牛津深圳版英语八下Unit 1《Helping those in need》ppt课件4

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1、第3期,八年级(下)Unit1能力测试题 听力部分 I. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。每小题念两遍。 1. A. Do you want to do some housework here? B. Do you want to do some homework here? C. Do you want to do some voluntary work here?,2. A. We should try to help children in need in our free time. B. We should try to help people in need in o

2、ur free time, C. We should try to help old people in need in our free time.,3. A. The girl often does voluntary work on weekends. B. The boy often does voluntary work on weekends. C. The girl often does voluntary work on weekdays.,4. A. When I help others, I feel unhappy. B. When I help others, I fe

3、el happy. C. When I talk with others, I feel happy.,5. A. I dont know how to help the old woman. B. I dont know how to help the old man. C. I know how to help the old man.,II. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出与你所听到的句子的意思最接近的句子。 6. A. I know the weather in Yunnan today. B. How is the weather today in Yunnan? C. The we

4、ather is fine today in Yunnan.,7. A. It takes me a quarter to go to school. B. It takes me fifty minutes to go to school. C. It takes me half an hour to go to school.,8. A. He started school when he was seven. B. He didnt go to school at the age of seven. C. Hed betters start school at the age of se

5、ven.,9. A. I think the pen belongs to Lucy. B. She doesnt know the pen is Lucys. C. I dont think the pen belongs to Lucy.,10.A. It is not easy for Tom to finish the work. B. It is hard for Tom to work out this question. C. It is easy for Tom to work out this question.,III. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。 11. A.

6、In two weeks. B. For two weeks. C. After school. 12. A. Youre welcome. B. It doesnt matter. C. OK.,13. A. Yes, I have. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, they are. 14. A. Yes, please. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, Id like to.,15. A. Yes, I will. B. Sounds good. C. No, she shouldnt.,IV. 听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答 案。下面你有15秒钟的时间阅读

7、各小题。 16. When was Liu Mei born? A. On August 3rd, 1996. B. On August 13th, 1996. C. On August 13th, 1990.,17. When did Liu Mei win first prize? A. In 2007. B. In 2008. C. In 2009.,18. What is Liu Meis hobby? A. Swimming. B. Singing songs. C. Going hiking.,19. What is Liu Meis telephone number? A. 83

8、21364. B. 8321346. C. 8231346.,20. Why did Liu Mei write this letter? A. Because she wants to go fishing with her friends. B. Because she wants to do some voluntary work. C. Because she wants to buy a good computer.,笔试部分 I. 选择题。 A. 词语释义。 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项 中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 1. Our village is holding

9、 a meeting to raise money for building the new hall. A. create B. hide C. steal D. collect,2. They have permission to build 500 new houses. A. are made B. have conversation. C. have direction D. are allowed,3. We should always help those who are in need. A. in fact B. in trouble C. in addition D. in

10、 public,4. Lets go to help raise her spirits. A. look her up B. take care of her C. cheer her up D. make fun of her,5. All I want is to have some peace with my grandchildren. A. quiet B. war C. noise D. energy,B. 选择填空。 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. - Mom, Peter_ to teach me to play table ten

11、nis. - How lucky you are! He is good at teaching and playing table tennis. A. provided B. offered C. took D. spent,7. - Youd better stop smoking, or youll _various illnesses. - OK, Ill listen to you. A. suffer from B. learn about C. look like D. look out,8. - Why was the manager angry _Tim? - Becaus

12、e he made a _mistake in his work. A. in; serious B. with; seriously C. with; serious D. in; seriously,9. - Can you give me some advice on how to write a nice passage? - Sure. To write a good passage, you must first _ your ideas. A. calculate B. end C. grow D. organize,10. - Why does the 3-year-old b

13、oy like beating (打) other children? - Because he cant _himself well. Using hands is much easier than using his mouth. A. express B. teach C. challenge D. realize,11. Her son died in her arms. She felt so much _that she cried aloud. A pattern B. break C. pain D. sound,12. After they played basketball

14、 together, a close_ grew up between Tim and Jack slowly. A. hobby B. friendship C. footprint D. spaceship,13. - When the teacher told us we won the competition, we all jumped up with_. - Im _about the good news too. A. peace; angry B. peace; happy C. joy; angry D. joy; happy,14. - Ann fell down from

15、 her bike and was badly _ last week. - What a bad_! Is she still in hospital? A. hurt; experience B. laughed; experience C. hurt; culture D. laughed; culture,15. - Where does your grandfather live? - In the countryside. He lives _ in a big house and often feels_. A. alone: alone B. lonely; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely; lonely,16. - _ is your new bike? - I _


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