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1、Starter Unit 3What color is it?Language Goal【语言目标】Grasp letters SZ and learn to identify colors.Knowledge Goals【知识目标】Key Words and Phrasescolor,red,yellow,green,blue,black,white,purple,brown,the,now,see,can,say,myKey SentencesWhats this?Its V.What color is it?Its red.Whats this in English?Its a key.

2、Spell it,please.KEY.Key GrammarLearn to write the eight lettersAbility Goals【能力目标】Learn to talk about colors in English.Moral Goals【情感目标】Learn to communicate with others in English.Teaching Time【课时】Two periodsPeriod 1(1a2e)Period 2(3a4d)Period 1 (1a2e)Teaching important points【教学重点】1.Key words & phr

3、ases:color,red,yellow,green,blue,black,white,purple,brown2.Key sentences:Whats this?Its V.What color is it?Its red.Teaching difficult points【教学难点】Grasp the letters SsZz and learn to identify colors.Teaching aids【教具】a computer and some cardsTeaching procedures and ways【教学过程及方法】Step Revision and leadi

4、n复习导入Greet the students and lead in the new lesson.The teacher greets the students and have a conversation with students.T:Whats this in English?(Picking up a pen from a student)Ss:Its a pen.T:What color is it?Ss:Its black.Step Selfstudying and guiding自学指导Selfstudy guide 1:Selfstudy the new words:co

5、lor,red,yellow,green,blue,black,white,purple,brown,S/M/L,UFO,CCTV. Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbols. And you can listen to tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help.Selfstudy guide 2:Try reading the sentences in 1a and try to understand them.Selfstudy

6、 guide 3:Selfstudy 2c and learn to write the eight letters.Questions for thinking:(1)Do you know how to talk about colors?(2)Do you know how to write the eight letters Ss,Tt,Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz?The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are selfstudy

7、ing.Time for questions:Discuss the writing of the eight letters.And make sure the students can write the letters in the right way.Step Check up检查核对Check up 1:Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary.Check up 2:Ask some s

8、tudents to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can use the target language correctly.Check up 3:Write the small letters for these big letters:S_T_U_V_W_X_Y_Z_Step Cooperative inquiry合作探究1Listening (1b)Play the recording of 1a,students listen and repeat.2Pair workPractice the conve

9、rsations in the picture and then make your own conversation talking about the colors of your school things.(1c)Sample:A:What color is your bag?B:Its red.A:What color is your ruler?B:Its white.3Act outAsk some pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class.4Finish 2a and 2b.5Discu

10、ssion (2e)Talk about what these letters S/M/L,UFO,CCTV mean.Step Practice练习(1)Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.(2d)(2)Translation.1红色_2.绿色_3白色_ 4.yellow_5blue_ 6.black_7这把尺子是绿色的。The ruler _ _.8它是什么颜色?_ _ is it?9这把钥匙是黑色的。The _ is _.10那床被子是红色的。The _ is _.11这个橘子是橙色的。The orange

11、 is _.Step Test测试Choose the best answer.( )1.Its _ black.Its _ black ruler.A/;/ Ba;/ C/;a Da;a( )2._ is that quilt?Its black.AWhich color BHow colorCWhat color DWhats color( )3.Whats this?Its _ “N” and _ “M”Aa;a Ban;anCa;an D/;/( )4.Whats that _ English?Aat Bto Cin Don( )5.What color is her jacket?I

12、ts _.Aan orange BorangeCthe orange Da orange( )6.Whats this?_ a map.AIts BThis isCThats DIts Blackboard writing【板书设计】New wordsKey sentencescolor,red,yellow,green,blue,black,white,purple,brown,S/M/L,UFO,CCTVWhats this?Its V.What color is it?Its red.Period 2 (3a4d)Teaching important points【教学重点】1.Key

13、words & phrases:the,now,see,can,say,my2.Key sentences:Whats this in English?Its a key.Spell it,please.KEY.Teaching difficult points【教学难点】Learn to identify colors and ask for the spelling of words.Teaching aids【教具】a computerTeaching procedures and ways【教学过程及方法】Step Revision and leadin复习导入Ask and answ

14、er.(Showing the students some pictures of things)T:Whats this in English?Ss:Its a key.T:What color is it?Ss:Its yellow.T:Yes,this is a yellow key. What and what color is this?Ss:Its a pen. Its black.T:So we can say this is a black pen.Step Selfstudying and guiding自学指导Selfstudy guide 1:Selfstudy the new words:the,now,see,can,say,my. Learn to pronounce them according to the phoneti


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