2013年秋人教版8年级上册 Unit 9 Period 3.doc

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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?The Third Period Section B (1a1f)Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 学会正确表达日期并进行问答。 2. 学会合理安排自己的日程并珍惜时间。 3. 礼貌邀请别人参加某个活动,并根据对方的日程商议活动安排。 4. 能够描述某人的近期日程安排。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词 n. weekday, weekend, gift, present 2) 动词 v. cherish 3) 形容词 adj. busy, free 4) 词组the day be

2、fore yesterday, the day after tomorrow, look after, study for a test, have a piano lesson(本节课的生词较少,但是要注意引导学生巩固掌握日期表达的相关单词的拼写和使用。)2. 要求掌握以下句式:Whats today? Its Monday the 14th. Can you.? Maybe next time. Thanks for asking.Difficulties(难点):熟练掌握日期表达并合理安排日程活动。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up (课堂热身和复习) Ask

3、and answer T: How many days are there in a week?What are they?Whats the first day of the week? Whats the last day of the week?(教师通过,为日期的教学埋下伏笔。同时要注意让学生关注The first day is Sunday,并引入weekday和weekend的概念。)2. Presentation(呈现关键句型)(1)Ask and answerT: What day is it today?S: Its Wednesday.T: Whats the date t

4、oday?S: Its October 12th.T: Whats today?S: Its Wednesday the 12th.(联系实际,通过问答的形式,帮助学生巩固基本的重点句型,从而自然掌握日期表达的基本方式。)3. Practice (1) Group workT: Today is a gift, thats why we call it the present. Seize(抓住) the present, Seize today. Its necessary(必要的)for us to relax. So, what can we do to relax? Make a su

5、rvey, fill in the chart, then give a report.namecan/ cantreasonscanfreeS: A: Can you come camping with us? B: When are you going? A: This weekend, on Saturday. B: Id love to./Sorry, I have to/am doingT: Report like this:In my group, Jim can/is free to go camping this Saturday.But Jack cant go, becau

6、se he has to help his parents at home(通过小组活动达到了温故知新,复习巩固了前面的内容,同时为后面日期表达的训练做好扎实准备。)(2) Ask and write.T: Now, look at your own calendar, please. Work on 1aSundaythe _Mondaythe_Tuesdaythe_Wednesdaythe_Thursdaythe_Fridaythe_Saturdaythe_(通过实际时间的填写,增强了语言的真实性,为学生在生活中真正实现语言的工具性做了知识准备。)(3) Work on 1bT:Write

7、 these words below the correct dates on the calendartoday tomorrow yesterday the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow weekday weekend (由星期落实到日期的具体表达,循序渐进)(4)Work on 1cT:Ask and answer questions about the days in 1a.S:Whats today? What was yesterday? What is tomorrow? What is the day after tom

8、orrow?(教师的语言输入最后落实在学生的语言输出上,学生对话有利于学生learn by saying。)(5) Make a planT: Lets make a plan. My Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayMorningAfternoonEvening Saturday MorningAfternoonEvening Sunday MorningAfternoonEvening (在日期基础上,帮助学生安排自己的日程,并小组交流,比较彼此的日程,找出谁最繁忙,同时与后面的听力内容自然连接。)4. Work on 1d

9、(1) Listen and circle T: Is Vince busy? Can he play tennis with Andy?(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)5. Work on 1e(1) Listen and matchT: Listen again. Match Vinces activities with the days in 1d.Vinces Activities_ play soccer_ go to the doctor. _ study for a test. _ have a piano lesson_ babysit his

10、sisterDaysa. todayb. tomorrowc. the day after tomorrow (2) Read and sayA: Hi, Vince?V: Yeah, hi, Andy!A: Vince, can you play tennis with me?V: Uh, when?A: Today.V: Uh, no, sorry, I cant. I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today.A: How about tomorrow?V: Sorry, tomorrow Im playing soccer

11、and I have a piano lesson.A: Oh. Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow?V: I have to babysit my sister.A: Oh, I see.V: Im sorry, Andy. Im really busy this week!This week, Vince is really busy.Today_Tomorrow_The day after tomorrow_(通过分角色朗读对话内容,回答Vince的日程安排,训练学生完整描述某人日程的能力。)6. Work on 1f(1) P

12、airworkT: Student A is Andy and Student B is Vince. Andy invites Vince to play tennis.S:A: Hi, Vince?B: Yeah, hi, Andy!A: Vince, can you play tennis with me?B: When?A: Today.B: Whats today?A: Its Wednesday the 12th.B: Oh, Im sorry I cant. I A: Thats too bad. Maybe next time.(教师结合前面的教学内容,把对话内容进行了调整,符

13、合学生的认知水平,给了学生充分操练目标语言的机会。)(2) Act outT: Make a new dialogue according to the given pictures.S: A: Hi, Vince?B: Yeah, hi, Andy!A: Vince, can you play tennis with me?B: When?A: B: Whats ?A: Its .B: Oh, Im sorry I cant. I A: Thats too bad. Maybe next time.B: Sure. Thanks for asking.(教师选择部分学生进行对话展示,然后邀请个别学生根据对话配给的图片,根据实际完成对话,以此检验学生意义操练的能力。)(3) Listen and fill the blanks.Hi Andy,Thanks a lot _the invitation. Im sorry I _ play tennis _ you. What a pity! Today is_ the 11th. Today I am going to the _ with my family. _ I will have a picnic in the central _. _


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