 3教案 1Aims:1.能够听懂、会说功能句:Can you.? Yes, I can./No, I cant并能在恰当的语境中初步运用。2.初步在恰当的情境中综合运用本单元的词汇和功能句。借助学过的单词及相应的图片感知字母a,b,c,d在单词词首时常见的发音及字母大小写笔顺,并尝试借助图片和首字母提示整体识别单词。Materials for teaching:1.Tape recorder and tape or VCD.2.Words cards and pictures.Learning methods: cooperation、inquir

2、y、discussion and game-teachingTeaching procedures:Step 1Warming up and revision1.让学生跟随录音说唱本单元第一课的歌谣。2.教师做动作,让学生用学过的动词短语来进行描述,复习本单元的动词短语。Step 2Presentation: 1.引导学生从主情境图聚焦到本课A项图片,并提出问题:Who are they?What are they talking about?Now lets listen to the dialogue.2.播放录音,让学生感知对话内容。 Step 3Practice 1.让学生听录音跟读对

3、话,并引导学生模仿语音语调。2.师生分角色朗读对话。Step 4Summarize: -Can you play football? -No, I cant. -Yes, I can.The students read the dialogue and understand the meaning of them in this lesson. Step 5Consolidation: 1.教师利用主情境图中主线人物的图片,让学生两人结对进行对话。2.通过同学之间的相互提问,完成课本上的表格。3.Copy the phrases on your exercise booksStep 6Blackboard design:-Can you play football? -No, I cant.-Can you ride a bike? -Yes, I can.Step 7Questions for students:1.你能够听懂、会说本课的功能句吗?2.在这一课你的收获是什么?你觉得难点是什么? Homework1. 单词抄写五遍。2. 所学的句型会用,与同伴编对话。


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