冀教 第二单元 复习课件

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1、Unit Two,common (同义词) ordinary if (同义词) whether thick (反义词) thin long (名词) length,weigh (名词) weight far (比较级) farther further pull (反义词) push,句型部分: 1. 我们班可以连续不停地踢一周足球。 Our class could play soccer for a week without stopping. 如果你出去不穿外套会感冒的。 You will catch a cold if you go out without a coat. 他没向我告别就走

2、了。 He left without telling me. 他没说一句话就离开了屋子。 He left the room without saying a word.,2. 有一天我可能会成为世界上最高的恐龙。 Someday I might be the worlds tallest dinosaur. might 情态动词,表示可能,不确定,谦逊等色彩。 恐怕他可能在森林里迷路了。 Im afraid he might lose his way in the forest. 如果我是个男孩,我爸爸可能会更高兴。 If I were a boy, my father might be mu

3、ch happier.,有人在敲门,可能是谁呢? Someone is knocking at the door, who could it be. (推测) Could I use your phone for a while? (婉转请求) I wish I could fly。 (虚拟),3. 我不知道那样做是否会使你长高。 I dont know if it will make you tall. 我不知道他明天是否来。 I dont know if (whether) he will come tomorrow. 没有人知道他做没做过那件事。 Nobody knows whether

4、 he has done it or not. 我们不知道明天是否下雨,如果下雨我们将呆在家里。 We dont know if it is going to rain tomorrow. If it rains, well stay at home.,他不知道是否再去看望那位老人。 He doesnt know whether to visit that old man again. (动词不定式前用whether 不用 if) 我担心是否伤了他的感情。 I worry about whether I hurt his feelings.(介词后用whether 不用if) 我来看她是否在家

5、。 I come to see whether she is at home or not. (有or或or not 用whether 不用if),4. 普通蓝鲸约有最大的大象的四倍大。 The average blue whale is about four times as big as the biggest elephant. as +原级+as , not as /so +原级+as 她的眼睛不如他妈妈的大。 Her eyes are not as big as her mothers. 他开车和他父亲一样认真。 He drives a car as carefully as his

6、 father.,亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 Asia is four times as large as Europe. Asia is four times bigger than Europe. A+be+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B A+be+倍数+形容词比较级+than+B,5. 你真是太好了,但是我妈妈午饭给我做了面包圈了。 Thats very kind of you, but my mother gave me donuts for lunch. Its very kind of you.=Thats very kind of you That/It is +adj+of+sb.

7、 (to do sth.) 某人做某事真是太 表示描述人物的特征、品德,常用的形容词里good/kind/nice/clever/foolish/ careless/bad等。 Its +adj+for sb. (to do sth.),常用形容词有easy/difficult/hard/good/dangerous等。 对我来说学好英语不容易,但我决不放弃。 Its not easy for me to learn English well, but Ill never give up. it 做主语的句子还有, 两天完成这项工作不容易。 It is not easy to finish t

8、he work in two days. (it为形式主语) 很遗憾你没有读过那本书。 Its a pity that you didnt read the book. 我一个人抬这个盒子很困难。 Its difficult for me to carry this box by myself.,6. 看到你的电子邮件很惊喜。 It was such a nice surprise to see your e-mail. surprise 的用法 (1)be surprised to do sth. 做某事很惊讶。 收到她的来信我很惊讶。 Im surprised to receive her

9、 letter. 我得知人拉火车的事深感意外。 I was surprised to read about the man who pulled the train. read about “在阅读中得知”,(2)be surprised at 对感到惊讶 我们都对输掉比赛的消息感到惊讶。 We are all surprised at the news that our team lost the match. (3)be surprised by 被所惊讶。 那位经理被他在电脑上看见的东西所惊讶。 The manager was surprised by what he saw on th

10、e computer. (4)be surprised +that +句子 我对我们输掉那场比赛很惊讶。 Im surprised that we lost the game.,(5)V+in surprise 他吃惊地问我,“你怎么啦”? He asked me in surprise, “What happened to you?” (6)to ones surprise 使某人惊讶的是 使我惊讶的是,他通过了那次考试。 To my surprise, he has passed the exam.,7. 我们可以找出谁有最长的尾巴。 We could find out who has t

11、he longest tail. look for, find, find out 的区别 look for “寻找” 指找的过程,动作。 我们正在找钢笔。 We are looking for the pen. find“找到,发现”,指找出来发现具体的东西,强调找的结果。 他没有找到他的自行车。 He didnt find his bike.,find out 指通过调查,询问,打听,研究之后“搞清楚,并明白”指找出无形的抽象的东西。 请找出火车什么时候离开。 Please find out when the train leaves. 我哥哥到处找工作,但是他直到现在也没找到。 My b

12、rother looked for a job everywhere, but he hasnt found one till now.,我发现给孩子们提建议的最好办法是先弄明白他们想做什么,然后再建议他们去做。 I have found that the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.,8. 那辆火车肯定超过1000千克。 That train must have weighed more than on thousand

13、 kilos. must have done 表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行肯定的推测。 我去叫简的时候,没有应,她肯定出去了。 When I called Jane, there was no answer, she must have been out. 现在他肯定已经做好了工作。 He must have finished his work by now. 那个男孩一定很累,对吗?(肯定推测),The boy must be very tired, isnt he? 刚才我在街上看见他,他一定不在家里。 I saw him in the street just now. He could

14、nt be at home.,9.我们当中没有人赶上他。 None of us caught up with him. 这些长裙我一件也不喜欢。 I like none of these dresses. none指三者或三者以上都不,而指两者都不要用neither. 谁能回答这个问题? Who can answer the question? 没人能回答,太难了。 No one. Its too difficult.,有多少人要去电影院? How many people will go to the cinema? 没人去,我们得去农场给农民帮忙。 None, we must go to t

15、he farm to help the farmers. ( ) How many students like this song? - of us likes it. It sounds terrible. A. None B. Nobody C. Every one D. All,10.我们可以轮流踢。 We could take turns. 我要和妈妈轮流照顾我的妹妹。 I will take turns with my mother to look after my sister. 我们将轮流照顾受伤的小狗。 We will take turns in looking after t

16、he injured dog. 学生们轮流来这儿。 The students take turns to come here. 轮到某人做某事了。 Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到你爬树了。 Its your turn to climb the tree.,11.它位于88层的金茂大厦上面的35层上。 It is located on the top 35 floors of the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower. 那座漂亮的房子坐落在海边。 That beautiful house is located near the sea. 那所医院坐落路边。 The hospital is located on the road. 上海位于中国东南部。 Shanghai is located in the southeastern of Chian.,旗杆的顶端有个铁球。 There is an iron ball at the top of the flagpole. 把书放在盒子上面。 Please put the boo



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