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1、8个双元音+音节的划分+词汇链接 上节回顾 音标大法 12个单元音:/i:/ /i/ /e/ /A/ /:/ / /B:/ /Q/ /R/ /C:/ /U:/ /U/词汇链接 Morning Oath 清晨力量宣誓Im an outstanding person! 我是一个杰出的人!I can make a significant difference in this world! 世界因我而不同!I totally believe in myself! 我完全相信我自己!I have complete confidence in myself! 我对自己又彻底的信心!Im happy, st

2、rong, and powerful! 我快乐,我强壮,我充满力量!Im healthy, energetic, and enthusiastic! 我健康 ,我精力充沛,我热情万丈!Im in a terrific mood! 我心情永远舒畅!I will make the best use of today! Because today is all I have! 我要充分用好今天。因为今天是我唯一的财富!Im the best! Im the strongest! Im the greatest! 我最棒!我最强大!我最伟大! I love this world! I love my

3、life! 我爱这个世界,我爱我的生活!Today I can make a miracle! 我今天要创造奇迹! 8个双元音双元音的发音特点:1发音时从一个元音快速,不停顿地滑向另一个元音。2音长相当于长元音。3英语中双元音的两个成分前强后弱,前长后短。4口型舌位有变化。 /ei/ 找出哪个单词不发/ei/:ate, day, wait, neighbour, break, they, goal, gauge 绕口令练习“Dont eat all the cake. Save some for Joan. Save some for Rose. Save some for tomorrow.

4、” Eight persons ate the cake. They ate the cake for two days. 译文:“不要把蛋糕全吃了,留些给琼,留些给罗丝,留些明天吃。”八个人吃了这个蛋糕,他们吃了两天。 谚语小聚 1Prison break. 越狱。 2Its a piece of cake.小菜一碟。3Call a spade a spade. 实事求是。4No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。5When the cat is away, the mice will play.山中无老虎,猴子称大王。 /Bi/ 哪些单词发/Bi/:fly, rice, nigh

5、t, lie, either, buy, aisle, eyed, eye 绕口令练习 Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. 谚语小聚 1Beauty lies in lovers eyes.情人眼里出西施。2Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。3Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。4Time flies.光阴飞逝。 /U/ 哪些单词发/U/:no, tomorrow, boat, though, toe, sew 绕口令 I know. You know. I kno

6、w that you know. I know that you know that I know. 谚语小聚 As you sow you shall mow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。 /au/ 哪些单词发/au/:now, out, flower, sound 绕口令 A laurel-crowned clown!谚语小聚 1Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。2Many drops make a shower.积少成多。3Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。4There is no

7、smoke without fire.无风不起浪。/U/和/au/突破发音练习 A:Hey, Mr. Brown. You look so fit. Do you often work out? B:Yes, I do. Without doubt. A:But I am always too busy to go to a gym. How do you manage to do that? B:I focus on my work while working so that I can do it fast, and then I can have my own time outside

8、working hours. A:Oh, that sounds good. I hope I can go with you. B:No problem. We can always go together. You know what people say? Sound in body, sound in mind. A:There is no doubt about it. /Ri/ 哪些单词发/Ri/:enjoy, toy, hoyden, soil, boil, coin.习语小聚 We should drink boiled water.我们应该喝开水。I had a joyful

9、 voyage.我进行了一次快乐的旅行。When I was a little boy, I had no toys at all.我小时候根本没有玩具。Life is about making choices.生活就是做各种选择。Roy is crying at the top of his voice.罗伊在放声大哭。 /i/ 哪些单词发/i/:idea, dear, imperial, deer, mere, various 习语谚语 Cheers!干杯!Never judge by appearances.不要以貌取人。I am all ears.愿洗耳恭听。Please pass m

10、e the bottle of beer.请把那瓶啤酒递给我。 /Z/ 哪些单词发/Z/:Bear, stare, parent, hair, where, heir, scarce Where are their parents? Weve looked everywhere. Their parents are nowhere to be found. 他们的父母在哪儿?我们到处都找了,都没找到。We are share the same earth. We should all care about the environment. 我们共有一个地球,我们都应该关心环境。Where th

11、ere is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 /u/ 哪些单词发/u/:poor, tour, sure, usual 句子操练 Im sure youre right. Im sure everything will be OK. 我肯定你是对的,我确信一切都会变好的。He came from a poor family and grew up in a poor area of Beijing. 他来自一个贫穷的家庭,在北京的一个贫民区长大。集中双元音对比练习: 朗读单词 1day daily weight 2those borrow boat soul 3w

12、ide fly high buy 4joy choice employ soil 5crowd ground sound power 6idea dear cheer here 7wear fair rare there 8poor sure tour pure 音节 1音节的划分音节是说话时最小的语音片段。在一个词中,有几个元音因素(注意不是元音字母),就有几个音节。通常情况下,音节由一个元音加上一个辅音或几个辅音组成。单独一个元音也能成为一个音节。有些较响亮的辅音,如/l/, /n/在后面没有元音的情况下也能和它后面的辅音构成一个音节。单词的分类 1单音节词:包含一个音节的词叫单音节词。单

13、音节词单独出现时一律要重读,但作为单词注音时一般不加重读符号。如:book/bUk/, bad/bAd/等。2双音节词:包含两个音节的词叫双音节词。双音节词的重音一般在第一个音节上。如about/ 5baut/, again/5gein/等。3多音节词:包含三个或三个以上音节的词叫多音节词。一般情况下,如果一个单词有三个音节,重音通常在第一个音节,如limitid/5limitid/;如果一个单词有四个或四个以上的音节,重音通常在倒数第三个音节上,如possibility/pRsi5biliti/等。开音节和闭音节开音节:以发音的元音字母结尾的音节,如no/nU/, we/wi:/。 以辅音字

14、母(r除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节,如:bite/bait/, home/hUm/ 闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母结尾(r除外),而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,如film/film/, dog/dRg/。 (在重读闭音节中,元音字母读成短元音) 元音字母在重读开音节和闭音节中的读音规律练习 数一数,下列单词有多少个音节Alarm/5lB:m/ annoy/5nRi/accident/5AksidEnt/ offer /5Rf/ocean/5EUFEn/Hibernation/7haibE5neiFn/ Giraffe/dVi5ra:f/ examine/i5zAmin/ apology/5pCldVi/ advertisement/Ed5vE:tismnt/Invitation /invi5teiFEn/ disappointing /7dis5pRintiN/ imagination/imAdV5neiFEn/ 黄金总结 8个双元音+音节的划分+词汇链接 Homework 1自制本节课音标卡 2从字典中找出含有每个音标的单词10个 7


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