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1、生涯規劃輔導所需關注的課題與基本知識的掌握,Alvin Leung (梁湘明) Department of Educational Psychology The Chinese University of Hong Kong,資源冊內容 (1/2),單元一:事業輔導與生涯規劃:概論 單元二:事業與生涯規劃:介入方法 單元三:從校園到工作世界:事業發展理論的一些啟示 單元四:聆聽青少年的故事、探索生涯規劃主題:事業輔導面談技巧 單元五:生涯評估面談:一個尋找生涯規劃主題的面談方法/程序,資源冊內容 (2/2),單元六:如何幫助青少年了解事業興趣 單元七:事業興趣的評估方法 單元八:生涯價值觀的探

2、索和評估方法 單元九:個人能力的評估方法 單元十:從實踐中學習生涯規劃,每單元,理論、觀念、技巧 討論、思考問題 活動 參考書籍,Career Planning 生涯規劃 (Leung, 2005),生涯規劃是一個深思熟慮的過程,讓人能整全地規劃一生,包括生命中重要的範疇,如工作、學習、人際關係和閒暇。這過程也要求人在其社會環境中按步驟積極地實施所定的計劃。,“If you are not deliberate in your life planning, your tomorrow will be just like today. But if you plan with deliberat

3、ion, your tomorrow will be different from today.”,生涯規劃的基礎信念 (1),任務、貢獻 - 你要相信每一項職業對社會都有其獨特的貢獻和重要性。,“All work has its unique meaning and contribution.”,生涯規劃的基礎信念 (2),意義、方向 - 你要動員在你內心中那尋求生命意義和方向(夢想)的動力。,“Inside everyone there is a thirst for meaning and purposes. Some of us forget about the thirst beca

4、use we do not believe there is water.”,你的個人發揮,你的使命,經濟需要,沒意義的工作:工作不能達成使命,也不能發揮自己,你的個人發揮,你的使命,經濟需要,缺乏使命感的工作 !,你的個人發揮,你的使命,經濟需要,夢想是,在生涯中達成使命、個人發揮 、和經濟需要,生涯規劃工作者要幫助學員:,嘗試從工作崗位中發揮貢獻和影響 建立職業志向 (職志、召命,a sense of vocation) 願意在生涯的旅程中尋覓生命的方向和意義。,生涯規劃的基礎信念 (3),要整全的規劃生命:你要思想如何能在工作、學習、休閒活動中達致生命意義和目標(包括夢想)。,Life

5、Goals, Dreams, etc,Playing (Leisure),Learning,Working,Leisure,“In a world obsessed with work, leisure is a serious matter. The United Nations declared it a basic human right in 1948.” Carl Honore, In praise of slow, 2004, p. 187,Leisure and Life Meaning,“. what we do with our free time gives texture

6、, shape and meaning to our lives.” Carl Honore, In Praise of Slow, 2004, p. 188,Leisure and Quality of Work,“But you are more likely to sustain the intense effort needed to accomplish first-rate work in one area if you allow yourself some leisure time, some recreation, some time for solitude.” Harry

7、 Lewis, Dean of Harvard Undergraduate School in a Letter to all Harvard Freshman (from In Praise of Slow, Carl Honore, 2004, p.216),生涯的節奏與步伐,忙碌的生涯是有效的生涯嗎?,港人工時全球排第二,(星島) 08月 10日 星期四 01:30PM (2006) 瑞士聯合銀行(UBS)調查全球71個城市的僱員薪酬水平、工時和消費力,發現港人平均每年工作2,231小時,全球排第二,僅次於南韓首爾。其中小學教師和女售貨員的工時更是全球最長,每星期分別工作49和56小時。

8、調查發現,港人的薪酬水平,在全球排40,在亞洲區排第五。,YAHOO, August 2006,Over-Work can become a Disease!,In Japan, there is a word called “karoshi”, which means “death by overwork.” “In 2001, the government (of Japan) reported a record 143 victims of karoshi. Critics put Japans annual death toll from overwork in the thousan

9、ds.” Carl Honore, “In Praise of SLOW”, 2004, p.6.,Work and Our Culture of “Speed”,“The problem is that our love of speed, our obsession with doing more and more in less and less time, has gone too far; it has turned into an addiction, a kind of idolatry.” Carl Honore, “In Praise of SLOW”, 2004, p.4.

10、,“Evolution works on the principle of survival of the fittest, not the fastest.”,The French Experiment (35 hour workweek) Transforming life styles,“. the short workweek has revolutionized peoples lives. Parents spend longer playing with their children, friends see each other more often, and couples

11、have more time for romance.” Carl Honore, In praise of slow, 2004, p. 170,The French Experiment On Productivity,Those “ who warned that the 35-hour workweek would send the French economy into instant meltdown has been proven wrong. The gross domestic product has grown, and unemployment, though still

12、 above EU average, has fallen. Productivity also remains high. Indeed, some evidence suggests that many French workers are more productive now.” Carl Honore, In praise of slow, 2004, p. 171,Work-Life Balance: Work Hours and Productivity,“One of the most important things we learned . Was that people

13、could be just as productive and sometimes even more so when they work fewer hours.” Carl Honore, In praise of slow, 2004, p.177, quoting a study by Marriott Hotel to give managers the OK to leave office at any time after work is done.,Pace and Quality of Learning,“ A growing body of evidence suggest

14、s that children learn better when they learn at a slower pace.” Carl Honore, In praise of slow, 2004, p.219,幫助青少年建立合理的生涯節奏和步代,善用工作、學習、和休閒時間 建立合宜的生活節奏 不被電子科技或其它活動 (e.g., computer games, internet) 約束,生涯規劃的基礎信念 (4),生涯規劃包括探討你的不同生命角色,這些角色之間的關係/相互動力,角色的重要性,和他們與你的生命意義與目的的相關。,工作者,休閒者,兒女,學生,配偶,公民,“Structurin

15、g your different life roles is an important part of career and life planning”,如何在日常生活中充實地活出這些角色,工作者的角色只是生涯的一部分 想一想,在每一個角色中: 你想發揮甚麼特質 (別人曾如的形容你)? 有何貢獻? 有何結果? 青少年在一個角色活得精彩和充實,其積極性是可延續到其它角色的 決定甚麼事情是很重要和不很重要,學習排列生命的次序,Decide on Your Life Priorities,.,Prioritize An important Process,“We must learn to dis

16、tinguish between what is “merely important” and what is “widely important.” A “widely important goal” carries serious consequences. Failure to achieve these goals renders all other achievements inconsequential” The Eighth Habit, Steven Covey, 2004,生涯規劃的基礎信念 (5),生涯規劃不只是看明天,也要看昨天和今天 要有勇氣面對昨天,超越成長障礙,並從以往不同的經驗中找尋“我是誰?” 要積極地生活於今天,擴闊對自己的了解和視野。 清楚了昨天和今天的我,我該如何小心走明天的路?,Past,Present,Future,“If you are looking for clues about tomorrow, the signs are to be found in your past and present.”,個人輔導和事業輔導息


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