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1、Unit7 Its raining Grammar Focus 3b Teaching and learning aims学习目标:一、知识目标1. 复习Section A 所学对话2d.2. 掌握下列词汇:again, terrible, great.3. 学习grammar:现在进行时及谈论天气。二、能力目标学会运用Hows the weather?提问有关天气的句子和Hows it going?表达问候。能正确使用现在进行时。三、学习策略看图预测听力内容和看图说话。四、情感目标了解谈论天气是“闲谈”中的一项重要内容,了解世界各地不同天气及人们进行的不同活动。Teaching and Le

2、arning Steps(教学步骤):Step 1 Review: Role-play the conversation in2d in Section A in pairs. Perform it to the whole class.Step 2 Preview:一、写出下列单词的现在分词形式1. walk _ 2. go _ 3. visit _ 4. have _ 5. rain _ 6. call _ 7. swim _ 8. play _ 9. make _10. talk _(设计意图:复习现在进行时,为进一步学习打下基础)二、Ss look at Page 39 Grammar

3、 Focus, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1. 天气怎么样? 多云的/阳光明媚的/在下雨 2. 你正在做什么? 我在做饭。 3. 他们在做什么? 他们在花园里打篮球。 2. 他在做什么? 他在他朋友家学习。 5. 近来怎么样? 很好/不坏/糟糕的 (设计意图:预习内容涵盖本节课的重要单词和重点句子,为下一步的学习扫清障碍.采用小组比赛的方式进行预习,把学生学习的氛围提到了一定的高度)。 Step 3 Grammar 一、 语境中感知语法 1. T: Do you

4、know these places? Hows the weather? Ss: Its sunny/raining/cloudy.2. Show some other pictures and talk about them.A: What are you doing in the weather? B: Im cooking.A: Hows it going?B: Great!A: What are they doing?B: They are playing basketball in the park.A: Hows it going? B: Great!A: Whats he doi

5、ng? B: Hes studying at his friends home.A: How is it going?B: Not bad.(设计意图:语言形式融合在语境之中;在语境中引出语言形式,在语境中理解语言形式,在语境中操练语言形式。)二. 呈现语法(Grammar focus)How is the weather?Its raining!/cloudy./sunny.What is he doing? Hes studing at his friends home.What are you doing?I am cooking.What are they doing?They are

6、 playing basketball in the park.Hows it going? Great!/Not bad./Terrible.三. 发现归纳语法规律Ask the students to discuss in groups about the sentences above and try to find the grammar rules. Then ask some students to report their results and the teacher gives a summary. 现在进行时态:1. 定义:表示现在正在进行的动作。2. 构成:am( is,

7、 are) + 动词的现在分词现在进行时的特殊疑问句 现在进行时的特殊疑问句结构为:疑问词 + 一般疑问句? 对特殊疑问句的回答,不能用yes或no,而要根据实际情况来回答。如: (1). What are you doing? 你正在做什么? Im studying English. 我在学英语。 (2). What are they doing? 他们正在干什么? They are reading. 他们在读书。 (3). What is Mike doing? 迈克在做什么? He is watching the football match. 他在看足球比赛。 (采用归纳法学习语言形式

8、;在操练的基础上归纳语言形式,在体验的基础上引导学生归纳,在教师引导下,鼓励学生有声思维。在听说读写中操练语言形式,在师生互动中使用语言形式。)四. 控制性机械练习3a Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb in the box. Then practice the conversation with a partner. be play study talk do make1. A: What are you doing? B: I _ my homework. I always _ my homework in the

9、evening.2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He _ soccer. He _ soccer every Saturday.3. A: _ Julie _ English right now? B: No, she isnt. She _ Chinese.4. A: What are Susan and Jane doing?B: They _ soup. They can _ very good soup.5. A: _ Lisa _ on the phone again? B: Yes. She _ on the phone for three

10、 hours every day!五. 半控制性意义练习。1. When the sun comes out, its_.2. When there are some clouds, its_.3. When its raining, its_.4. When its snowing, its_.5. When the wind is blowing (吹), its _.六开放性交际运用。3b 1. Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Ask students to talk about t

11、he following pictures in groups. One performs as Yuan Yuan and the others as people from five different places.Yuan: How is the weather?S1: Its windy. Yuan: What are they doing?S1: Theyre walking to school. Yuan: How is the weather?S2: Its snowy. Yuan: What are they doing?S2: Theyre making soup. Yua

12、n: How is the weather?S2: Its cool. Yuan: What is he doing?S2: Hes reading a book.Yuan: How is the weather?S2: Its raining. Yuan: What are they doing?S2: Theyre playing soccer.2. Ask the students to fill in the chart below.Hows the weather?What are they doing?3. Write a short passage like this :Hello, everyone. Im Yuan Yuan from CCTV. Im interviewing people in five different places. Its sunny and warm in Beijing, and Li Wei is playing the guitar. .Step 4 Inquiry into knowledge by translation.(翻译探究)1. Hows the weather ? 这是一个用来询问



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