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1、寡头和垄断竞争,第10章,1,不完全竞争者的行为,10.1,2,市场势力,Market power signifies (表示) the degree of control that a firm or a small number of firms has over the price and production decisions in an industry. The most common measure of market power is the four-firm concentration ratio.,3,Firm Output Firm 125 Firm 220 Firm

2、 315 Firm 410 Firm 5 8 Firm 6 7 Firm 7 5 Firm 8 5 Firm 9 3 Firm 10 2,=70,4企业集中度,Concentration Ratios: c4 =,4,93%,82%,86%,84%,84%,37%,7%,16%,8%,7%,4%,21%,4 largest companies,Next 4 largest companies,5,集中度测定时要注意的,Conventional concentration measures include only domestic production and exclude imports.

3、 Conventional concentration measures also ignore the growing impact of competition from other industries.,6,不完全竞争的性质,Economists have found that three major factors are present in imperfectly competitive markets: Costs Barriers to competition Strategic interaction (策略互动),7,不完全竞争的结果,Inefficient alloca

4、tion of resources: P MC High levels of R&D spending per dollar of sales.,8,不完全竞争的理论,Three of the most important cases of imperfect competition: Collusive oligopoly (合谋寡头) Monopolistic competition Small-number oligopoly,9,策略互动,Strategic interaction is a term that describes how each firms business str

5、ategy depends on their rivals strategies. As the number of firms in an industry shrink (减少), each firm is more likely to base pricing and output decisions on how other firms are likely to respond.,10,寡头的合作与非合作选择,When there are only a small number of firms in a market, they have a choice between coop

6、erative (合作) and noncooperative (非合作) behavior.,11,合谋,Collusion occurs when one or more firms jointly (共同地) set prices or outputs, divide the market among themselves, or make other business decisions jointly. Such collusion can be either explicit or tacit (公开的或默许的).,12,公开合谋,One example of explicit (

7、清楚的,公开的) collusion would be that of the Gilded Age oligopolists (市场供应垄断者) in the early years of American capitalism. These oligopolists formed trusts or cartels (托拉斯或卡特尔) to set prices.,13,美国的反托拉斯法,谢尔曼法是在1890年通过的,100多年来基本未变。它有两条主要条款: 第1条,任何限制州际或与外国的贸易和商业的合同、托拉斯或其他形式的合并或阴谋,都是非法的。 第2条,任何将实行垄断、或企图实行垄断、

8、或与他人合并或密谋策划以谋求对州际或与外国的贸易和商业的任一部分实行垄断的人,均将被视为犯罪。,14,以后的变化,1974年,对谢尔曼法进行了修正,判违法以重罪而不是轻罪。 现在,公司可被罚款最高达100万美元,个人可被罚款最高达10万美元,且可被判最高达三年的监禁。 另外,在民事诉讼中,企业和个人还可能被处以三倍于因为反托拉斯法而造成的损失的赔偿。,15,反托拉斯法,After the American public rose up (起来,起义) and demanded the passage of tough antitrust laws in 1910, cartels and ex

9、plicit collusion became illegal in the United States .,16,例子:月亮盈亏阴谋,1960年,通用、西屋等若干公司的高层管理者制定了一个固定大型变电、发电等设备价格的阴谋。,17,每个合谋的公司按预先约定的月亮盈亏状况轮流轮流“坐庄”,谁坐庄就轮到谁中标。 轮到中标的公司给出比竞争状况下要高的投标价格,而没轮到中标的公司则投出更高的价格,以保证约定的公司中标。,如何运作,18,最后的结局,后来,阴谋败露,有7名被告坐牢30天,企业罚款200万元。因1900个当事人提出了诉讼,企业为此支付赔偿金4亿美元以上。,19,默许合谋,The broa

10、der problem is with implicit or tacit collusion that arises precisely because explicit collusion is illegal.,Price Leader,20,有效合谋的障碍,First, collusion is illegal. Second, firms may “cheat” on the agreement by cutting their price to selected customers. Third, many companies face intensive competition

11、from foreign firms as well as domestic companies.,21,合谋后的欺骗价值,产量,如果其他人保持价格不变,搞欺骗的企业的好处,价格,如果所有企业价格同时变化,22,1973 和 1974 年间, OPEC的成员联合起来, 因美国支持以色列而对美国实施石油禁运,导致油价达到原来的四倍多。 1970 年代的石油价格冲击后,汽车转向小型化和节油型的,住家也更注重房子的保温的隔热,商业也采用新的技术以大幅减少能源的消耗。总之,各方面都采取了种种措施来减少对石油的需求。,OPEC 欺骗的例子,23,在供给方面,高的油价刺激了发掘新的石油资源勘探,非OPEC

12、成员如挪威、墨西哥等国家进入世界石油市场。,与此同时,24,更严重的问题不是来自石油供求方面的变化,而是OPEC成员内部大范围的欺骗行为,象伊朗、伊拉克、利比亚等国。 甚至不惜爆发战争。,除此之外,25,在扣除物价变化的影响后,1990年代的石油价格实际上低于1970年代初OPEC抬高油价之前的水平。,结果,26,威胁是否可置信,OPEC has no effective enforcement mechanism to police its agreements. It has little effective way to punish any members who do cheat o

13、n the collusive bargain (契约).,27,在钢铁行业重新建立价格纪律 摘自克雷格彼得森:管理经济学(第4版),308-309页,在20世纪60年代前,美国钢铁公司一直是钢铁行业中的定价领袖。可是,1962年,美国钢铁公司宣布的一次涨价引起了许多顾客和政府高级官员,特别是肯尼迪总统的批评,使得它不大愿意再充当价格领袖。结果,这一行业就从支配企业价格领导模式演变到气压表式价格领导模式。,28,新的模式是一家企业首先试探性地宣布价格变动,然后美国钢铁公司通过其反应或者对这种变动予以确认,或者加以拒绝。 1968年,美国钢铁公司发现它的市场份额在缩小。因此,它秘密地对大顾客降价


15、opolistic competition resembles perfect competition in three ways: 1. There many buyers and sellers, 2. Entry and exit are easy, 3. Firms take other firms prices as given.,31,产品差异的需求特点,The difference from perfect competition is product differentiation (产品差异). Product differentiation leads to a downw

16、ard slope in each sellers demand curve.,32,垄断竞争与寡头的比较,There are three key differences between oligopoly and monopolistic competition. 1. A monopolistically competitive industry is relatively unconcentrated. 2. Collusions are impossible. 3. There is no feeling of mutual interdependence among firms.,33,回顾多数竞争与少数竞争差异,1人,少数,多数,无数,垄断,寡头,垄断竞争,完全竞争,盯住对手,关注自己,34,短期和长期的盈利,In the short run, monopolistic competitors may well earn monopoly profits under certa



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