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1、注意:答案的顺序有可能和你的题不一样 注意核对答案与选项西交英语1(新录)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Its?one?thing?to?make?a?promise?,?but?it?is?quite?_?to?carry?it?out.A.other?thingB.the?otherC.othersD.another答案:D2.Because of the mist, none of those who saw the flying objects could tell its _shape.A.steadyB.likelyC.p

2、reciseD.rigid答案:C3.The milk smells _sour.A.as if it isB.like it isC.as if it wasD.like it was答案:A4.Catching sight of her old friend Tom, Lucy _for him to come over and sit in a seat next to her.A.movedB.swayedC.signaledD.twisted答案:C5.A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as

3、 the _of the trip.A.arrivalB.imageC.destinationD.sequence答案:C6.when?we?heard?the?gun?fire,?we?all?stood?still?and?shook?with_.A.fearB.a?fearC.fearsD.the?fear答案:A7.Our?teacher?is?strict?_?us.?He?never?allows?us?to?write?_carelessly.A.with?,?thatB.with?,?such?soC.to,?such?asD.to,?so答案:A8.Is?_?at?its?b

4、est?in?spring?A.natureB.the?natureC.a?natureD.natures答案:A9.The shirt is _in small, medium and large sizes.A.originalB.visibleC.availableD.delicate答案:C10.“If nothing _, all of us will be enjoying the best musical performance in the famous Sidney opera house by this time tomorrow,” the guide told the

5、tourists.A.is visibleB.is availableC.goes wrongD.messes around答案:C11.The kids lay face down on the beach, their backs _to the sun.A.exposingB.exposedC.having exposedD.were exposing答案:B12.They?hope?to_?signs?asking?tourists?not?to?step?on?the?grass.A.put?downB.put?outC.put?upD.put?off答案:C13.Jack was

6、so _the computer game that he didnt notice my arrival.A.absorbed inB.grateful toC.thoughtful ofD.associated with答案:A14.It is _of you to shelter the kids from bad movies that are likely to affect their healthy growth.A.sensibleB.humbleC.tediousD.reasonable答案:A15. Who is that speaking? This is Tom _.A

7、.speaksB.spokeC.speakingD.saying答案:C16. You seem to show interest in cooking. What? _, Im getting tired of it.A.On the contraryB.To the contraryC.On the other handD.To the other hand答案:A17.I?raise?3_?of?cattle.?The?cattle?_?fed?on?grass?and?corn.A.heads,?isB.head?,areC.heads,?areD.head?,is答案:B18.Unc

8、le Sam sent him a _bicycle as present.A.red sports newB.sports new redC.new sports redD.new red sports答案:D19.The?doctor?gave?me?some?medicine,?_?three?times?a?day.A.taken?offB.to?be?takenC.taking?overD.to?take答案:B20.I like climbing mountains _my wife prefers water sports.A.asB.whenC.forD.while答案:D21

9、.The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians _.A.moneyB.payC.expenseD.expense答案:C22.The _ doesnt cover household items.A.intelligenceB.insuranceC.instanceD.insult答案:B23.Can I get you a cup of tea? _A.Thats very kind of you.B.With pleasure.C.You can, pleaseD.Thank y

10、ou for the tea答案:A24.To postpone _the debt will ruin our business reputation.A.payingB.to payC.payD.paid答案:A25.All roads lead _ Rome.A.toB.inC.aboutD.from答案:A26.Looking through the telescope(望远镜),the captain _a whale slowly emerging from the water.A.revealedB.searchedC.scannedD.spotted答案:D27.Some pa

11、rents are just too protective. They want to _their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.A.shelterB.locateC.preventD.release答案:A28.Youve?done?very?well,_?a?few?slight?faults.A.but?forB.thanks?toC.apart?fromD.without答案:C29. My mother is pretty sick. _.A.Good for her.B.Oh, its not true.C.Th

12、ats too bad.D.Why so?答案:C30.When?I?opened?the?book,?I?found?several?pages_?.A.disappearB.goingC.lostD.missing答案:D31.Theres a lot of public _ about dangerous toxins recently found in food.A.concernB.conceptC.conductD.conflict答案:A32.I?can?hardly?_?my?eyes;?the?pet?is?so?lovely.A.believeB.believe?inC.t

13、rustD.trust?in答案:A33.Did you notice the guy_head looked like a big potato?A.whoB.whichC.whoseD.whom答案:C34.Because my TV set _I could not watch the football game broadcast live last night.A.broke upB.broke offC.broke downD.broke out答案:C35.Theres a lot of public _ about dangerous toxins recently found in food.A.concernB.conceptC.conductD.conflict答案:A36.He?will?soon_?his?disappointment?and?be?quite?cheerful?again.A.get?overB.get?out?ofC.get?awayD.get?through答案:A37. _ He teaches physics at a school.A.What does your father want to do?B.Who is your father?C.How is yo


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