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1、Module 8 Unit 1,Do you often play with dolls?,often clean 常常,经常 打扫,清理 always never sometimes 总是 从不 有时 photo film 照片 电影,swim 游泳 dance 跳舞 go to the park 去公园 go to see films 去看电影 walk in the park 在公园里散步 help your mum 帮助你的妈妈,play football 踢足球 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 play the flute 吹笛子 play chess 下象棋 p

2、lay with dolls 玩布娃娃,read stories 读故事 make a cake 做蛋糕 eat fast food 吃快餐 speak English 说英语 sing songs 唱歌 take photos 照相,watch TV 看电视 listen to music 听音乐 row a boat 划船 ride a bike 骑自行车 fly a kite 放风筝 read books 看书,play football,read books,swim,play computer games,watch TV,eat fast food,play with dolls,

3、the room,kli:n 清理 、打扫,clean,often,I often 我经常,Do you often? 你经常吗?,Yes,I do.,Yes,ofcourse .,play table tennis,ride a bike,Do you often? 你经常吗?,No ,I dont.,Not really.,Not very often.,不经常,不很经常,help your mother,play computer games,Do you often? 你经常吗?,Yes,I do.,No ,I dont.,Not really.,Not very often.,Yes

4、,of course .,Prictise,go to see films,take photos,speak English,read stories,swim,play computer games,eat fast food,help your mum,clean your room,Do you often?,Yes,I do./No, I dont .,would love to 愿意,乐意 Id love to speak English.,Id 完整形式:I would,stop停止 过去式stopped,根据课文内容填空 1.Do you want_ see my photos

5、? A to B for C too 2.Look _ this photo. A at B to C on 3.Youre_ with dolls. A play B plays C playing 4._ you often play with_? A Do,doll B Do,dolls C Does,dolls 5.I_ a long time ago. A stoped B stopped C stop 6.Theres a picture book _ this photo. A in B on C at 7.Do you like_ books now? A read B rea

6、ding C reads,A,A,C,B,B,A,B,露一小手:先把短语译成英语,再与图片连线。,1 去看电影 2 看电视 3 说英语,露一小手:先把短语译成英语,再与图片连线。,go to see film watch TV speak English,读故事 帮助你的妈妈 玩电脑游戏,read stories play computer games help your mum,游泳 打扫房间 吃快餐,swim clean your room eat fast food,看图选词编对话,(1) A: Do you often ? B: Not,(2) A: Do you like B: Ye

7、s,(3) A: Do you often B: Not very . Do you ? A:,?,.,.,.,listening to music,go swimming,really,of course,often,fly kites,No, I dont.,?,Unit2 I often go swimming.,Review(复习):,A: Do you like reading books now? B: Yes, of course. I often read stories.,A: Do you often play with dolls? B: Not really.,A: D

8、o you often clean your room? B: Not very often. Do you? A: No, I dont.,Do you often eat,peanut,play with dolls,Do you often?,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,/,I love English. I often read English books.,I like writing stories. I sometimes write stories in English.,I sometimes clean the blackboard for my teac

9、her.,I often eat with a knife and fork.But I like chopsticks.,I always ride my bike to school.I never go by bus.,频度副词,always(100%)usually(80%)often(60%)sometimes(40%) never(0%),Look at the table about me,fill in the blanks with “never、sometimes、often、always”,(1) I read books. (2) I listen to music.

10、(3) I watch TV . (4) I clean room. (5) I swim in the river in winter. (6) I help my mum.,always,often,sometimes,sometimes,never,often,go swimming,A: Do you . ? B:Yes, I always/often/sometimes/No, I never. C: Does S2 always/often/sometime/never ? D: Yes, he/she always/often/sometimes. / No, he/she ne

11、ver.,eat bananas,visit your grandma,climb trees,drink tea,clean the blackboard,go shopping,go to the doctor,send emails,collect stamps,fly a kite,read a book,现在进行时,表示现在正在进行或发生的动作 主语+be( am/ is / are)+ 动词的现在分词 + 其他 例如: Im reading a book. She is running. We are reading a book.,现在进行时的一般疑问句,把be动词提到主语之前 Be动词+主语+动词的现在分词+其他 Are you watching TV? Yes, I am. Is he swimming? Yes, he is.,


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